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About standman

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 06/26/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lakeside, Arizona
  • Interests
    Archery, Hunting, Fishing, and Baseball.

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  1. standman

    Shockey’s sheep

    It was Arivaipa
  2. standman

    Bighorn Pics

    Tight curled rams can be hard to judge. I took forever to finally decide to shoot my ram because he was so tight curled and didn’t have the classic “ drop”. But then the mass just overcame everything and ended up being a no brainer.
  3. standman

    Bighorn Pics

    Been almost a year now and I still can’t get over him. Such a beast of a ram
  4. standman

    Bighorn Pics

    Nothing wrong with a big tight curled ram with mass from heck😉😉😁😁
  5. standman

    Taxidermist Recommendation?

    My sheep from last year is almost finished. My taxidermist is here in show low, so that probably won’t help you out for what your looking for. Brian
  6. standman

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    Thanks! The morning I killed him is the first time I laid eyes one him.
  7. standman

    2022 DIY 45C Sheep

    Awesome ram!! I watched your whole YouTube video several times through the summer and fall leading up to my sheep hunt. So cool! Brian
  8. standman

    Freaky Teeth On My Ram

    They never seen it. They had no idea
  9. standman

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    A little tired….yes. 😁 The adrenaline rush and then come down is real. Yeah, there definitely is a little panic , Even though ram is dead on his feet. Jubilation is an understatement. I’ve never been so excited with an animal and experience in all my life. So I had 30 points. I have not had the chance to eat any yet. I’ve never had sheep before so I’m excited to try it.
  10. standman

    Freaky Teeth On My Ram

    Here is another
  11. standman

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    I see what you are seeing. I have a bunch of pics and video of the other ram before I shot and there isn’t anything showing up on those.
  12. Any of you sheep guys ever seen teeth like this?!?!?
  13. standman

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    Unit 43a
  14. standman

    My Epic Sheep Hunt

    Some scouting stuff… 5117E2D3-B4C4-4075-BFDC-A1BC1267351C-1466-000000E79C5F7C8A.mov
  15. standman

    Sheep Hunts 2023; Good Luck!

    Haha. That’s why I put the video in.