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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Yoshi

    Piggy Success

    Weekend success for the 2015 rifle season with my 243 win. (95gr Federal Fusion) and think a good shot for about 150 yards offhand Hope you enjoy the pics
  2. Yoshi

    Piggy Success

    yes thats the same rifle y a nikon Buckmaster scope
  3. Yoshi

    Piggy Success

    Yes it was shot between the eyes And the top of the skull was destroyed (and the animal left eye popped out) so I pushed it back for the pictures....that could explain swell
  4. Yoshi

    Piggy Success

    Here are some more pictures
  5. Yoshi

    Piggly Wiggly

    Here are some pictures of some piglets ... enjoy
  6. Yoshi

    family day

  7. Yoshi

    Windy Day in 19A

    Great Pig!!!
  8. Yoshi

    My first Javelina! 37A

    Toad !!!!
  9. Yoshi

    Unit 22 success

  10. Yoshi

    Spotting Scopes

    I was thinking (for my 2015 project list ) Binoculars with tripod Vortex Viper 15x 50 HD hopes it helps...
  11. Yoshi

    21 points for Antelope, which unit

    10 or 9.... 2cents
  12. Yoshi

    Results are up

    Here e go Unit 22!!!!
  13. Yoshi


    My First and second choice was 23 and the Third and Forth was 22 And my fifth was 12A (May 1 to May 21) and that is what I got drawn for (was under the impression that 3,4,5 was only symbolic) and no body ever got drawn Well Kaibab here we go again!!!....(if we could make that happen for the Mule Deer...LOL)
  14. Yoshi

    Any credit card hits?

    Yes Turkey!! 23 here we go!!!
  15. Yoshi

    CC Being Hit Now!

    Looks like Pig and Gobbler!!!
  16. Yoshi

    favorite time of year

    Yesss!!! 22 or 23
  17. Just wondering if we had some success in second batch of the rifle season on north portion of units 24A if so share pics.... P.S ....personally only spotted does and fawns around timber camp Regards
  18. Yoshi

    Good Turkey Round

    My personal recommendation (2 cents) 12GA 3" No#4 Winchester Long beard
  19. Yoshi

    Guide Needed 24A

    Have the same tag, will start scouting the following weeks
  20. Yoshi

    How do you hunt the Kaibab?

    Look for Dwaine Adams book about hunting Mule Deer in the Kaibab (have found it in wide world of map stores) Good Luck!!
  21. Do any of you actually know a broker familiar (that coordinates also FFL process), with the process of importation, customs requirements, etc... that could help me import 3 guns( 2 collection antics and 1 sporting rifle) from Nogales Mexico to Nogales Az. (No airport process required only vehicular ground) Appreciate your help Regards
  22. Yoshi

    Hunting Mexico Questions

    Could you or anybody recommend a broker that manage that type of service???
  23. Yoshi

    cards are being hit

    Yoshi, what unit for turkey did you put in for? I just bought the bonus point for turkey, still waiting for the spring Gould's tag. Did the 12aw and 6a
  24. Yoshi

    cards are being hit

    Well.... It looks like the Turkey tag hit....Ram was sure that it would not hit......... but nothing for the M. Deer one
  25. Thanks for sharing!!! you're doing everything right and you will have great success!