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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman


    Holy Cow!! That is a beautiful buck. Congrats!!
  2. standman

    Sunday Morning Go To Meeting Buck

    That's funny right there, I don't care who you are Thanks everyone for the kind comments. We appreciate it. We are still in shock over this deer. My brother still is having a hard time believing that he was able to kill a deer this big. Once again thanks. Glad we could share the pics.
  3. standman

    Sunday Morning Go To Meeting Buck

    Ok, here are a few more pics of my brother, Grant's deer. The first two are at the end of the blood trail where he was first found. As for the contest, unfortunately he is not registered .
  4. Seen this at Cabela's. Moultrie Game Spy 4.0 on sale for $69.88. This is the camera I use. Works great with great battery life. Thought I would post a link just in case anyone is interested. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true Brian
  5. standman

    North of the River Muley's

    Here's my dad's '06 and '07 Navajo archery muleys. Both bucks were killed out of the same blind and waterhole.
  6. standman


    Nothing for me However I still get to go on my dad and brothers Oct. unit29 wt and my nephews unit 23 late wt
  7. standman

    contest idea.....

    Here are a few of mine
  8. standman

    Any New Info?

    I'm just wondering if anyone has heard anything new about whether or not salt and bait being outlawed? If so is it in effect for this fall or next year? Just wondering. Haven't heard anything new for a while.
  9. standman

    results are up

    Woo Hoo, I drew the once in a lifetime, with the use of bait or salt only, unit 27 grizzley bear tag.
  10. standman

    Credit Card Hits???????

    Well looks like my streak for the year continues. I'm 0 for 2008 so far Only one application for the year left, Arizona Sheep. Thank goodness it is a sure thing.
  11. standman


    UA still looking for that Rose Bowl nut
  12. standman

    Hunting Predators

    No coyotes, he said that coyotes have been by them but have not attempted to go in. No foxes either but he isn't setting his traps in fox country. High country only. He believes his traps are not quite big enough for coyotes which may be the reason for not catching any. My brother owns a metal fabrication company and we have been tinkering with the idea of building some but like you said people stealing them is a worry.
  13. standman

    Hunting Predators

    AzTrapper, I have a good friend that used to trap with my dad back in the good ole days, that traps with live traps. He caught 13 cats this past year with them. He only uses them for cats. I have been going to try some of them but the good ones are so darn expensive.
  14. Sittling at home, on the computer, waiting for the first great stories to be posted and wishing January 1st would hurry up.
  15. standman

    Junior Hunter's First Turkey

    After a long wait and a lot of preseason scouting, Sam's opening morning finally came. We arrived at our predetermined location at 4:30 am with the toms alreading gobbling. There we six toms in total sounding off. We quietly easing into our calling location and set up the decoys (which it was hard to do when you can't see a thing). After setting up, my brother, Sam and I settled in and let things calm down a little. As daylight approached I started calling. With every yelp and cluck the six toms would gobble. As the calling continued and just before fly out the dreaded sounds of hens were heard. There were hens calling everywhere. I was doing my best to compete with the hens when all the gobblers flew down. Five of them headed up the creek away from us towards the hens, while one stayed on the point where he roosted. As I continued my impression of a love sick hen, the tom started coming our direction. Finally I could see him about 80 yards out, back and to the right of us. My brother trying to keep Sam as calm and still as he could, still couldn't see the bird. As the tom approached he finally was straight to the right of Sam at 40 yards. At that point the gobbler could see the decoys and he puffed up and came running hard right at them. As he passed behind a big tree Sam raised his gun into position. The gobbler ran right up to the jake decoy that was on top of the hen decoy and began to spur and beat it to pieces. Sam being as calm as he could be (I could see his knees shaking from 10 yards behind him) tightened down on his gun, I clucked one time to raise the toms head, and at 20 yards Sam layed the hammer down on him. Immediately Sam was hooting and hollering. What an experience. It was all over by 5:30. Sam did everything right and was rewarded with a great gobbler. This is an experience we will never forget. Here are a couple pics of the proud boy. Oops, put this in the wrong forum. Should of put it in the youth hunters forum. My bad. Brian
  16. standman

    Junior Hunter's First Turkey

    Sam wants me to thank everyone for the kind comments. For only an hour long hunt, this was one of the best experiences we have ever had. Sam really works hard at learning and absorbing any information he can find to help him out in the field. He has turned into quite a hunter, especially when his family is a non hunting family. Thanks again everyone. Brian
  17. standman

    Favorite Trophy's

    Here are five of my archery trophies.
  18. standman

    CouesWhitetail's gone fishing

    We've been hitting San Carlos hard for the past three weeks, 3-4 days a week. Fishing has been awesome. Crappies have been in the shallows for three weeks now. Where we've been hitting them nobody else has been fishing. Most everyone is still in the flotillas. We have been averaging over 100 crappies a day, keeping just the biggest ones for our limits. Bass fishing is also excellent with a lot of 1-2 pound fish with a few 3+ fish.
  19. Here are some pics off my cameras I picked up today. Hope you enjoy them.
  20. standman

    My Spring Hunting Season

    I had a good spring season this year. Thought I would share the pictures. First is my archery javalina that I killed on the second day of my HAM hunt. Here is my spring gobbler that I called in on the second evening of my hunt to 15 yards.
  21. standman

    My Spring Hunting Season

    azpackhorse, The turkey is from unit 1 and the pig unit 23.
  22. standman


    Casey, Check out this thread on another forum. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.p...ght=spray+wraps This is what I use and I will never go back to wraps. It is easy simple and cheap. I use it on on my Gold Tip shafts fletched with Blazers using Bohning Platnium Glue. I can't even peel a vane off with pliers afterwards. It will tear before it comes off. If I wasnt out of town working I would get you a pic of my arrows. Maybe I will post a pic of the arrows when I bag my gobbler with one this weekend . Brian
  23. standman


    3A/3C archery bull for me!!!!
  24. standman

    C/W member says his card got hit

    Mine is no longer pending but actually a posted charge for $114!!!
  25. standman

    C/W member says his card got hit

    My card was also hit for $114!!!! Brian