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Everything posted by couesbuck22

  1. I just went back to aluminums..seems like my groups tightened up quite a bit
  2. couesbuck22

    load info?

    Bolt action Howa 1500
  3. couesbuck22

    load info?

    My previous load for my .223 was 26.5 grains of H335 with a 40 grain V-max and it killed em but I had to do some tracking on almost every one, I started out with 52 grain noslers and that just blew a hole right through em which I don't want because I tan the hides, trying to get a load that kills em in their tracks but wont blow a hole out the back side.
  4. I killed my bull last year with a hornady 180 grain spbt acculock I put three in him at 60 yards and they didn't come out put all of his vitals we're liquified, lungs in golf ball sized pieces heart blown in half as well as his liver, hardly any meat loss. Using that load again this year
  5. couesbuck22

    load info?

    Yea they're more of a flat nose im working on my bench right now then I can start reloading and figure out what load my rifle likes the best groupwise thanks for the input
  6. couesbuck22

    load info?

    223 sorry should have put that in the original post
  7. couesbuck22

    4 down

    I'm willing to say he's a better shot than me, we had some prairie dogs move in on the ranch and he was knocking em over left and right at 75-140 yards with the 223 he won on a super bowl bet, stuck to his guns, literally!
  8. couesbuck22

    4 down

    Went out with the nephew we called in 7 dogs killed 4 in 9 stands he killed his first dog ever at 20 yards and his second dog at 150ish trotting away. Not all killed in same day 3 stands a day the last couple days..I killed one at 50 running after I stood up and got the call off the burm of a tank looked up and there's a dog at the base of burm 10 yards in front of me layed down on the bipod and let the lead fly got lucky and rolled him weighed it at the house 36 pounder.. killed the other one on the run too had a pair come in behind us on a dead run they ran to the call slowed a little bit literally stepped over the call and kicked it into high gear I shot one and rolled it then we didn't know where the other one went so I changed pitches on the hand call and started scanning again and saw a dog at 200 yards leaving then it disappeared. Then its there again and I realize it's the one I had just rolled at 20 yards but with all the high fives and fist pumps it had got back up so I told my nephew get steady and squeeze and he dumped it for good.
  9. couesbuck22

    Couple questions

    I'll have to look and see what model it is next time I'm down at my moms place didnt want to take a safe full of rifles to college
  10. I have a 30. Remington that was passed down to me from my grandfather and can't find any dies to reload I have the brass that he gave me with it and about 30 loaded shells anyone know where or how I could get the dies? Also I reloaded some 180gr. Spbt's for my elk hunt this previous year I was shooting a 300 win mag shot my bull in the vitals 3 times at 65 yards and found all 3 bullets inside while gutting him and not one even made it to the ribs on the opposite side I'd rather have them coming out he barely bled out the entry holes even though his lungs were almost gone..any ideas? Lastly I reloaded 250 40gr. V-max for my 223 they're flying at 3681 fps and about the only thing I like so far is that they dont come out and I don't have to sew em up once they're skinned and fleshed but that load has shot 9 coyotes between me and my nephew and only one has dropped I hit her in the neck facing me at 180 yards I have shot dogs at 40 yards behind the shoulder and they usually run 50-75 yards away before dying without bleeding out I have lost 3 that I know I hit and couldn't find them..shot one at 80 yards in the shoulder trying to get one to drop and it still ran over 100 yards across the flat before dying, any help would be appreciated
  11. couesbuck22

    Couple questions

    To be honest I don't, I wasn't raised in the outdoors until my dad left and my grandpa took me under his wing and taught me to hunt and fish learned a ton from him and unfortunately he isn't with us any more but I have some awesome rifles that put a smile on my face just thinking about it and the stories that came with them. Many more to come, haven't even thought about buying a new one every animal I have harvested has been with one of his rifles. Wouldn't want it any other way.
  12. couesbuck22

    Couple questions

    It is a pump couldn't tell you the model off the top of my head thanks everyone for the input I greatly appreciate the feedback. Good luck on the draw
  13. couesbuck22

    Couple questions

    Could anyone post or send me a picture of the powder and powder amount I have two hornady manuals and one nosler and neither one has the 30. Remington
  14. couesbuck22

    Couple questions

    I was shooting the hornady interlock 180gr Spbt's and do these heavier bullets in the .223 come out from your guys' experience I was shooting 55 grain hollow points but didnt like em because they always came out with a softball sized hole even if I didn't hit bone
  15. couesbuck22

    My first bull

    Before the hunt we had seen 5 bulls that I would shoot opening day and six spikes that I wouldn't be willing to shoot no matter what day of the hunt it was. Just not how me or my sisters were raised. Two points are fair game but we don't have it in us to shoot a spike. All these bulls were watering between 3:45 and 4:30 then heading into a burn to feed. Friday finally rolled around and I decided to walk the ridges the elk had been coming off in the evenings and the only thing I found was people. Everywhere. We hadn't seen any other people even close to this area while we were scouting. So we walked down to the truck and ate lunch and waited and one guy drove up and talked to us and I let him know I was going to be sitting the tank that evening and he was nice about it and said he'd go to the burn where the elk were feeding after they watered and he left, so around two I put my camo back on and walked into the tank and checked the wind, it was blowing the opposite way it had been every night for the last week so I couldn't sit in the blind I built so I had to sit in some oaks on the opposite side of the tank and I told my mom, who could only be there Friday and Saturday morning, that I'd shoot any of the bulls that we had seen scouting except one of the spikes. 3:45 nothing 4:00 nothing 4:15 rolls around and I'm starting to wonder if it's going to happen or if the pressure that morning had them holed up til dark 4:30 rolls around and I turned to my mom who was sitting behind me and shrugged my shoulders and when I turned back towards the trail I caught legs coming down the trail. Then it turned off the trail away from the tank and headed straight towards us then I could see his left horn and said nobody move I'll take this one if I get the chance. As I found him in the scope of my grandfather's 300 win. Mag I followed him and said I'm going to take him when he gets to that opening which would only show about half his body and he must have heard me he stopped and threw his nose up and checked the wind then kept walking and I shot as he walked through the only opening and he ran about ten yards and I had about a four inch opening and I could see him bleeding right behind the shoulder but I wasn't going to chance it so I shot twice more and he went down and was dead within 30 seconds and I went absolutely nuts running around WHOOOOOOO!!!! YESSS!!! I JUST GOT MY BULL!!!! Then we started walking down to him and before we got there I stopped and called my grandfather who couldn't make it because he is currently in the hospital to let him know it was over and I think he was shocked that I used his gun but that was my plan since the day he gave it to me almost 5 years ago and I dont plan on ever using any other gun for my rifle elk hunts. He ended up dying where we could get to him with the truck so while my mom got the truck and met my older sister who was on her way with her kids to help load him I started in on gutting him out then we rolled him over and took pictures and loaded him up and that was that. Not the biggest bull that was watering at that tank but he was plenty big enough for me to take as my first elk. Meant alot to take him with my grandfather's gun that has been in the family for years. Two of my shots hit him in the lungs and one blew out the top of his heart.
  16. couesbuck22

    My first bull

    Found a picture of the rifle on one of my old phones it now has a sling a Redfield 3x-9x scope and a bipod for shooting from the prone or sitting position.
  17. couesbuck22

    My first bull

    I definitely didnt expect to be sitting a tank on this hunt but we had the bulls coming to it during the day so I decided to give it a try and it worked out, an older guy I've known my whole life gave me a call and asked if he knew where some bulls were and I said go sit this tank no guarantees but we had 11 bulls coming to it before the hunt and that I killed mine there on Friday he was willing to shoot anything so he went and sat it and smoked a spike from the same group of oaks we had sat in
  18. couesbuck22

    My first bull

    Had a few days off from class so im staying with my mom ill post pics of the gun when I get back to the house in williams
  19. couesbuck22

    Coloring sheds?

    Found these sheds this past week all but one are recoverable only white on the top sides any tips on how to put some color back in the white sides?
  20. couesbuck22


    Went out checkin trail cams hopin to get some pictures of deer in a couple new spots and got a kudamundi to stroll by
  21. couesbuck22


    Bout an hour from my house
  22. My little sister drew a unit 10 junior rifle tag this past year and it was her first tag. We didnt get a whole lot of scouting done except for a couple days before the hunt and i had seen bucks and thats all that mattered. A good family friend of ours also had his son (Kolby) hunting with us and opening morning was a cold one. We had split into 2 groups of three so i went with Kolby and his dad. a doe had caught us before we seen them and were only 30 yards away! this doe had us pinned for a good 10-12 minutes and kolby was standin there tryin his hardest not to laugh the doe finally relaxed and a spike came walking out and we got kolby on the sticks and we asked if he wanted to shoot it and he said you bet so we told him to take his time and to squeeze it off and he couldnt have made a better shot on the buck that was facing at us. The buck flipped over and landed on his back then never moved again. We took a couple quick pictures and then his dad walked back to the jeep and was going to bring it around to the backside to make the pack out shorter. That night we were all hunting together and lee had about a 10 minute head start so we met him at the glassing spot and glassed a decent sized draw and on the way back out i noticed the rear end of a deer standing about 120 yards away so i told her to grab the gun and get out!! she kneeled against a rock on the side of the road and i was crawlin out my side and i threw my binoculars up and noticed that somethin wasnt right. i had my right foot in the jeep and it was rollin down hill!! so i finally got it stopped about 20 yards later and then she shot and i saw the back end of the deer kick out so i knew he was hit and we walked to where he was and no blood. followed his tracks and still no blood then kolby (who is 10) said he thought the buck was on 3 legs so i got to looking and he was right! he wasnt using his front right leg so we followed his track for another hour and finally started seeing blood and we followed his blood for another half hour then decided to back out and come back in the morning so we came back the next morning and got back on the track and we found a spot where he had bedded down and there was a puddle of blood but after he got up he had quit bleeding so we stayed on the track all day and kept on it. at almost 6 that night we hit a canyon and the track went to 12-13 foot bluff and so i went around and got below it and the buck had jumped off the rock! so i knew we were right on him and about 30 yards later on the tracking job i saw the buck limpin on 3 legs trying to get away so i yelled at her "there he is shoot him!" she shot and missed about a foot in front of him "shoot him again dam it!! kill him!" she shoots again and missed just under him and she got another bullet jacked in and threw the gun back up and went to take another shot but i asked how many bullets she had. one. so i told her not to shoot so we ran and chased after the buck and we could see him crossing a flat so i told her to keep up that were not letting this deer get away now. we were running through the flat and the buck jumped up about 10 yards in front of us! he had laid in a little drainage ditch with his head down so she shot him again and knocked him down and he died about 2 minutes later. i would have cut him but he was worthy of mounting so i didnt want to her first shot had hit the buck in the front right leg in the knee and blew it up to the point that only skin was holding the lower half of his leg she said she held right behind his shoulder so we went back and ranged it and it was over 300 yards so it was our fault for the poor first shot because we told her to hold right in his shoulder and she was right on line but the bullet dropped due to the distance. My mom had the tag that started on november 2nd in unit 8 and she didnt hunt the first day because i was down south hunting my coues deer but were able to hunt the second deer because i killed mine on the first day. we were road hunting as we had no scouting done at all but we finally found a buck and she smoked him!! dropped him at about 120 yards. overall it was a great year as all three of us killed good three points. thanks for reading
  23. couesbuck22

    Spring Break

    Went down to havasu with my dad and we planned on fishing Monday through Thursday all day every day and leave on saturday morning. we only got in 2 whole days of fishing and about halfway through the 3rd day the boat died and wouldnt turn over. Luckily there was a boat across the cove and he noticed we were having trouble and came over and asked if we needed a tow and so after we got hooked up he asked which ramp you guys launch at? we told him Cattail cove and he asked where that was and i told him it was about ten miles back up the lake and so it took a while but we made it back and we offered the man cash to pay for gas and he said no. This goes to show there are good men everywhere that are willing to help out as i would have done the same for him. anyways, we ended up with 12 fish in 2 days of fishing (9 of which were mine) yes, we kept the males to eat but we released any of the females we caught so they could move up and spawn. we caught most of them throwing senkos in the docks and i caught a couple on a drop shot off some deeper points the water was just a little to cold for them to be spawning and by a little i mean like 1-2 degrees. After we returned from the lake i drove up to my sisters house in williams and did a little shed hunting. found one small 6 point and a dead cow elk that didnt live through the winter. I cannot think of a better way to spend my spring break, i got to do a little bit of my two favorite activities, pickin up a little bone and catchin some monster smallies, our smallest fish went 15.5 inches! fishing was on fire!
  24. couesbuck22

    Spring Break

    Lol, i see where you guys are coming from and trust me we seen plenty of partiers in lake havasu city but we were camped about 15 miles up river from the london bridge where we were told to go by another good fellow we came across on our 2012 trip so where we were camped at there werent any college kids, thankfully. yea man, i dont know what i would have done if that man wouldnt have helped, no phone service, not that it would have done me any good, my phone was in the truck anyways but i know our trolling motor wouldnt make it the ten miles back up river.
  25. couesbuck22

    Best Shed Trip Yet!!

    i thought it was a set til i saw the pictures of the bases! good day for sure!!