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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman

    WTB Zebu Cow Decoy

    Thanks a lot I appreciate the help and info. Brian
  2. standman

    WTB Zebu Cow Decoy

    Yep that is the one. Brian
  3. standman

    Desert Fox

    I took a little break from deer hunting the other evening and decided to make a couple stands. I was able to call and take this big male fox. He showed up a little after the 20 minute mark. Made a 30 yard shot. Brian
  4. standman

    Desert Fox

    Doug, Back at it on Monday. Just waiting on the right one to show up and then he is in a world of hurt. Brian
  5. Globe walmart was selling them this evening. Brian
  6. Been a great calling year so far. Here some of the fur I have put up so far. Still have quite a bit in the freezer to take care of. Brian
  7. standman

    2013 Archery Rocky Mtn Bighorn Sheep Video

    That was just flippin' sweet!!!!! Brian
  8. standman

    Great Calling Winter So Far!!!

    I'm e calling. Brian
  9. standman


    Checked some of the coues scrape lines that I hunt every year yesterday, and bucks are scraping and rubbing hard in these areas. Got some cameras set up and getting ready for January. Brian
  10. standman

    How many points?

    Read this thread. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/40723-sheep-draw-odds/ All the info you seek will be in it. Brian
  11. standman

    2 Degrees!!

    It was 2 degrees this morning but I couldn't stand it and had to go out. COLD, but an awesome morning. Brian
  12. standman

    2 Degrees!!

    The last couple years, if I remember right someone can correct if I'm wrong, they averaged around $30 a piece. Back in my leg hold trapping days before they were outlawed, the highest we ever got was $48. Brian
  13. standman

    2 Degrees!!

    Thanks guys. Should of had four this morning. The first one came in hard all the way to the call at 7 yards. I got too cute with my shooting, instead of just killing him I tried to just clip the top of his head and with the super tight pattern well I killed a rock instead. Then I missed him running. Lol. Not one of my finer moments. Brian
  14. standman


    E caller
  15. standman


    So far this winter predator hunting has been awesome with a lot of success. Unfortunately I had no pics of all the other animals till this afternoon. Finally took a camera with me lol. Anyway, had time for a couple stands this afternoon and was able to take these two foxes with my shotgun. Brian
  16. standman

    .222 Rem Magnum brass

    1uglydude posted first asking about the 22-250. I'll just take 30-30 and 30-06. Brian
  17. standman

    .222 Rem Magnum brass

    I'll take the 30-30, 30-06 and 22-250. I'm in lakeside. Let me know when and where and ill make it happen. Brian
  18. standman

    Where to buy ammo?

    Tractor supply just opened in Show Low. They don't carry any ammo. Brian
  19. I think I have around 700 magnum rifle primers. My question is, does anyone have any experience using magnum primers in standard cartridges (270, 30-06)? Would you have to reduce your load to accommodate? Any help or info on this Would be appreciated. Thanks. Brian
  20. I made one stand this morning before work and it was a fox rodeo. First one came in about a minute, shot him at 10 yards with the shogun. Five minutes later another one comes in and I shoot him at 15 yards. I switch sounds and three minutes later another barrels in and sticks his nose on the caller at 10 yards. Not thinking, I hold tight on his head and shoot, perfect shot but my caller also did a 360 in the air. Lol. Turns out about five bbs hit it knocking the battery cover off. No damage done luckily lol. Just a few scars. Good morning though. Anyone else dumb enough like me to shoot their caller. Brian
  21. standman

    Where My Blue Ridge People?

    The AIA put kibosh on that other video link hope BR defense keeps it up. Brian
  22. standman

    Where My Blue Ridge People?

    hate that you have to pay $10 bucks to watch it online. You don't have to pay. Watch it here on this link: http://www.italk1067.com/ Brian
  23. standman

    Where My Blue Ridge People?

    I won't be going but ill be watching online. Hopefully there is no letdown after last weeks amazing game with Show Low. Brian
  24. standman

    First time calling

    I have before but I haven't in a couple years. They work. Also you really don't have to build a blind. All you really need to do is sit with your back to a tree, rock or bush. Just something to break your outline up and you will be fine. Brian.
  25. standman

    First time calling

    I reload my own shells. I reload a 2 3/4" hull with 1 5/8 oz of #4 copperplated shot. Basically it is your run of the mill turkey load. I like them. Most people use #4 buck shot for predators. I never have but from what I hear people get great results with the #4 buckshot. Sounds like you are headed down the road of becoming addicted to calling. You won't regret it. Brian