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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman

    Amanda's Jeep

    I believe I saw Amanda's jeep with her tent trailer Sunday at Timber Camp. Could be mistaken. I was camped in the campground there. Brian
  2. standman

    Long wait to bowhunt

    I've done it quite a few times and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Brian
  3. standman

    2012 Weight loss thread

    I made a change nearly two years ago. I was at 250 lbs and not happy about it. So I cut out soda and watched what I ate . Began exercising and I lost 75 lbs. Now I feel much better and I don't get tired while hunting anymore. Makes it much more enjoyable. Now I even run in races and building up to run a half marathon in January. This is one of the best changes I have ever made in my life and I encourage anyone who wants to do the same to do it. It is very hard in the beginning but gets much easier as time goes by, then finally it is just normal to eat right and exercise. Never thought I would actually look forward to running every day. Brian
  4. standman

    Robin Hood!

    Today I was doing some broadhead tuning on my bow, since my broadheads and field tips were not hitting the same since I put a new string on my bow, and after some rest adjustments I would say they are now hitting the same spot. First arrow was a broadhead and the second was the field point. 30 yards. Robin hood #17! Brian
  5. standman

    Starflight fob?

    Here is a link to a bunch of different threads on archery talk that discuss the FOBs. http://www.archeryta...archid=14666609 Brian
  6. standman

    Congrats Team USA

    Congrats to Brady Ellison and team USA for taking the silver in archery in the Olympics. Losing by only one on the last arrow. Congrats. Brian
  7. standman

    Toyota Huntin Truck

    Do you happen to know the mileage on it?
  8. standman

    Robin Hood!

    I drew 3a/3c September archery.
  9. standman

    Loyalty points?

    My bonus points are back to normal Brian
  10. standman

    It's Official

    Fantastic Tony! I hope someday to make a thread like this one. Brian
  11. standman

    Results Are Out!

    That's awesome Jason! Should have a lot of fun. Brian
  12. standman

    Results Are Out!

    Nothing for me. My dad drew his third choice 24b in November and my brother drew 27 early mule deer. My nephew drew 23 october coues. Going to get to go on some hunts anyway. Brian
  13. I hope so Brian. Then maybe all this tiresome whining and bitching will end. +1. Then we can move on to my next favorite threads to read after the draws, "AZ draw system sucks and is not fair because I cannot draw a "quality" tag with my three bonus point and so forth. " the soap opera continues. Brian
  14. standman

    Here we go again!

    They give a bonus point They give the bonus point for the 7.50 fee they take out immediately.
  15. standman

    Here we go again!

    If I'm not mistaken they cannot take money out of your card right away without giving you something for your purchase. I believe this is an AZ state law. That is why they are different from other states. I'm sure they would like too as it would make things easier but they can't. Brian
  16. standman

    Happy Birthday TJ!

    Happy birthday!
  17. standman

    Card got hit today!

    I have one deer hit. I'm sure it's for my nephew and not me. Brian
  18. standman

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    3c archery bull in September. Brian
  19. standman

    Fire Restrictions Lifted!!!

    The part I was in today still had extreme fire danger and was bone dry. Very little if any rain there. Brian
  20. 1st 23 dec mule deer 2nd. 23 dec coues So in other words, a bonus point. Brian
  21. Congrats to the winners. http://campaign.r20....8y5WymjeY4hsMHc Brian
  22. standman

    Great Monsoon season so far!

    As a matter of fact, it has absolutely sucked. Brian
  23. standman

    Drawing Results Contest Deer 2012 ****Updated***

    July 30, 2012. 11:00 am Brian
  24. standman

    2012 Goals

    I'm going to try and kill a buck with my recurve this year. Been a dream of mine to kill a coues with a recurve so that is what I'm going to do. Brian
  25. standman

    whats your effective range?

    I'm a trophy hunter with that being said I mean one close to the road is what I call a trophy. TJ Hey TJ, you and I think alike. This is my favorite kind of trophy too. Anyway I practice out to 80 yards because I think it's fun. However, in the last ten years I have rarely shot anything over 25 yards. Seems the older I get, the closer I want to get. That's the fun part too me. 2008 Diamond Rock 62 lb 27.5" draw Truglo sight Brian