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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Yoshi

    First Gobbler

    Great Job!!!...Congratulations!!
  2. Yoshi

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Well Mule Deer here we go!!!!...lol
  3. Yoshi

    Too early to start scouting??

    What do you think?
  4. Yoshi

    Youth turkey help

    I had the same question look at the below link and go to the youth camps www.nwtfarizona.org PM if you have questions
  5. Yoshi

    Unit 23

    Does any body have an idea of how many point do you need for Bull Rifle hunt? Early Rifle hunt And late Rifle Hunt Have 4 BP and + Hunter Ed point and Arizona resident Thanks for the info!!
  6. Yoshi

    Unit 23

    Thanks!! Do you know how many point for the Cow youth hunt in unit 23?
  7. Yoshi

    My Wife's 2017 Archery Muley

    Great Buck!!!.... Congratulations!
  8. Just an idea High Desert Hunt Club. Org They did the youth camp and was great!!!
  9. Yoshi

    Sydnie's Mule Deer

    Congratulation and super cool
  10. Yoshi

    Unit 23 Youth Camp

    I know that is early but does any body know or has any idea on the youth camp ? Will appreciate your guidance
  11. Yoshi

    Unit 23 Youth Camp

    Thanks Steve!!!
  12. Yoshi

    Cards getting hit

    I got hit for $25 and $10....youth?
  13. Yoshi

    Card Got Hit

    No CC charge for me or my son... so it looks like we got a Bonus point ...
  14. Yoshi

    None Vocal Unit 23

    Was it me or has 23 been slow for everybody? have been up there for the 2 weekends (because of work of Course) and they were not to much gobbling going on or did not hear many shoots.. And will not be able to be up there on the last weekend so well have to call it quits....until the next tag
  15. Yoshi

    None Vocal Unit 23

    I was there on the weekend of 04/22 and 5/6 and nothing
  16. Yoshi

    Kansas Turkey hunt

    Congratulation Ammon!!!
  17. Yoshi

    Shooting Hours

    What are the legal shooting hours for the early April hunt?
  18. Yoshi

    Card Hit

    I also talk to somebody of the AZGF and if they can do it next week it would be early April ... have to wait ....
  19. Yoshi

    Online draw is up

    Is any body having problems...its telling me that the SSN (format is not correct) Anybody had the same problem
  20. Yoshi

    New Regs are posted

    No news on when the online portal will be open???
  21. Team Need your help I want to take my son to do some Mourning dove and or Eurasia, before the season ends and don't want to take any sweet spot but would appreciate any help as to any area near Tempe (driving distance)... Thanks again
  22. Yoshi

    Unit 23!

    Beretta A300 Outlander (black) Winchester 3 inch long beard Box and would do (little cedar creek ) and some classes Good luck
  23. Yoshi

    Spring draw mess up solution

    I also had the same issue with turkey one
  24. Yoshi

    Spring results

    Same here...I also got put in to the spread sheet (turkey, Bear, and Javy) if by Friday nothing happens will give them a call again...