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Big or Bust

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Everything posted by Big or Bust

  1. Big or Bust

    christensen arms 7mag optics?

  2. Big or Bust


    I've glassed up 7 this year this far and have another 20 on cameras. Southern AZ overrun. Water related for sure but on wet years it's almost as bad...
  3. Big or Bust

    Swavely kids 2020

    John is THE man...
  4. Big or Bust

    Need Glassers in unit 22 tonight & tomorrow morning

    Great job guys!
  5. Big or Bust

    Need Glassers in unit 22 tonight & tomorrow morning

    While trying to get a deer for someone else...
  6. Big or Bust

    Need Glassers in unit 22 tonight & tomorrow morning

    Classic thread on why good folks don't post on here or elsewhere much anymore. The guy who has likely helped more folks on this entire forum is getting flamed for asking for help by folks with nothing better to do.
  7. Big or Bust

    Need Glassers in unit 22 tonight & tomorrow morning

    Wish I could help bro. Same buck?
  8. Big or Bust

    Bull shot... what happened??

    Mule deer we taking now? Not elk.. Was gonna say that's an interesting elk location ...grin ..
  9. Big or Bust

    Backcountry coffee

    I thought we were talking backpack hunting coffee not best coffee at camp where you ain't carrying it on your back. If that's the case, I'll bring my coffee maker on an inverter or power station and have gallons of it...grin ..
  10. Big or Bust

    Backcountry coffee

    Haven't tried either of those. I'll do it now.
  11. Big or Bust

    Backcountry coffee

    Best instant coffee that I've tried and I've tried pretty much them all is Cafe Bustelo. https://www.google.com/search?q=Cafe+Bustelo+Instant+Coffee+Cafe+con+Leche&safe=active&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLVT9c3NEw3MMvIyi7JecRowS3w8sc9YSn9SWtOXmPU5OIKzsgvd80rySypFJLmYoOyBKX4uVB18vxiFAjILyjNSSxSKCjKTylNLim-xMLhpjhhsyHHq7MdrEyLWLWcE9NSFZxKi0tSc_IVPPOKSxLzShSc89PSUlMVwHLJ-XkKPqnJGakHWLsXPLk5e_Ocl5sYD7BeuX322qU7t0_aHWD9vnTt3qNLdr41P8C6Z_XM43-O7trYBVTROLvlxrNTx2dGH2C9-P_o5i27bx8XOsD6YvOuHcsvLNifeIB1_-P2v3ta3_fuBSq-c-bD6VNzN68KOsC689e6fxe275qVdotNkkFrahVXava3z_ukbjf6ev3IO7DaVnR3rEMOABw4voYnAQAA&prmd=sinv&sxsrf=ALeKk00tgCERJvHCK8IYByujPQWreESeVg:1600187088282&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiChOK3yevrAhUUsp4KHQnpAUAQ_AUoAnoECBgQAg&biw=360&bih=512&dpr=4
  12. Big or Bust

    New pack recommendation?

    On average, lifetime warranty products are even lower quality than their price point as their lifetime warranty is factored into the cost. And you'll be using the warranty. It's great marketing however. Warranties are great until your crap keeps breaking when you're in the field. It can be a hunt deal breaker...
  13. Big or Bust

    New pack recommendation?

    Amen .
  14. Big or Bust

    New pack recommendation?

    For my back and fit, I'd put Kifaru, Stone Glacier, and Mystery Ranch above Kuiu for packs. Kuiu's zippers are weakish as well and their fabric is more prone to rip and tear. All of this is of course in my personal experience and I love Kuiu....
  15. Big or Bust

    New pack recommendation?

    Amen. I'll be 9 days living here out of a Reckoning in a few weeks. Three shooters found this past weekend.
  16. Big or Bust

    New pack recommendation?

    My setup too. I prefer the gun bearer on the front but the Reckoning is a kick-butt bag for sure. Kifaru gives you multiple options.
  17. Big or Bust

    New pack recommendation?

    I have the Reckoning bag with the built in meat shelf and run the gun bearer and a couple of guide lids and smaller accessory bags. Lots of cool features and it's my do-all pack. If I have a pack on my back this one is it. It serves as my "daypack" or it can be used as an expedition pack as I'll be living out of it in a few weeks for 9 days. I've never understood the concept of a daypack. I want all my stuff plus space if needed for cape, meat, etc. on my way back.
  18. Big or Bust

    New pack recommendation?

    Yes - Kifaru for the win.... Casey, I can stop by one day and you can take a peak if you wish.
  19. Big or Bust

    Antler Growth

    I would agree with something similar...
  20. Big or Bust

    Antler Growth

    Coues seem to take drought on average better than any ungulate I've seen. I've got good bucks on camera and I'm in a spot that has had 0.74" of rain since March. But, ponds were full entering spring....
  21. Big or Bust

    Antler Growth

    Laffin. Ok. Minimal relative to other species but that's just flat not accurate....
  22. Big or Bust

    Fires every where..

    Those are contributing factors but forest management across the west is the true culprit.
  23. Big or Bust

    Utah high country buck

    Great job....doesn't look like the same range I'll be hunting in at those same heights in a few weeks. Great job. Cool buck. Congrats.
  24. Big or Bust

    MEOPTA vs SWARO???

    I do spend a lot of days a year in the woods but they went from tripod to padded case to pack. No falls, horses, etc. heck if I know....
  25. Big or Bust

    MEOPTA vs SWARO???

    Meopta. Swaros are fragile and I got tired of sending back 15's that were internally fogging resulting in me having to pay to fix the same issue 3 times in 5 years. Meopta are super bins. Don't miss Swaro at all quite frankly.