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Everything posted by standman

  1. standman

    Long overdue hello

    That is really cool that you got to go on all those adventures! Good to see you back. Brian
  2. standman

    Interesting Pair 😄

    Most skunks are pretty calm. Most of the time I can just ease up there and take the door out no problem. Then they will leave come night time. This just puts my trap out of commission for another night which I don't like. Here lately they have been to feisty to even get close too, so a 22 does the trick. Half the time they will spray when you shoot them, this one just barely smelled. Don't mind a little skunk smell anyway. Cats and fox are attracted to it.
  3. standman

    Interesting Pair 😄

    Here's a couple I have caught.
  4. standman

    Interesting Pair 😄

    He was released with a .22
  5. standman

    Cage Traps (updated with new listing)

    Good deal. Brian
  6. standman

    SB 1182 Ban of Lion and Bobcat Hunting

    what page is this on? i can't find it. It's his Facebook page. Search Steve Farley and then look at comments under his post of The Farley Report from Phoenix #262: 1-24-2017
  7. Anyone else seen this. Am I reading this correctly. Bill to ban lion and Bobcat hunting? http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/53leg/1R/bills/SB1182P.htm
  8. standman

    SB 1182 Ban of Lion and Bobcat Hunting

    ^^^^^^ This^^^^^^ This is just a start, shot over the bow to see what reaction and kind off opposition there will be. Adjustments will be made and another attack will come. Eventually I see come to a prop vote and that's when we will become California. Brian
  9. Try a shotgun with #4 buck..... will it get out to 100 yards though Target is a par 4. Brian
  10. standman

    How much REALLY?

    Another 11" at my place in Lakeside last night. Brian
  11. standman

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    They can't get off the field on third down. Brian
  12. standman

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Packers are in trouble. If they can't find a way to get a stop on defense, going to be a long day. Brian
  13. standman

    Rosy Waterdogs?

    ^^^^^^^^^ This
  14. standman

    Bonus pass question

    Use 2016 hunt numbers. https://portal.azgfd.stagingaz.gov/PortalImages/files/hunting/draw/bonusPts/antElk2016/2016%20Pronghorn%20and%20Elk%20-%20Bonus%20Point%20Report%20-%20Bonus%20Pass%20by%20Hunt.pdf https://portal.azgfd.stagingaz.gov/PortalImages/files/hunting/draw/bonusPts/antElk2016/2016%20Pronghorn%20and%20Elk%20-%20Bonus%20Point%20Report%20-%201-2%20Pass%20by%20Hunt.pdf
  15. standman

    How much REALLY?

    Here in Lakeside there is a lot of wind blown snow. Getting an accurate measurement is a little tough but out on the flat in the middle of the driveway it measures between 12-14" and still snowing. Brian
  16. standman

    Big Tom Bobcat In Cage Trap

    Thanks everyone. Big Tub they both have their adrenaline rushes 😛😊. Dispatch them with a catch pole. Cats are lights out in a hurry. Or you can shoot them with a 22 short. Brian
  17. Thought I would share some video and a pic of a beautiful big Tom Bobcat I caught yesterday. Stretched 42 1/2". 😊 Brian
  18. standman

    Rosy Waterdogs?

    The only ones I've ever seen in real life, not a bait shop were in a creek in either 4a or 4b. We used to seine them all the time in dirt tanks. Been times that you could get several thousand out of a tank. With the drought now days, hard to find tanks that do go dry that will hold them over. Brian
  19. standman

    2017 Mexico !!

    Great bucks! Especially the little ole forky 😉😊 Brian
  20. standman

    Need Trap for Coyote

    Getting a coyote to go into a cage is nearly impossible. Leghold would be best bet. Does she live in one of the metro units? If so no trapping at all is allowed. Brian
  21. standman

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Someway somehow I have to think Tony Romo choked again in a playoff game. 😊😄😄 Brian
  22. standman

    Got it done again.

    Awesome video and great buck! Brian
  23. standman

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Best QB in the game! Clutch plays all the way around. Brian