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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman

    Looking for a cause to get behind?

    Here's one for ya..... https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?recruiter=166897809&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg
  2. standman

    Fort Huachuca Fox

    That's a pretty cool photo with the tank!! Brian
  3. standman

    Cat In Cage

    That's why he's so pissed. Brian
  4. standman

    Snow on Kaibab

    Anyone know if they got any snow up on kaibab from this last storm? Brian
  5. standman

    Snow on Kaibab

    Yeah I kinda figured it was to warm a storm for too much to happen. Brian
  6. standman

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    I'm still not sure you deserve one for hoping the Cubs lose. Brian
  7. standman

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    Two more goulds tags and you will be up to me lol. Good luck on your deer hunt. Brian
  8. standman

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    Awesome!!! Brian
  9. standman


    Maybe next year. Lol Brian
  10. standman


    Great series! Amazing game! Wasn't the best played game by both teams but that made it more exciting. Maddon will definitely make your hair turn gray with the moves he makes. Holy Cow the Cubs Win!!!!! Makes losing my lucky Cubs hat at the bottom of Lake Powell worth it lol. Brian
  11. standman

    October 2016 Coues Buck's

    Awesome!!! Great looking bucks! Brian
  12. standman

    Good Start!

    First stand of the year! Great start to the season. Brian
  13. standman

    Lion tag?

    Awesome! Thanks for the articles. Brian
  14. standman

    Lion tag?

    75% of the lions I have called in came all the way in to the e-caller. A few of them were in Juniper covered hills and came walking in at a slow gate, pausing, and continued all the way in. 1 was 33 yards then it stopped and looked straight at me. At the time I thought it was the biggest bobcat I had ever seen. When it came out from under a shady area I saw it was a lion. The caller was about 10 yards in front of me up an incline thick with juniper bushes. I had chosen a path about 5 yards wide to try and get foxes to walk through or up it. Next thing I knew a lion was standing there looking at me. I raised my .17 Fireball and centered the crosshairs between his eyes and gave him the worst headache he had probably had to date. Another was up on the rim. Thick juniper, calling foxes again, never saw the lion until he stepped out from the underbrush and put his face down to the caller as it played gray fox distress at full volume. Distance was probably 30 feet. It was a few days before lion season opened. He turned around after 5-7 seconds and I never saw him again. Another was down by Tucson and after 30 seconds of calling on the first stand of the morning a female lion came walking in to a bird distress sound. Grass was about 2-2.5 feet tall and all you could see was her head/shoulders as she came in. 12 yards away she took #4 buck to her midsection right behind her front leg. Instantly went down and tail began flipping. Another one in same area came into the call at dusk. Thick cover and I lost her along a pathway at about 75 yards. It was too dark to see well and I chickened out and went back to the truck looking over my shoulder the whole way. Had a few more look at me from a distance 150+ yards and never commit. They loose interest over time and wander off. I've went with Mark Healey a few times just to see how he does his lion calling. Last I heard he was at 27 lions called in. Never called one in with him but I learned a lot. Steve Craig is the best lion caller in the SouthWest. Lives up around Camp Verde. Guided for many years. He is the authority on lion calling amongst the guys who do it regularly. He's a WT fan and swears by those e-callers and sounds. Last count I heard from him was 110 lions called in and an 80% success rate with clients. No dog chasing, straight up calling. He had like 10 spots across AZ he went to. Just those 10. He has stopped guiding but still gives seminars once in a blue moon and has had a few articles written about him. Last article was in Outdoor Life Feb of 2011. I know that because that magazine/issue featured an article about me and bobcat hunting. I should take a picture of the article on Steve Craig in that magazine and post it here. Interesting stuff. I once got him in town and bought him a nice steak dinner just to pick his brain on lion calling while he ate. Best $20 I ever spent. If you ever get a chance to hear him speak, jump on it. It will shave decades off your learning curve with lions. I'd love to read the article and the one with you and bobcat hunting. I've called one lion. Came in behind me. Didn't know he was there. Just got that feeling of something staring at me, slowly turned around and there he was, 10 yards and staring right at me. I was using a hand call. Only had a shotgun back when you couldn't kill one with the shotgun. Spooky feeling. Killed one lion that I glassed up deer hunting. Seen 6 others out and about. Brian
  15. standman

    This is why some people don't deserve to hunt

    Im just trying to figure out how a group of hunters couldn't figure out species, then take a trophy pic, and then write a short story and then hit "post" on social media!! And they still didn't know the species. And they are pissed at Casey. Holy cow. Even if it was an any antlered hunt you should know species, but if she self reported it wouldn't have been. Brian
  16. standman


    Curse you!!! May you never draw a goulds tag!!!!!!! I will say that watching the final outs of that game made skinning a coyote and a fox enjoyable. Brian
  17. standman

    Govt changes minimum age to 18 to hunt

    Yeah it's fake. Its been on several other fake news sites over the past few years. Brian
  18. standman

    Lead Poisoned 5 pack

    Haha. Cool. Oh and nice job on the yotes. Brian
  19. standman

    Lead Poisoned 5 pack

    How is that VMax bullet on fur? Brian
  20. standman

    Irish Luck --UPDATED WITH VIDEO!!!--

    That's a really cool story!! Brian
  21. standman

    problems with G&F website

    I had the same issue on the link I had bookmarked. I deleted that link and then went to the g&f website, bookmarked it again and it worked just fine after that. Brian
  22. standman

    Can ya feel it?

    Fox prices are basically in the dumpster. Good high country coyotes did pretty well last year but I believe they really fell since. A really good bobcat will still bring good money. Average and unprime cats are hard to get rid of. If you are going to sell fur, make sure it's all prime and also look for different markets to sell to. Brian