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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Yoshi

    Little Girl First Time Kaibab Doe

    Great story...Congratulations!!!
  2. Yoshi

    23 youth got it done.

  3. Yoshi

    Back to U10!

    Great Buck's Congratulations!!
  4. Yoshi

    Bear hunt success

    Congratulations Super awesome !!!!
  5. Yoshi

    Part 2-Another Jr tag filled

  6. Yoshi

    30A First Bear

    Awesome ...Congratulations!!!
  7. Yoshi

    Sydney's Buck

    Super Cool...Congratulations!!!
  8. Yoshi

    My boys got it done!!

  9. Yoshi

    Youth Javelina 2017 is in the Books

    Totally Awesome !!!!
  10. Yoshi

    Daughter's First Elk

    Congratulations!! Great Job!!
  11. Yoshi

    Unit 27 stud bull!

    Great Bull!!!.... Congratulations!!
  12. Yoshi

    First Archery OTC Desert Mule deer

    Congratulation awesome !!!and thanks for sharing...
  13. Yoshi


  14. Yoshi

    Colorado buck back

    Super Nice Congratulations!!
  15. My son just got in the mail today the two youth pheasant tags for 40B... would appreciate any input, advise or feedback.... specially because we don't have working dogs but we do have some friends that have fields Thanks again
  16. Thanks Adam!!! Will give you a call
  17. Well they get only two birds (any bird) and its from Sep 8 to Sep 14
  18. Yoshi

    And so it begins.

    Got Hit $45!!!...1 and 2 are MD but 3rd is WT....
  19. Yoshi

    Rio Grande Finished

    Super Cool!!!....Congrats
  20. Yoshi

    Hunters Ed Classes

    located in Tempe and we had ours last year in January, in San Tan Valley...but my opinion if you can do the classroom It’s better for the kids...
  21. Yoshi

    First time bear hunter

    Unit 23 specially north side
  22. Yoshi

    870 youth

    We have a 870 express youth model (20 GA with a 21’ barrel ) that I have already put a recoil pad, swivels, and is an excellent Turkey short gun (until his 16-18 because of recoil 3”), and reasonable home defense option to keep(short gun) My son is 12 and already 5.35 and 150 lb. and can shoot my automatic full-size berretta (with bird shots) Getting the full-size barrel for the 870 range from $200 to $275 (plus shipping 26’ to 28’) Full size replacement stocks range from $65 to $110 (plus shipping) So having the complete option to go back and forward would be an average $300 (for a field $350 gun) that he also uses it for Dove, Quail and practicing for fun on Sporting clays in the range What would be the forum recommendations do 1) Buy just the barrel (26’ 28 barrel) and later go to a 12GA 2) Buy the barrel and the stock 3) Get another20GA auto (like model 11-87) use the same turkey choke 4) Or leave the gun as is and later get a 12 GA (Auto) Would appreciate the feedback
  23. Yoshi

    870 youth

    I also heard the same thing that as long as you have a good Choke...you're good to rock