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Everything posted by youngbuck

  1. The only time I have ever read a book since Hatchet in the 6th grade and enjoyed it is while I am hunting in a blind. My sister and parents are all bork worms. They usually read at least 1 novel a week and it is not out of the ordinary for one of them to read two or three. The last book I read was Time to Hunt by Stephen Hunter. These Bob Lee Swagger stories is what the movie Shooter was based on. I really enjoyed it
  2. youngbuck

    Slik Tripod

    I have the 714cf and have used the 614cf. The 7 is definately sturdier under 15's but the 6 work it is alot smaller folded up. I'm about 5' 10" and if I was a few inches taller id have to get a set of legs taller than this to use while standing up
  3. youngbuck

    Anyone use a barrel donut/deresonator?

    The sims website. the guy is near the bottom of the page http://www.limbsaver.com/2009/products/fir...s/index.php#two Thanx RR
  4. youngbuck

    Anyone use a barrel donut/deresonator?

    Thats the best explination Ive heard yet but I still wanna know why. Anyone see the pic of the guy on the sims sight shooting the 1000yd unlimited with a whole barrel full of em? Any ways after all the early elk hunt this year, Im gonna put some Retumbo to use and slap on a deresonator.
  5. youngbuck

    Anyone use a barrel donut/deresonator?

    I always kinda thought these were a gimick. How much "deresonating" can a hunk of rubber or navcon do from the time of primer strike untill the bullet leaves the barrel. And how much is that barrel gonna actually move or wiggle. From what I understand this is supposed to take vibration out of the barrel as the bullet is traveling out of it. The transfer of energy to from the barrel to the rubber would need to be EXTREMELY fast. In fact faster than my 3300 fps muzzle velocity. I'm not trying to tell you guys they dont work because they seem to. I would love some one to explain barrel harmonics to me in a nutshell. Maybe I should buy a book and read up on it. For how much they cost you cant really lose. Ill have to get one to play with when i work up a new load and see if it helps.
  6. youngbuck

    San Diego D16 hunt

    check out graylightproductions.com's forum.Alot of those guys are southern cali guys. there was even a post about SD archery hunters
  7. youngbuck

    WTB 17HMR Ammo

    Everything Ive read has said most hmrs are pretty finicky and like to shoot a certain try of ammo. Well i ordered up probably 4 types for mine and they were right only one grouped up worth a dang. Its fine tho cuz i can shoot a dime at 100 yards most times. Mine likes the 17 gr vmax by hornady. Not the remingtons or any 20grners. I have almost full boxes one each of (read three in total) remington 17gr vmax. Winchester 17 gr V-max and Federal 17gr speer TNT. You can have em if you want. Im never gonna use em. If your rig just so happens to like the hornady branded vmax like mine midsouthshooterssupply.com has em (when in stock) for 9.99. Thats a steal. I cant believe they sell it for that. Anyways I'll be driving up through payson this friday at 7pm if you wanna meet me somewhere. PM me if you need to
  8. youngbuck

    Velvet Care????

    Is this the only artificial velvet? I heard there was only one guy who does it right. Looks good to me. Click on "the process" for pics. http://www.velvet-antlers.com/
  9. youngbuck

    Rain this weekend

    I packed my rain gear last night. Its gonna take quite the storm to get me outa that tree.
  10. youngbuck

    Who's packed & ready?

    All I need is groceries and ice. Good luck guys hope to se some pics when I get back.
  11. youngbuck


    Love walking into that store. It must be the most $/sf for merchandise besides a jewelry store. That bag sounds alot like a Butler. I cant say enough good things about the havalon knives. Mine did 2 bears this month with the same blade. Always get 1st class help too!
  12. youngbuck


    One more time
  13. youngbuck


    Im buyin a house so the toys gotta go (besides glasses and guns of course) so the first to go is my 04 YZ250F. Bike runs great usually starts on first kick, even if its sat for a few weeks. It still has its original front tire, and its on its 3rd rear. Its pretty new id say 90%. It is bone stock, no racing, ever. It has a pro-moto billet kickstand. These are the ones that stay up and wont turn the bike into a pogo stick. Im askin 2500 Im also sellin a proto matrix PM7 limited edition color run in oil slick. Thhis is the one with the ultralight frame on it from the factory. The marker has about 1 case of paint through it. It is in perfect contidion, not one nick or scratch on it. The barrel has marks from threading it into the marker. It has the original box, lube, tools, and barrel. I'm askin 350 for the marker. Im also sellin a empire 56cc/4500psi tank for it. It has always had a cover on it and is in perfect condition too. It comes with a neoprene tank cover and an aluminum fill cap. I'm askin 150 for that. If you want th marker and tank we can make a deal.
  14. youngbuck


    canned bush's baked beans, canned whole kernal corn, and canned beenie weenies. All with a pop top lid. They stay good for a long time and taste good. People gimme trash about haulin corn to eat, but most eventually catch on and haul it next time out. It gives me enough sugar and it isn't a candy bar. I also haul chef boy-r-D raviolis and lasagna. They are really good. I usually haul granola bars and oatmeal cream pies too. I eat constantly when i am hunting.
  15. youngbuck

    Kahles Multizero Scope

    I looked into it a few years back before I opted for the TDS. I believe there is 3 or 4 settings, for your zeros, along the vertical axis. More like a bowsight that you have to sight in at yardages than a fixed reticle. It is changable if you decide to change loads or aiming points. I didnt like it because it seemed too complicated, wich means more to break. It would also take alot of shooting to sight in. Im sure Ive shot that much with my TDS to get drop figured pretty accurately though. I'm happy with the TDS but it is prolly going back to swaro for the BR reticle. IMHO if i could do it all over again I'd opt for the turrets. At the time I thought Id screw them up by not resetting the zero. I dont believe they are windage adjustible for multiple setting, just drop. I dont think that would work too well in multiple barrels.
  16. youngbuck

    Rifle Scopes?

    Turrets are tailored to your load or factory loads. You can check out www.kentonindustries.com for info.
  17. youngbuck

    Rifle Scopes?

    Ive looked through shepards before. I never thought they would work very good for me. The body of a coues is alot smaller than the body of elk. But, have never looked at a coues or an elk through a shepard. I wanna range it every time to. Helps me think about winddrift. On a plus note I have seen some big coues taken with a shepard scope used. Cabelas at one time had a reticle to this. Not sure if they still do. I think it was in their Alaskan guide 30mm line.
  18. Well I am just dandy with the old RCBS press for my rifle ammo. My dad want to get something a little faster for lots of handgun stuff. He shoots alot of 45acp 38sp .357 and would shoot more 44mag if it was affordable. I really want a 10mm and this would allow me to shoot it affordably. He has done a ton of research, and talked to guys on his forums. He is about decided on the Hornady lock and load AP over the Dillon. Has anyone used either or both that could share some info on likes and dislikes. One bonus with the Hornandy is 1000 free bullets.
  19. I was glassing for deer in archery deer season and glassed up a really nice bull pushin some cows. My bow was in the truck and i watched the bull for probably 10 minutes. I looked up and there was a bear about 30 yards from me. I wish i woulda had my bow sittin next to me. I was glassin from the road and didnt think I would need it. Neatest thing to watch was maybe a b=moutain lion i walked my buddy into in one of the 36's a few years ago. I got to watch the lion pick its way through the hillside covered in prickly pears. He would leap over big patches easily. Realy cool to watch. I got about 30 minutes of a show.
  20. I've heard about this bull, I was hopin trail cam pics would surface. Monster no matter what the tape says, I love trash and crows feet and devil points. Great lookin bull. I hope to see trophy photos of him
  21. youngbuck

    How much

    He should still grow. I noticed about an inch of growth on most points from begining of august till the end of my biggest regular buck on cams last year
  22. youngbuck

    Pack Frames

    pm sent
  23. youngbuck

    Juniors-only hunts

    I drew a jr elk hunt at 10. Put in for deer as often as I could as a jr, drew it a few times. I also put in for jr javies untill i got a bow worth shooting. I think Jr hunts are great as long as draw odds are good. Kids are less likey to want to go out and bust their butt hunting hard if they like the couch so much. I remember taggin along gettin my but walked in the dirt huntin with my family when I was younger. I could have been happier gettin beat up and worn down. I also agree with Lark about the senior elk tag. My grandpa was fourtunate enough to draw a rifle tag 2 years ago when he was 84, I think. I think that will not only be one of my most memorable hunts, but fondest memories in my years to come. I will never forget that. I wish it was easier for more people to have that expierience. Make it a once in a lifetime draw for hunters over 70 or 75. How many tags would it take a year?
  24. I think the whole problem with this is the airsoft gun. While it is airsoft they do look pretty legit. Its unfortunate that the public is so afraid of guns. In Idaho a few years back we went into a resturaunt after a morning hunt and the guy we were with told me to bring my rifle in. I was thinking heck no the people will think we are crazy. The waitress looked at us, and then turned and finished doing what she was doing, and said "guns in the corner boys" So we set our rifles next to a few already there. I thought that was pretty cool at 14 years old. I wish most people had the same outlook. Its too bad he was charged
  25. youngbuck

    How to stop (or decrease) trail camera theft.

    Id rather use skunk extract or something like that, but I would settle for blue paint. Wait.....maybe mace, yep mace it is! Not only would he be worthless for a while he would have heck tryin to walk out