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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Yoshi

    870 youth

    I know the feeling!! I also don't want to sell the gun... I can keep it for his kids and or use it for home defense with Turkey shots
  2. Yoshi

    Elevation Questions

    Get Duwane Adams book.....Hunting Monster Mule Deer in Arizona's Kaibab region....general Kaiba info .....good to have
  3. Yoshi

    Mexico Goulds

    Sweet Bird!!..... Congratulations!!
  4. Yoshi

    Royal & Single Season Slams Completed!

    CH Congratulations to you and your Daughter for your success!!!.... Awesome video and pics !!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  5. Yoshi

    1st and 2nd season turkey hunters

    Not talking anymore.... in fact warm today.....and not too many signs in 23 Any other observations for 23???
  6. Yoshi

    2015 Mexico coues finally on the wall

    Sweet Buck!!! Congratulations!
  7. Congratulations to your Daughter!!
  8. Yoshi

    Old Man Got His Goulds

    Congratulations for the two of you !!!!
  9. Yoshi

    Turkey Audio

    Thanks IA Born!!
  10. Yoshi

    Turkey Audio

    Do any of you know any good Turkey audio (CD, links to download, even video combos with audio etc..) different sounds that they make so can practice.... like when your driving etc...so you can polish on your calling Will appreciate any help!
  11. Yoshi

    My 35 A hunt

    Congratulation!!!...Great pics!
  12. Yoshi

    Monday Check in

    if you're gym is an LA Fitness use the pool ...swimming
  13. Thanks for sharing!!!!
  14. Yoshi

    Tessa's Turkey

    Congratulation Great Bird!!!
  15. Yoshi

    North Rim Turkeys

    Lot of Birds up there in 12AW...
  16. Yoshi

    TX Rios

    Nice Birds...Congratulations!!!
  17. Yoshi

    Finally tagged out

    Great story!...congratualtions
  18. Yoshi

    1st and 2nd season turkey hunters

    Same here got sick (bad col ) but did went out on Saturday, but did not had any luck ....hunter camps near the spots that we scouted felt like crap yesterday ...lol
  19. Yoshi

    Elk Camp- 6A Youth Hunt?

    Try... if you have not https://www.arizonaelksociety.org/ All Great people, we did a Youth Turkey camp in 23 that was sponsor by them and NMTF....Awesome
  20. Yoshi

    Girl Power- Javelina Style

    Super Job!...Congratulations!!
  21. Yoshi

    Hunts For Heroes 4A Turkey Hunt

    Congratulation!!!... And Thanks For Your Service!!!
  22. Yoshi

    Unit 9 Turkey

    Good Job!!!
  23. Yoshi

    1st and 2nd season turkey hunters

    Heading up north today (23) after my son gets out of school...looking forward to the wind...lol
  24. Yoshi

    20Ga for turkey?

    Just put a limb saver recoil pad and you should be good..