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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman

    White Mountain Walleyes

    Yes it is. Brian
  2. standman

    Happy Birthday Standman

    Thank you for the birthday wishes. Not doing much today but tomorrow heading to Lyman Lake to do some bass and walleye fishing. Brian
  3. standman

    31x10.5x15 mud terrian

    I have been searching for the same used tire for the last week for an extra spare. I can't find one either. I'm not looking for the mud terrain though. I'm just looking for a good all terrain tire. Good luck Brian
  4. standman

    Can anyone confirm?

    Here is the latest on the two fires. http://www.wmicentral.com/news/latest_news/rock-creek-fire-grows-to-acres/article_4bd6c9c8-dab9-11e2-a89e-0019bb2963f4.html?TNNoMobile
  5. standman

    Can anyone confirm?

    Yep. Can see the smoke from my house here in Lakeside. Brian
  6. standman

    4x4 S-10 for sale. Sold. Thanks everyone.

    PM sent Brian
  7. standman

    Now the waiting game

    BP for everything but sheep for me. So not fretting about any good results for me. Brian
  8. standman

    Sheep Draw Odds

    This was the best information I've seen on the outlook of the sheep draw. I studied it for hours at work and started deleting units and before you know it I made my pick from what I thought was my best chances of a sheep tag. I actually picked 2 units I never ever thought I would. Thanks Brian. Hey TJ. How many points you got going in? I'm going in with 20. Like you I had to narrow my choices down to some units that gave me my best chance. So when you draw that tag this year let me know I would love to help out, even if its just to be camp cook Brian
  9. standman

    Found GPS in 3C

    I found a GPS in 3C this evening. Looks like it had been there all winter. Replaced the batteries in it and it works good. Let me know if you lost one and what kind it was and ill try to get it back to ya. Brian
  10. standman

    Sheep Draw Odds

    Read this article. It gives good insight on what to expect from the sheep draw. http://www.azdesertsheepguides.com/EBJ77_80-83.pdf Brian
  11. standman

    Found GPS in 3C

    Sorry fellas. It is neither one of those. Brian
  12. standman

    3 personal bests in one trip!

    I agree with this statement lol. Nice job! Brian
  13. standman

    Peg scores on a nice tom

    Way to go peg!!!! Awesome bird!!!!! Brian
  14. standman

    Apache Lake Yellow Bass Video

    It was another great day fishing. Started out slow as the yellows were no where to be found where we caught them last time. So we had to go spend some time searching for them. But we found them. Ended up catching 83 yellows today. It was fun Brian
  15. standman

    Apache Lake Yellow Bass Video

    Here is a short video that I threw together of some yellow bass we caught at Apache Lake the other day. Brian
  16. standman

    Apache Lake Yellow Bass Video

    It was a ton if fun. Headed down again tomorrow. Brian
  17. standman

    What is the latest in spring has anybody called in a gobbler

    Had a good morning in 1. Had two toms talking this morning. Worked one of them and he was hammering. Would answer every call and had him coming on a string. He got to 70 yards when a coyote came running in between us. Scared the heck out of him and he was gone. Coyote sat down out in front of me at 40 yards. I drew my bow settled the pin on him, released and hit a limb. Good morning though. Brian
  18. At the unit 1 junior turkey camp this situation was discussed and the law is being changed so adults and mentors can carry the tags. Brian
  19. Ill by my bonus points using it but I'm not trusting my sheep app with it. Paper and before the correction period for sheep. Brian