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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut

    Texas Deer

    Sorry this is not a coues deer but a great buck anyway! This buck was taken on a 12 acre lease around Junction,Texas yes only 12 acres.LOW fence he could come and go as he pleased. Do not have a score but its a shooter in my book! Wish it was me who got it.
  2. BowNut

    Texas Deer

    That may be I don't know the guy who shot the buck. Just know the guy who got the e-mail form the guy who got the e-mail!LOL! You know how that goes. Here is the story that came with it. Still a great buck no matter were it was shot. This Buck was killed Saturday morning south of Junction, Texas. It was killed on a low fence ranch south of IH10 off of US 83. It has 22 scoreable points, but has not been officially scored. The hunter's lease is only 12 acres which makes this a truly amazing trophy. He had been seeing this buck for over three years and has been feeding extensively.
  3. BowNut

    Texas Deer

    Don't really like the pics but they are all I was sent.Sorry
  4. BowNut

    2007 Hoyt Line up!

    I understand BowNut. I just like lighting a fire under Dave Good edit! But we got the e-mail notification of what your original post said! LOL!! Thats Funny
  5. Got these off Archery Talk do not know if you all are interested.
  6. BowNut

    2007 Hoyt Line up!

    Yea according to ArcheryTalk.com where Bow Nut gets all of his information they did a shoot-out for 2006 and BowTech rules. Ya, But how many sets of limbs did it take to finish the test!!! LOL. And now they got holes drilled in both ends of the limbs. Lets see they split with one hole lets drill another hole on the other end and put another arm in the middle of the limb and bend it over that. That will keep them from splitting. Sure hope you guy know I am joking! Don't take any of this to heart. I have lots of friends that shoot other bows and I try to get them to see the light to! I believe every bow company out there makes great bows! Its what feels good and shoots good for you is all that matters. elmergoo, I don't get all my information from ArcheryTalk.com I make some of it up myself.LOL!
  7. BowNut

    2007 Hoyt Line up!

    You can not rush a good thing!!! Maybe we will see you on the range some day? Then we will let our inferior bows do the talking! LOL!
  8. BowNut

    2007 Hoyt Line up!

    I ordered mine on Oct 20th that was quick. I didn't think it would be here until Christmas. Last year my Trykon came 2 days before archery pig season. I had to barrow a bow to hunt with! And that was camo! The target colors did not start showing up until Feb. if I remember correctly.
  9. BowNut

    2007 Hoyt Line up!

    Got the new bow today!!! Sorry its not a hunting bow. This has to be the best and smoothest bow Hoyt has ever made. 64# 323gr. arrow 299 fps. 281/2 in draw.
  10. What would you all think if Game and Fish was to start making bowhunters do a proficiency test to bow hunt in AZ. Like say 4 outa 5 arrows in a pie plate at 30 to 40 yards for example. I know what I think but wanted to here from you all.
  11. BowNut

    New Bowtech

    ANYONE SHOT THESE YET? Bowtech is being kinda slow this year. They do not have a rep that brings the new bows around for the shops to see that I know of. The shop I go to just got some of the info on there bows a couple days ago. A buddy of mine was at the Warehouse last night and they have there "06" bows marked down if any of you are interested.
  12. BowNut

    Spring Draw

    Draw results are in what did you all get for the spring hunts. I ended up with only a pig tag for 23 (My Favorite Unit!) There were over 5000 left over tags I do not think I have ever seen that many left over but maybe Iam wrong. I can't wait I love to hunt them Hogs! Time to warm up the J-13 calls!
  13. BowNut

    Spring Draw

    Sorry guys just saw the other post on spring hunts in another area. OOOPS!
  14. BowNut

    New bow hunter

    Mark sent you PM
  15. OK GUYS!! I posted a reply on the topic "Your Fist Rifle?" I mentioned that I was thinking about a new rifle and handing down my Rem.721 to my son. WELL!! Ever since then my mind is running WILD! What CAL.? What rifle? I have gotten to the point it is driven me crazy!! I have kinda been out of the loop since about the time Short Mags started coming out. I have been primarily a bow hunter for a while now. I would like to try a Short Mag but not sure why? Probably because it is new to me. Being honest here. This rifle will be used for just coues hunting and needs to reach out and touch something. I do shoot out to longer yardages. I do not mind carrying around the weight of a med. or heavy barrel. Actually I prefer to shoot them. I also do my own reloading. I was thinking 25-06 or one of the Short Mags but as you can see I really have no idea. Please let me know what y'all like to shoot and why. May be this will help me some. Or it my make me think more and that hurts so i hope not. Thanks for any help you can give. There are to many to choose from
  16. BowNut

    New bow hunter

    I will make elmergoo's target bigger I will add another $20 to that. Iam IN!!! Mark, What everyone else said learn as much as you can and buy the one that fits and feels best for you. You can not beat a great archery shop for the info you need.
  17. BowNut

    34A Nov. 10

    Saw some in a snowbirds backyard in Continental.Sorry not much help.
  18. This has been around a while. Had some guys from Africa that do real hunts in Africa come buy the shop the sell us a hunt and this video came up. There is a lot more to this video then they let everyone see. It was edited. These guys had seen the entire video and what you do not see is that the fence that you see behind the lion was an electric fence and he runs into it and has no were else to go so he charges the so called hunters. They got less then they deserved in my opinion!!!
  19. BowNut

    New Bowtech

    http://www.bowtecharchery.com/main.html They are on there site now!
  20. BowNut

    New Bowtech

    This info is top secret!!! But the boys at Archerytalk.com take care of us! These guys seem to get info before the bow company know what they are going to do.
  21. BowNut

    New Bowtech

    Guardian 33.75" ATA, 7.125" Brace, 321-329 IBO, Draw lengths 25"-30" Commander 37.25" ATA, 7.5" Brace, 310-318 IBO, Draw lengths 27"-32" There are two of them here are the specs.
  22. BowNut

    Air rest

    One of the reps from one of the bow companies came to the shop with some of these on there bows. I was not there to see them for myself but they had said you had to wait a second or two for the arrow to stop moving around before the shot. Not sure how that would work in an adrenaline pumped hunt! If you had to add weight the the arrow the front is the place to add it for better FOC. I personally think that you need something there to give the arrow direction even if it is a drop away rest you get some direction from it before it falls. Just my opinion.
  23. BowNut

    2004 bow face offs

    I have only had one other target bow it was the flag color (No daveFLAG Color) Just thought I would spoil myself a little. I thought about pink it just was not the corrrect shade of pink for me. Plus I have not killed anything with my camo Trycon yet. To soon to replace it. Bad luck to get rid of a bow that has not filled a tag.
  24. BowNut

    2004 bow face offs

    Lets see if this works. Its got a black marble to it not sure if you can see it in the pic.
  25. BowNut

    2004 bow face offs

    Cool, I know that most of the guys that shoot them will feel the same about the cams. With your draw and the correct arrow I think you will not have a problem with getting speed. Did you try the speed bow! It was one of the smoothest I thought. I just like the longer A to A myself. What did you think of the Riptide color bow? That is what I ordered my XL in. Even if I don't shoot good I will look good!!!!! Buy the way the string leaches are the first thing to go on my bows. I will try the new rod dohickey for a while and see how it does. Oops! Steathshot better call it what it is don't want Bill O to get mad at me.LOL!!