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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman

    Results are posted!!!

    I got 3c archery bull tag!
  2. standman

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    My draw results just showed on portal!!
  3. I sold all my coyotes last week for $70 each.
  4. standman

    Live Trap- trying to remove a coyote in town.

    Very very difficult to catch a coyote in a live trap. They are too smart/spooky to even get close to it. It can be done but very rare. I caught my first one ever this year while cat trapping. It was a shock to say the least ...
  5. standman

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Comment was not aimed at anyone in particular. Didn’t even read your post before I posted. It’s was aimed at everything that I’ve seen on Facebook, Instagram, and this site over the years whenever a big, exceptional, out of ordinary buck is killed and posted. Hardly ever fails for a post to go south in a hurry. I don’t know anything about the buck, people involved, or the guide. Just a general statement about people and social media now a days.
  6. standman

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Big bucks, social media and the internet..... never fails to produce controversy, jealousy, and name calling.
  7. standman

    First Elk Down!

    I had the privilege of helping my nephew get his first elk this morning. He has a CHAMP and crossbow permit. Walking more than a 100 yards on flat ground was going to be tough, so sitting water was going to be our main focus of hunting. Yesterday, he and his dad found a tank that had a lot of elk coming into that was easy access for him to get into. After sitting last night, no elk were seen but some nice bucks did come in to keep them occupied while sitting. This morning I was able to go, so we decided to go sit the same tank. We got there just before daylight and we could hear some bulls blowing but they were a long ways off. After a little bit a bull started getting closer an closer blowing as he come. Finally we could see him on top of the ridge and he was coming in. He first got to the water facing straight on. He walked out into the tank and screamed right at us. He turned broadside and Mike was just about to shoot when he turned straight away and started drinking. After a minute or so, he started raking his antlers in the mud and little by little he started to turn. He was quartering away and I told Mike to aim right at the last rib and squeeze it off. The shot hit perfect, lodging in the opposite shoulder. The bull took off and I cow called and got him to stop. Not five seconds later he was down at 80 yards. The hunt was so much fun and glad I was able to be apart of it. Everything worked out perfect. Brian
  8. standman

    Weather report

    Wish I was down chasing deer. Brian
  9. standman

    Weather report

  10. standman

    Weather report

    I got 19” of new white stuff here at my house in Lakeside! Brian
  11. standman

    Antelope permits down.

    If you’re ever in the White Mountains I’d be more than happy to take them. Brian
  12. standman

    Antelope permits down.

    Trying to do my part. Got more in the freezer to get put up! Brian
  13. standman

    Any Ice on Sunrise?

    Guy I know went yesterday. There was a little open water on edges. Ice not thick enough to get on. Brian
  14. standman

    Any Ice on Sunrise?

    I know a guy that was supposed to go to sunrise yesterday. I’ll try to get a hold of him and see how it is. Brian
  15. standman

    Interesting Buck Part 2.....

    Back on August 11 I posted an interesting Buck we called “Socks”. We thought it would be interesting to see what he would grow into. This pic was on July 30 Here is “ Socks” yesterday September 15. He grew up in a big way!!!
  16. standman

    Interesting Buck Part 2.....

  17. standman

    Interesting Buck Part 2.....

    I’m glad a hunter got him and not a lion. Mess of lions in there also. Lots of pics of lions. Brian
  18. standman

    Interesting Buck Part 2.....

    That is him! That’s a heck of a buck!!! Congrats man!!! Brian
  19. standman

    Interesting Buck Part 2.....

    I saw it on intstagram. I don’t know the guy so I best not post it. I have a copy. See if I can message it to you. Awesome buck!! I was going to hunt him hard in January, guess I’ll go find another😁 message sent 😁
  20. standman

    Interesting Buck Part 2.....

    Saw a pic today. Socks is dead. Rifle hunter killed him. 😢😢. Guess it’s better to know he’s dead than to continue to hunt for him. Brian
  21. standman

    Foxpro problems

    Only issues I have with them is when I accidentally shoot them with a shotgun 😂😂
  22. standman

    Change in the weather for next week

    Heavy and wet with leaves on the trees still equals lots of broken trees and down power lines. Brian
  23. standman

    anyone want to go fox hunting?

    G & F always told me, might as well shoot them because population will rise and they will disease and die off anyway.
  24. standman

    new draw format sucks

    Are you using an android phone? Read that a lot of people are having issues with the birthday on Android phones. IPhones and laptops seem to work smoothly. Brian
  25. standman

    Couple of bucks

    Heck yeah! Looks like a great time! Brian