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Everything posted by kodasmom

  1. Hello y'all.... I am a newbie to your site. I used to a avid hunter until a few years ago when I became unable to hunt anymore due to an illness. I still love to see what is in the woods behind our house with the trail cams.... I have gotten some pretty interesting ones recently..... I wanted to share with y'all..... I am glad to meet ya and look forward to making new friends...... Here is "Lump Jaw" Does anyone know what is wrong with him? For the past 3 weeks, I have had a bunch of does and some small bucks hanging out... All of a sudden this buck apperars, and all I get pics of is him.... He is obviously a mature buck... No does, no smaller bucks.... Just him and a couple of raccoons......I have 400 pics of this boy in just two days!!!.... I think it is odd...., Here is another picture of him.... Notice his browline???? Here is a doe that has ripples down her back... I have never seen anything like it before... Looks like back fat.... I don't know. Anyone ever seen this before? Here is another of her.... Here is a great pic of a button buck. He hung out eating corn for over 2 hours.... I have 300 pics of this boy... Last but not least... Look at the odd rack this buck has.... It almost looks like fingers on a hand.... Don't mind the date and time... the cam was put out and set up before all of it's settings were adjusted.... I got his picture 2 weeks ago. I have not seen him since! Would love to though!!!
  2. kodasmom

    Buck With A Tumor ... Doe With Back Fat.....

    Thanks for all of the comments.... My neighbor was watching this buck last year. He hadn't seen him this year, he thought he was dead. He was quite surprised that he was still around. He had the lump then too.... I have been wondering if he sustained an injury when he was younger, and this is how it healed. I have seen deer that have had broadheads in them with a lump like that...... Maybe that is a possibility..... Here is another strong possibility...... Just found this while researching it.... Lumpy Jaw Whitetails Here is some other "normal looking" bucks that I have gotten on the camera.... Here is another picture of a different buck.... I just put my new camera out, Moultrie GameSpy M-80XT out... Hopefully, I will get better pictures that aren't blurry......
  3. kodasmom

    Buck With A Tumor ... Doe With Back Fat.....

    I'd have my ground water tested... I strongly agree. The "Back Fat Doe" has the same ripples in two different shots, I've never seen a doe (or any other animal) maintain the same ripple or the back hair movement for an extended period. You said you quit hunting due to an illness, how long have you been living there ? I have been living here for over 6 years.... I had to give up hunting 10 years ago... way before I moved here. I have a couple of shots were the doe looks like she may be pregnant or just extremely fat.....