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Everything posted by youngbuck

  1. youngbuck

    What did Santa bring you?

    I got a cabelas outfitter wool henly thats lined, another pair of insulated wrangler hunting pants and a new camera is on the way
  2. youngbuck

    Question on Bowhunting turkeys

    Ive always thought the hip for aiming. They cant run or fly then. I certainly would go chasin a turkey with an arrow in it. Ive only shot one w/ archery tackle. hip shot at 35 yards or so. didnt go far. I didnt chase that one cuz i had a buddy who was busy missin.
  3. youngbuck

    New Phone

    wilson eletronics is the name of the company. They make a mobile rig to go on your truck. ill have to look into it again now i have a bigger truck
  4. youngbuck

    Sticker ??????

    How did i miss out on the calanders. with some of the photos on here that would be a killer calander.
  5. youngbuck

    New Phone

    some one makes a signal extender. I mean like a real 2 ft antenea (sp) that works for verizon. I was looking into it for a while to put in my truck. I think it was 100 to 150 bucks. Ill see what i can find again. I know of people getting good service all down the colcord road with it. The lg enV's all have big screens (on the inside) im on my 3rd one. in the last 4 or 5 years. I like em, but i text alot and send abunch of pics on it too.
  6. youngbuck

    what goes in front of the camera?

    Ive rarely used water right in front of the camera. like others have said its alot easier to put your camera where the deer are than convincing the deer to come to your camera. Even with all the salts, flavors, tricks, and treats; its best to start where deer already are. Good spots to start is less than a half mile from water. Theres normaly plenty of critters close by. I know it may sound pretty basic but it works. Ive never been skunked on pics w/ sign in the area and pretty close to water. You can try salt, sometimes it takes time, sometimes alot of time. The only thing i know that will turn a no critter spot into a bunch of nice trail cam pics is alot of work, time, and patience. I have a few spots like that. Now I look for more sign over what I think is good lookin country.
  7. youngbuck

    .338 barnes 160 grain bullets

    welcome to the CW.com! Ive never loaded up any 338 rounds. I do have a 338winmag. I would want something a little bit heaver. Ive never considered a 338 to be a flat shooter, but probably would be w/ 160s. I wanted a 250g accubond or a 300g sierra match king. I wanted something with alot of energy along ways off for long shots on elk. Guess im not to much help but welcome anyways.
  8. youngbuck

    stuck case

    got in a hurry to load up some 300RUM tonight and didnt even think to clean my resizing die untill it was too late. the base holder pulled the rim off. I was gonna try and pull the primer pin to puch the case out but it wont come out all the way because the neck sizing ball. i tried puting a screw through the primer hole and pulling it out but its stuck good. Its setting w/ brake free now. Any suggestions?
  9. youngbuck

    stuck case

    well i got it out. I threaded the nut and bushing off the threaded rod for the neck ball. I put a bunch of washers on the rod. then i tightened the nut down on the washers. pulled the neck ball assembly out the top. Then i had to drive the case out. I bent steel rod, brass rod and everything else i tried. I took a #3 phillips extended bit and cut off the phillips end. used that for a punch. took a few real hefty swings w/ a 3.5lb hammer. It came out though. thnx for the ideas guys. i have a case remover in my cart for my next order. Any body havin issues w/ hornady one shot? seems like its gummin up real bad. switched back to the RCBS case lube
  10. youngbuck

    The Rut

    we shot a 90+ that was with does saturday. saw a spike full sneak tailin does. also saw a spike and a forkey fightin off and on for about an hour
  11. youngbuck


    good to hear. i wouldnt have been able to bring it in, i would be scared they would take it . I would have kept it. I have always wanted a desert tortise shell to display. That one looks like it has a ton of color in it. more than the ones i have seen. congrats!
  12. youngbuck


    Ive been thinking about it lately. If anybody cares to PM id appreciate it.
  13. youngbuck


    man just a little guy. great find! anybody know the legality of picking one up. i though i heard somewhere it was a no no. i dont think it would stop me though
  14. I think we need to make an official txt list. I hate it when im out of the loop. I know alot of hunters and plenty of WT guys. I dont like it when a pic slips by me
  15. youngbuck

    youth javelina

    Lemme know if you want help with whatever you draw. Nothin more fun that helpin a kid get into the pigs.
  16. youngbuck

    Who would want to eat a javi?

    Ive tried everybody's wonder recipe that takes javi meat and turns it into somewthing edible. None of it was ever any good. In fact some of the worst "food" ive ever eaten. Than being said i thought id never need to try another bite. One year in archery javi camp we grilled an entire bakstrap with a bunch of seasoning on it. It was killed that day and must got the gland taken care of. This was some of the best pork ive ever had. I am still extemely wary of eating any of it anymore but i do know for a fact that not all the stories are outright lies. I wish they all turned out like the one we cooked in camp.
  17. youngbuck

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    I bought the value pack at bass pro and used em last wknd. They do take about 2 hrs to get going but last for probably 12-15hrs. i started em befor i went to bed and put em in my bed roll. Worked good. all night and all the next morning
  18. youngbuck

    Why do you apply...

    Theres alot of reasons for me I guess. I always go dec 1st choice in a few different units. I like fewer people in the hills and the longer season to find what im lookin for. 2nd choice I look for units I can get drawn fairly regular. I choose different ones all the time, usually where i can find some dcenmt bucks for me and family/friends. Its nice to hunt closer to home but thats not a huge factor cuz i usually end up driving down to the border units atleast once if not twice a year to help guys. Same thing about border issues. Id rather not deal with it or have to worry about it but If i get asked to go on a hunt down south I dont think twice. It didnt used to bother me too much when i first got outa highschool. Id drive down scouting to border units regularly. Now id rather not deal with it.
  19. Im gonna give these a try one day on an elk rack. One day prolly w/ a coues too http://www.masterofskulls.com/
  20. youngbuck

    javelina calls

    +1, well after ur busted. I never call unless i already busted em up. i have called in quite a few yote callin though. any jack distress works well for me. woofin workes too. Ive called them in with a sock, true story. whippin it around sounded like a woof. i was dryin my socks out and they came runnin
  21. youngbuck

    I propose a new scoring system!

    I just helped packed out an elk. I was one of the extra guys in the photo. Im sure everybody in the group woulda liked to have a few more too shot was at 815 back to camp at 230ish makes me wonder how the guys alone can do it. If you can more power to ya.
  22. Well I got lucky and found just 2 birds. I was to busy freezin my butt off and finding elk to shoot at. The birds were in camp in the middle of the day. First bird flushed dead away, and I missed. Dont know how but it happens. 2nd bird got up at about 10ft and flushed hard left. I swung and connected. 1st mearns, and a male.I only have cell phone pics. It was too cold for my normal camera or video camera to work. On a side note memory foam will freeze solid.
  23. youngbuck

    right triangle formula

    Ive seen the ACI before. some one else make one too, cant remember who. I made one w/ a straw and protractor and plumb bob. I lost it some where and never used it.
  24. I have a break on my 300rum from vanhorn. Im shootin 180s and it is a dream to shoot. I never take it out w/ out hearing protection. I use banded ear plugs i wear like a necklace so they are always handy. I have back up disposables in my pack too. My dad shot my gun this year and he had the electronic muffs. He could hear my every whisper while being protected. He heard me better than normal too cuz he turned em way up so we could talk quiet. The best thing to cure flinching is a good trigger. You shouldnt know exactly when its gonna go off. It should break halfway through the thought of " ok it should fire now" For me thats about 2 lbs. some guys like less. some think 2lbs is too light. Once you get it sighted in, there is no need to go and shoot 20 rounds at a time. You will never feel recoil in the field if your shootin at something alive. If your shootin on a bench and are flinching. stop shooting. you will only make your reaction worse.
  25. Well I went scouting fri evening and sat morning for elk in the northern part of the state. Ive never shot a mearns but want to really really bad. I got into my gunsafe to grap a gun to haul along. I thought about the shotgun incase i saw a few mearns....No thats crazy your not gonna find any mearns. I grabbed the 223wssm incase a yote or bob cat showed up. Guess what!! 3 covies of mearns. One of the covies had atleast 2-3 dozen birds. Ive been kickin myself since