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About Umpqua

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/28/1964

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  • Location
    North Umpqua, OR
  • Interests
    My wife is my best friend and hunting partner. Being a dad. Archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunting. Chinook salmon, steelhead, and striper fishing.

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  1. Umpqua

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    I didn't draw in 2023, but my wife did draw in 2022 with only 13 points. She spent opening day in the ER with kidney stones. She finally killed a great looking ram on the 23rd day of the season. This thread really blew up...ha ha. One thing I will say, don't believe everything you read on this thread. I've been researching sheep draw tags in all of the western states since the early 1980s. My immediate family has drawn 10 sheep tags as a result, with 7 of those coming in the last 17 years. I can tell you that the draw system in Arizona is the best is the western US. It rewards those that faithfully apply each year and still everyone has a reasonable chance. My son drew Arizona with 4 points in 2008 and my wife drew with 13 points in 2022. As far as nonresidents applying in Arizona, their odds are worse than residents due to two factors. First, there is a nonresident cap, so once the cap is reached, no more nonresidents will draw that year. Second, no sheep tags are specifically allocated for nonresident only. Understanding the draw system is the first hurdle to drawing a tag, because as others have mentioned, if you apply in a way that no tags are available (like a top tier sheep unit in Arizona that requires max points), you've just removed yourself from the draw right out of the gate.
  2. Umpqua

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    I heard some second hand info on the 22S hunter. Apparently he had his eye on a certain ram and wasn't able to get it done with him. It seems the unit really fell off last year.
  3. The worst hunting mistake I ever made was my decision to save a few bucks in my 20's and not buy a hunting license the very first year the bonus point system started. Now, at the young age of 59, I've finally caught up and with 33 points, and last year was solidly in the bonus pass for sheep. The premier desert sheep units are now on my radar. Here's my question. I'm interested in what is going on in 22S. There were two hunters in 22S last year and one killed a 167 6/8 ram. There is not a second ram listed in the harvest report, so it appears that hunter didn't kill. I know a bit about the ram that was taken and they harvested on day 5 and had trouble finding the class rams that unit has been known for. The other hunter must have hunted 10 days, since a total of 15 hunting days are shown on the harvest report. Do any of you now the story of the hunt where a ram wasn't taken? Did they have any good opportunities?
  4. Umpqua

    Which Unit?

    There are for sure some nice bulls off the BO. Here in western Oregon, Weyerhaeuser started charging access to hunt on certain properties. Some guys don't like it because they always got on for free before. I like it. Before if fire season was at all a threat you were locked out. Now with the fee, the gates are open unless fire season is truly a hazard. Also the fee has limited the number of hunters. Also since the land is actively managed with clearcuts and new feed that comes with those clearings and reforestation, the place supports a lot of elk. Public lands around us are now rarely harvested with all the environmentalist hoops the Forest Service has to jump through.
  5. Umpqua

    What would you do with 21 points?

    P.S. If I did a late hunt I would show up 10 days early so I could have some bulls located before the opener.
  6. Umpqua

    What would you do with 21 points?

    I would agree, but since it is the only rut firearm hunt I would definitely draw it made it on my list. About the only way I would do it is if I could carry someone on my points who knew the area VERY VERY well.
  7. Umpqua

    What would you do with 21 points?

    Definitely DIY but investing the time to do it well. On our last AZ elk tag I arrived 9 days early to learn the area a bit. I've been on some awesome guided hunts but I'm at the point in my life that I prefer the satisfaction of DIY and interacting with my wife on hunt decisions more than the opportunity at 20" or 30" more horn. There is an exception, if I draw the AZ Strip (I'm in the max point pool), I would almost certainly have a guide involved.
  8. Umpqua

    What would you do with 21 points?

    Hunting the rut is such a huge piece. Though I think I could possibly kill a bigger bull on two of those late tags, but is 20" of horn worth missing out on a rut hunt! Not too sure about that!
  9. I like to throw these scenarios out as often I get really helpful comments. As a nonresident with 21 elk points what would you do? Realize the following: * 23N or 23S early archery may never happen due to no nonresident bonus tag. * With the newer way nonresident bonus tags are allocated, a quality early rifle tag is still a long wait, probably 10+ years. * I am still a few years out for a 9 early archery tag. Here are my favorite options listed by preference (best to worst). * Unit 10 early archery (I will be in the bonus pass. Perfect moon phase.) * Unit 3A/3C early archery (I would definitely draw. Perfect moon phase.) * Unit 3B early muzzleloader (I would likely be in the bonus pass. Full moon.) * Unit 10 muzzleloader, possibly with a friend riding my points (I spent 17 days on it in 2017. Perfect moon phase.). * Unit 23 late rifle (Full moon or it would move up in my picks). * Unit 5B muzzleloader (Rut hunt. Concerned with the very early dates. Perfect moon phase.) * Unit 22S muzzleloader (possibility for a nice bull, mostly average bulls? Full moon.) * Unit 1 late (points to draw both my wife and I. Full moon.)
  10. Umpqua

    Which Unit?

    The minimal access fee to hunt the Boquillas compared to the quality of elk hunting there, has to be the best private land hunting value in the entire US.
  11. Umpqua

    Max Bonus points

    Here are Eli Grimmett's thoughts (Pronghorn Guide Service) on the best units for 2020 and also prior years (look earlier in the blog). http://www.pronghornguideservice.com/blog
  12. That's a great suggestion. I've heard good things about the first hunt. Best timing for us usually to be in Arizona is around Christmas though.
  13. Unfortunately the point game is a much different world for nonresidents. It's always a balancing act of what we'd like to draw and what we can draw. 14 points puts her in line for some of the hardest to draw late Coues tags.
  14. She will go in with 14.