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About YoteHunter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/18/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Tan Valley
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, quading

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  1. YoteHunter


    I will take seconds on the gardall
  2. YoteHunter

    fs 230 volt ac arc welder

    Thursday works for me
  3. YoteHunter

    22 lr ammo for sale

    if spar changes his mind i will take the rest plus that welder.
  4. YoteHunter

    Looking for a beater car

    there is a guy at work selling an 89 chevy corsica he is our company mechanic. I think he wants like $700 for it and says it runs perfect. pm me if your interested.
  5. YoteHunter

    fs 230 volt ac arc welder

    if you are going to be in the east valley any time soon i will take it.
  6. YoteHunter

    Used atv advice

    Just get a Honda and you have nothing to worry about.
  7. YoteHunter

    Bushnell Elite 20-60x80 Spotting Scope

    I have that scope and love it but I got it used for under $300
  8. YoteHunter

    22lr ammo in stock at Walmart

    I got there at 11am and it was all gone
  9. YoteHunter

    Best starter kit

    That rcbs kit will do a great job. But I disagree with staying away from LEE. They make great stuff for a good price. I started with this kit and would recommend it to anyone. http://www.amazon.com/Lee-Precision-50th-Anniversary-Reloading/dp/B00162RM3E
  10. YoteHunter

    Zen Ray

    I have a couple pairs over the years I have the I believe ED2 10x now. They are great and way better than any vortex or monarchs I have looked through. I wish they made some 12's and 15's
  11. YoteHunter

    swarovski bino adapter

    I call it "to the top" lol
  12. YoteHunter

    first bobcat

    Thats awesome!! all i ever get is coyotes.
  13. YoteHunter

    Best 10x42s under $500?

    I currently have nikon monarchs, zenray ed3, and vortex Viper hd's and the Zenrays are by far the best to me. I really want to save for some swaro's though.
  14. YoteHunter

    Coues and Cattle.........

    I am experiencing the same problem where I am hunting, and was wondering the same thing. Those cowbells weren't on them last year lol