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Big or Bust

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About Big or Bust

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 03/03/1981

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  • Gender
  • Location
    southern Arizona
  • Interests
    Public Land DIY Trophy Hunting

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  1. Big or Bust

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    Sarcasm, copy that....
  2. Big or Bust

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    Curious which state is your top and for what reason if you care to share. I've got my eyes open always as well but we all have different priorities.
  3. Big or Bust

    Off-Range Oryx success in New Mexico

    Great job all around and great field photo. One day I'll draw that tag, maybe...
  4. Big or Bust

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Pork loin over mesquite, mango salsa....
  5. Big or Bust

    23N Early Archery Bull 2025

  6. Big or Bust

    23N Early Archery Bull 2025

    The 23's are special for sure, especially during the rut. Both rut hunts I've been on in there in the past few years it seems the bulls under 340" just hide when the dinosaurs come out to rut. Take as much time as you can to hunt and shoot a big boy. The bull to cow ratio makes for epic rut hunts with monsters possible. I had the early rifle hunt a few years back in 23S, an extremely lucky draw and hunted the border of North and South. I passed 370's multiple times opening day. It's a special hunt, I'd argue one of the top 3 rut hunts for giants in the country.... Good luck and post up your results here.....
  7. Big or Bust

    Seekins Havak Element 6.5 PRC

    I have the exact same rifle. As good as it gets in a hunting rifle IMO. Free bump....
  8. Big or Bust

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Old school Arroz con Pollo from scratch. Epic...
  9. Big or Bust

    FS - Nightforce SHV 4.5-14x50, mils, FFP

    Reduced to $1,000....
  10. Big or Bust

    What's for dinner tonight?

    That marinade recipe looks good...
  11. Big or Bust

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Ribeye, blazing fire and mesquite, and cucumber salad....
  12. Big or Bust

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Salmon, poblano rice, sautéed beans...
  13. Big or Bust

    Successful HAM hunt

    I hear you. I agree. I guess I wasn't that clear. I have no problem calling someone in either and have before but I will make sure that the person actually is breaking the law and not waste everyone's time. Especially if I call AZGFD due to a photo seen on the internet and I am wrong about the legality of said photo....
  14. Big or Bust

    Successful HAM hunt

    Congrats buddy... And this is why no one posts pics anymore folks, because people double down on their stupidity with ignorance. Chickenshits is what they are....
  15. Big or Bust

    What's for dinner tonight?

    No meat. It's a 2 hour recipe but it's worth it. You make basically a green chile roux...lol