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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman

    Two Brothers, Two Bucks

    Thanks everyone for the kind replies. It sure was a lot of fun. That was my third coues with bow, and my brother's fifth archery coues in the last six years. Well time for me to get started butchering. Thanks again. Brian
  2. standman

    First Archery Coues

    Congrats on a successful hunt. I don't think there is anything more difficult than spot and stalk hunting coues with a bow. He'll be a trophy to remember for a lifetime. I'm trying to miss the fall draw for the second year in a row, the wait is always worth it. Hope to see some pics. Once again, congradulations. Brian
  3. I thought that everyone might be interested seeing this picture. It is a picture of a coues deer that my dad killed in September 1968. The deer was taken in unit 27 near Hannigan Meadows. The buck has five scoreable points on each side and grosses 114 2/8 and nets 106 4/8. It would have been considered the world record at that time if my dad would have stripped the velvet off, which he would not do. Here is a picture of him now on the wall along with some others taken be me. Thanks, Brian
  4. standman

    Old Time Archery Coues Pic

    300 wsm, my dads name is Barry and he still lives in Lakeside. He was one of the original founding members of white mountain bowhunters and the Arizona Bowhunters Association. If you would like to contact him, his email is: barryid2@hotmail.com
  5. standman

    Old Time Archery Coues Pic

    Ernesto, the knife is a handmade collectors item made by LOF. My dad won it for White Mountain Bowhunter of the Year in 1973. My dad just turned 65 this December, and this past August he took his 63rd deer with a bow. For many years he hunted 4 states a year so they are not all from Arizona. As for the other 2 deer the smallest one was my first with a rifle, the other one was an archery deer from this past January. These two deer are not from 27. They are from a unit south of there.
  6. standman


    The problem I have with hunt 101 is that their maximum size for pictures is smaller than all of my pictures. I can't figure out how to make my pics smaller in size, that's why I choose imagestation. Maybe I'm too computer illiterate, anyway I don't have a problem with imagestation.
  7. standman


    Josh, Sony Imagestation is what I use and it works well for me. Just make sure that when you copy the picture address it ends with .jpg They may end with .jpg.org.jpg just leave off the.org.jpg and the should work. Hope this helps. Brian
  8. standman

    Off subject- Pigs

    Always pigs in the Parker Creek area north of the A+ road.