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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman


    What he said !!!!
  2. standman

    Snow Storm

  3. Finally getting a little room in the freezer and getting some fur put up. Still got a ways to go to get caught up though lol. Brian
  4. standman

    Finally Fur Put Up

    Here is a link to a good video you have to buy that is a good start. http://www.cagingbobcats.com/index.php?module=store&product_id=1 Brian
  5. standman

    Monday Monster

    Helluva buck !! Brian
  6. standman

    Holiday Hunters

    I'll be predator calling Christmas morning Brian
  7. standman

    Wow III (2014)

    Oops.......guess they were looking ahead to opening presents.
  8. standman

    Finally Fur Put Up

    Yeah I always have leg out. Thought about doing some with the legs in just to see if there was a difference in price. The ringtails were all caught in big rocky canyons up north here. I'll have to get back to you on the trade. The ringtails are half my nephews so I'll contact him to see if it's alright with him. We have caught 8 ringtails up here. Never new they were up here. Never saw one and we never caught one, even back when we were leg hold trapping. Brian
  9. standman

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Awesome news right there! Brian,
  10. standman

    gas is $1.99 at Yorkshire Costco

    And it really ticks me off.!!!!!! Brian
  11. standman

    10 and 1 in Seattle?

    They were behind the eight ball offensively with Stanton, if he is done they are under the eight ball. Defensively they are great but to win in playoffs they have to score touchdowns. With a third string qb they will be one and done. It's to bad all the injuries will hold a pretty good team back. Brian
  12. standman

    Merry Christmas

    Dang TJ that looks great. Too bad I don't get to the valley much to swing by. Merry Christmas ! Brian
  13. standman


  14. standman

    Wildcats Big Day

    I was going to weigh in on this thread, then I remembered, we are talking about two three loss teams lol. Brian
  15. standman

    Wildcats Big Day

    What he said !!!
  16. standman

    22lr ammo in stock at Walmart

    Some at Wal-Mart in Show Low. Brian
  17. standman

    Ferguson, Missouri

  18. standman


    When the ladies are ready
  19. standman

    Second cat of the year

    My double cat day today. Lol. Ringtails #6 and 7. Brian
  20. standman

    Second cat of the year

    He came home with me and he got skinned.
  21. standman

    Second cat of the year

    I caught one that weighed an even 30lbs today. Problem was that it was a raccoon. Lol. Brian
  22. standman

    Spring draw results are up!

    23 HAM hunt. Brian
  23. standman

    Spring Draw Results?

    Lol. No worries here. I've been so busy lately, draw results are the last thing on my mind. If a tag shows up in the mail then I'll be happy. Oh, I believe no turkey tag for me, at least I think it's a pig tag and not turkey. Might be a nice surprise. Brian
  24. standman

    Spring Draw Results?

    They are supposed to do "in house" starting this next elk draw if I remember correctly.