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Everything posted by standman

  1. I don't get to go archery hunting till November, but I'm taking my nephew out in 3C for his first archery bull hunt. Brian
  2. standman


    Yep. Make great trapping bait. Brian
  3. standman

    Game Carts

    http://www.cabelas.com/ensemble/Deer-Classic-After-the-Shot%7C/pc/106907580/Cabelas-Super-Mag-Hauler/4266.uts?destination=/catalog/product.jsp%3FparentCategoryId%3D106907580%26productId%3D742454%26type%3Dproduct This is the one I use with the dual wheel kit. Packed out quite a few elk with it. Worked very well Brian
  4. Ended up with 10 doves this evening up here in the White Moutains. Sure is fun jump shooting them. Not to often we get decent bird hunting up here but so far been good. Brian
  5. Mike would have a heart attack if he saw what my shotgun goes through on a day of predator hunting. Lol. Brian
  6. I did alright this afternoon until the downpour came and I got soaked. I killed 11 high country doves in 22 shots jump shooting birds. That's a pretty good average for me lol. Brian
  7. standman


    This is my last bull I killed in 2012 in 3C. 25 yards on a tank. My others were killed in units 15 NM, another in 3C, three more bulls in unit 1. Two unfilled bull tags in 3C. All archery. Brian
  8. standman

    3 months of watching Coues

    I've been in a blind for 7 days, seen two deer. Lol. When your waiting on one particular buck in an area with few deer days all start looking the same. People say sitting in a blind and killing a deer is easy. LOL! Brian
  9. standman

    How Many points do you have?

    I use a lot of luck up on Turkey lol. It will probably haunt me, and I'll never get a sheep tag. I've only had one goat tag, trying to get an archery goat tag now. Brian
  10. standman

    How Many points do you have?

    Burned up my points for elk and deer this year. So..... 23 sheep 11 antelope 5. Turkey So all together 59 Brian
  11. standman

    2016 Spring Regs

  12. standman

    Dream Buck

    I'm just dissappointed you didn't let him grow another year. 135++ is the only way to go. ;) Awesome buck! Brian
  13. standman

    Face cover?

    Not even in the duck blind?!? I know you shoot some ducks.. Hunted ducks one year about 15 years ago. Never done it since. My dad and my brother grew up doing a lot of it but I never got into it. Brian
  14. standman

    Face cover?

    I don't use anything. Never had a time that I thought I needed it. Brian
  15. standman

    Opening Day Spot N Stalk Antelope

    Great buck and story! Brian
  16. Great buck! Great Coues Buck!!!!! Congrats!! Brian
  17. standman

    What do Coues deer taste like?

    That's how I've always done it and how it grew up eating it. Figured of it ain't broke don't fix it. Brian
  18. standman

    i got caught red handed

    "Trophy Rock" is as natural a salt as it gets. Most of it mined in Redmond Utah. Used to get it at all the feed stores by the pound cheap, as big of blocks as you can handle. Now that it is commercialized as trophy rock you can't find it anymore at feed stores in its natural state. However, some feed stores are carrying it crushed in 50lb bags And compressed 50lb blocks. Same stuff just now for livestock. http://www.redmondnatural.com/products/dura-block-natural-mineral-salt-block/ Brian
  19. standman

    Strip Buck

    I'm willing to take a chance at getting my wrist slapped. Lol. I'll post it. 253" green gross Brian
  20. standman

    This Friday!

    Yeah, I thought about this too. I don't think I can help myself though, hahahaha. Yep, you never know when you'll find that fully grown 153"er. Brian
  21. standman

    This Friday!

    Not sure I'm going at all first weekend. All the bucks I would take need some more growing. We will see though. Might change my mind when the time comes lol. Brian
  22. Im really starting to believe that posting pics anymore is not worth the headache. There are some on here that can't help but find something to complain about. Its no wonder that most of the original long time members stopped or hardly post at all anymore. I like pics and stories as much as anyone but it's just not worth all the arguments any more. Its become old. Its best now to just keep them to your circle of friends and family like it used to be. Brian
  23. That's just amazing. Spectacular buck! So Gino......um......what unit? Bwahahaha Congrats to everyone! Brian
  24. standman

    Still growing

    Here's a pic of two bucks. Pic dated Aug 10. Brian