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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut

    Enter to win a javelina hunt

    So I need to win twice? Once for a hog tag in the unit around Casa Grande and then for the guided hunt? Can you guarantee 1st in the big pig contest at Broken Arrow LOL!!!
  2. BowNut


    My son called me from a fishing trip in Greer yesterday and said it was raining bad up there and even some hail.
  3. BowNut

    Does Anyone's Bow Go Crazy?

    CS, His number is on this link you post also there is an e-mail address. I did not see it the first time I looked at it. He is a real nice guy he also helps run the Sunrise shoot that was last weekend.
  4. BowNut

    Does Anyone's Bow Go Crazy?

    Shooters Edge makes a great string for a good price. Winners Choice makes a better string but you will pay more. Just my opinion. But you can not really go wrong with ether one. As said above do not just change the string also change the cables. I know there should be a shop around Silver City that sells Shooters Edge String. I know a lot of guys in NM that shoot for Ray at Shooters Edge. I will get you his number and send it to you if you would like. He can tell you what shops there sell them or he may just send them to you. If Sportsman's Warehouse is only going to spend 10 min. on your bow to put strings on I would find someone else to work on your bow. They may be good but ten min. seems kinda fast to to me I would rather they take there time and do it right the first time.
  5. BowNut


    Try ArcheryTalk.com you are sure to find some there.
  6. BowNut

    Got My Bow All Setup

    7W was my first choice and if I remember correctly younghunter had it secound choice thats why I say it was my tag. :lol Bobbyo, The poundage went up with the new strings because his old buss cable must have stretched. When you replace the string and cables (especially with Winners Choice) sometimes it will go up because they are a tad short. You can get it to drop back down by just taking a couple twists out of the buss cable.
  7. BowNut

    Got My Bow All Setup

    Got to meet younghunter last Thursday at Usery. This kid is dedicated and hooked on archery. He shoots until like 2:00am with his buddies. He even has his priorities in check got a call from a girl at the range and didn't answer it!LOL!!! Younghunter, It was great meeting you hope to see you this Thursday! Dallas P.S. That 7W tag was mine how did you get your name on it. Great Photo Shop LMAO!!!!!!
  8. BowNut

    Clints Well Shoot

    Reluctantly I will be up at the Happening in Sunrise. But the shop I shoot for will be there stop by and say hi to Robert at Broken Arrow Archery.
  9. BowNut

    Posten Stabilizers

    I have not shot mine yet I will be shooting it first thing Wed. morning. They are new you will not see them in a shop for a while.He has just started a dealers list on his web site. The cost is not bad I think Camo ones start at like $45. The thing I like about these is that you can have him make them how you want. Yes,I think most of them are more for target but I think with the bowjacks on front and in camo they would work great for hunting. This is his website it has all the prices on it.Plus the prices include shipping. http://www.jimposten.com/
  10. Just bought one of these from a guy on Archery Talk. They look great! I just got mine today so I have not had time to try it out yet but I will let you know how they work. Here is the link to Archery Talk there are tons of pics on there. This guy is great you can order any length and a ton of custom colors. I will be ordering my camo one next! http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=418880 Also here is his web site and some pics Mine is the Blue one. www.jimposten.com
  11. BowNut

    Posten Stabilizers

    Few more pictures. He will make them so you can have as many BowJacks on the front as you want.
  12. BowNut

    Hoyt Vectrix

    I have not had a chance to shoot the new Bowtech but I have shot the Drenaline. The Drenaline was not as heavy but really to light for my liking and the weight that was there was all on top. And I still do not care for Mathews handles never have. As far as the Trykon and the Vectrix. I believe you will be much happier with the Vectrix. I shot the Trykon XL last year thought it was the best bow Hoyt ever made for an all around hunting and 3D bow. Then I shot the Vectrix the draw is much smoother and holds much better than the Trykon. If you are going to just hunt with it do not overlook the Vulcan I do not know what they did to this bow but it just sits there when you shoot it and has the speed and KE to go with it. And the draw feels great to. But you need to shoot as many bows as you can get your hands on to see what fits best for you.
  13. BowNut

    Cinco De Mayo Shoot

    You can call Loyd Keller they have camping at the shoot you can not get any closer then that.I will pm you his number. There is camping on Pinal Peak but I am not sure you would want to travel up and down the mountain every day. I know the casino has camping but the last I heard it was full! Loyd should be able to tell you more about were to camp if the camping at the range is full to.
  14. BowNut

    Cinco De Mayo Shoot

    Gabe This is a great shoot the Apache Bowhunters do a great job at all there shoot. Hope you can make it. I will be there both days. Keep an eye out for the 4 door chevy with the CW.com sticker that will be me. Come up and say Hi.
  15. BowNut


    I love the blazer vanes with or without wraps they work great. A few tips on making them stay on. 1. Use Denatured Alcohol to clean the arrow shaft or wrap Not rubbing alcohol. Denatured Alcohol can be found at Home Depot. 2. If your arrow has a gloss finish to it lightly sand the shaft were the vane will be placed then clean with Denatured Alcohol 3. Do Not clean the base of the vanes! 4. Bohning Platinum works great on blazer vanes if the arrow is clean. This is what we do at the shop and have never had a problem with the vanes coming off. Some of this is a repeat of what others have said but I hope this helps you out. The White vanes with the wraps are my hunting arrows. I go all white they are easy to find and show blood very well. Green shows up well to but thats not a good thing! The camo vanes are my 3D arrows they are tuff to see in the targets. They are what we call Chicken Sh%$ arrows!!!!!
  16. BowNut

    Bowtech or Parker

    I have shot both Parker and Bowtech. You can not go wrong with ether bow if they shoot well and feel good to you. But I found Bowtech to be the better of the two but you need to shoot them both yourself. CATCH US IF YOU CAN! They have gotten lapped two or three times by Hoyt how many times they need to be caught! LOL!! Sorry to bring up that 4 letter word into your thread!
  17. BowNut


    No Tags for me!! Congrats to everyone else who drew and Good Hunting!
  18. Here it is guys Just want to thanks everyone that was at the meeting. The new area talked about in this letter looks good. Our only hope it that the Game and Fish Commission will give the OK to take over and move the range. Thanks for your help guys Dallas Daily Usery Mountain Archers Vice President Plans for Closure of the existing Usery Mountain Archery Range Hello All, If you care at all about archery/bowhunting please take just a couple of minutes to read this and send a brief e-mail to our Game & Fish Dept. about this issue. Some of you are aware that Maricopa County is trying to close Usery Mountain Archery Range to replace it with a visitors center and amphitheater. Usery Mountain Archery Range is considered by many to be the best archery range in Arizona and the home for a lot of large archery events and clubs. The AZ Game and Fish Department, AZ Bowhunter's Association, Usery Mountain Archers, and others have been working with Maricopa County on this issue trying to come up with some alternative plan. There was a public meeting last Monday evening at the Mesa Game and Fish Dept. with representatives from all of the above-mentioned groups and other concerned individuals. Although the majority would prefer to have everything stay as is, the county is scheduled to start construction of new facilities this summer and a portion of the existing range will close at that time. Taking this into consideration, the consensus of the majority at the meeting was that the best alternative was to build a new range on the park in an area that consisted of 370 unused acres. This area is west of the existing range (west side of Usery Pass Road) and just South of the rifle range. The existing range is only 178 acres. This new area would be leased to the Game & Fish Dept. for 25 years with an option to renew. There would be an all new archery range, etc. built on these 370 acres with a lot of room for future growth. The money to build the new range would have to come from Game and Fish budgets, grants, donations, etc. All Game and Fish assistance would be subject to Commission approval. Maricopa County has no money in there budget to assist. This new range could become even bigger and better than the existing range over time and is a lot better alternative than just shutting down the existing range with no plan to build another one. Yes, Maricopa County has the ability to do that...they own the property. Game and Fish (or anyone else) has no rights to stop Maricopa County from shutting down the existing range but thank God, they got involved and worked with Maricopa County to come up with this alternate plan. There is a lot more involved with this issue than what you have just read but there is something you can do right now that might make a difference! There is a Game and Fish Commission Meeting this Friday (March 9th) in Tucson. This issue is way to new to be officially on the agenda but Ty Gray (AZ Game & Fish Dept. Education Branch Chief - In charge of all the shooting ranges) will be making a presentation to the commission about the Department activities related to shooting range support and development statewide. Send Ty an e-mail and let him know that you really appreciate Game & Fish getting involved in the Usery Mountain Archery Range closure issue and you hope that the Department and Commission will work together to quickly move forward on building a new archery range. E-mail: tgray@azgfd.gov Sorry for the short notice but if you don't send an e-mail right now it will not likely get to Ty in time for him to tell the Commission that he has gotten a lot of support from the archery/bowhunting community on this issue and would only delay the process. Remember, Game and Fish has nothing to do with the existing range being closed but they have already worked hard with Maricopa County to come up with an alternative plan and have proven that they are committed to expanding archery in AZ. There will be a representative(s) from the ABA attending the Commission meeting this Friday to support this plan. Please forward this to every bowhunter and/or archer that you know. Thank You!
  19. BowNut


    Rinehart 100 3D Archery shoot Hosted By Usery Mountain Archers March 17th and 18th At Usery Mountain Park 6 Miles North of US 60 on Ellsworth Road There will be a $5.00per archer entry fee enter the park For More Information And Pre-Registration Go To http://www.r100.org/ This Is A Fun Shoot So Bring The Whole Family And Join The FUN!!!!!!!
  20. BowNut

    Usery Mountain Archery Range

    We have scheduled some Sat. shoots this year for that very reason. We have one this Saturday the 17th. You can contact Maricopa County Board of Supervisors or Anthony Chavez he is the one helping us at G&F.This is a link to the board of supervisors I found. Not sure if these are the guys but it looks like it. Also there is a board of supervisors meeting Wednesday Feb 21st at 9:00am http://www.maricopa.gov/county_glance/defa...p?link=govtBody
  21. BowNut

    Usery Mountain Archery Range

    Just an update. Usery Mountain Archers has met with Game and Fish and valley archery shops to talk to the park to see what we can do to convince them this is a bad idea. We are doing everything we can to save this range. The visitors centers are going in all the Maricopa County Parks we are just trying to get them to move this one to a different location in the park. It does not look real good at the moment but they are willing to talk to us and that is a good thing. As you now this is very important to us to keep archery alive in the east valley. Currently we are the only archery club that holds shoot at Usery and we would like to keep doing that. I will try to keep you informed on what is going on as soon as I get more info. We are getting a meeting lined up with the Parks Dept., Game and fish, our club and local shops to get it worked out. In case you are wondering why we contacted G&F they have a group that works to better shooting facilities and they work with local archery shops to get youth archery groups started in schools and at local ranges etc. G&F will be meeting with us to talk to them about making more money and getting more use out of the range year round and not just around hunting season. Since that is what seems to be a big part of the reason for putting it in that location. We will know more after the next meeting. I will try to keep you all informed on what is going on. Thanks Dallas Daily Usery Mountain Archers Vice President
  22. BowNut

    straight n arrow archery

    The owner was shooting in the Vegas tournament. And I believe all the guys that help him out were there also.
  23. BowNut

    3D Shoots?

    Here is our schedule for the year at Usery Park Usery Mountain Archers 2007 Shoot Schedule January 22nd…………….……… First Leg-Warm up January 27th and 28th...… 2nd Annual Cactus Classic February 17th………….….……………….Trophy Shoot March 17th and 18th ……..………………..Rinehart 100 April 15th……….………………….Grand Canyon Games May, June, July………………….………...Night League July………….……....3rd Leg Warm-up Watch for Dates August 26th........………..…..Deer & Javelina Warm-up October 6th…………………………………...Trophy Shoot November 11th…………….……….Ham & Turkey Shoot December 9th………….……..Deer & Javelina Warm-Up For More Information Contact Us At: umacarchery@netscape.com
  24. BowNut

    "07" Piggy

    This is one of my hunting partners this year with his pig he got Wednesday. I had to work so his guide for the day was Carl AKA bowhuntcoues took him out to harvest this hog. Hope he does not mind me posting his picture. By the way he is the one on the right not the one in front. I don't know what it is about this guy but when he is with us someone gets a pig. But NOT me. I think he needs to share some of his MOJO with me.Hope to add my picture soon.
  25. It all started Friday when we finally found the pigs! After two days of hiking and glassing we had found them.The bad part was they were about a mile and a half away and the mountains around us were all but gone behind rain and snow clouds and it was starting to rain again. The pigs were spooked a bit for some reason so we decided to come back another day. We past on going back Saturday because of the snow we had hit on the way home. Big Mistake!! Headed back out Sunday around 5:00 AM got to the spot we had seen them two days earlier. Made the 45 Min. climb up the ridge to where they had been on Friday. As we reached the crest of the hill a half a dozen crows flew from the ridge above us. Got to the top and there was a gut pile and a pig carcase with the head still attached and no pigs to be found. Time to start glassing again. I was hunting with two good friends Robert and Bill and my sister(here first hunting trip)she was not hunting just along for the hike. We had split up to glass a couple different areas and I could tell my sister was getting a little board just sitting there looking through her bino's. At about 11:30 I told my sister I see a deer!! She said were? On the other side of the canyon where we were when we spotted the pigs from on Friday. I let her get behind my bino's on the tripod to see it. She said how in the heck did you find that!! It was bedded under a tree and when it would turn his head I could tell it had antlers even from that far away so I knew it had to be a good buck. Robert and bill had come to see what we were looking at. I told them if I was on a rifle hunt I would have been on my way over there. My sister looked at me and said WHY! LETS GO! I knew it was not going to be easy but we were off. We got to the creek at the bottom and we had to loose some clothing it was getting warm and I was starting to sweat with my thermals on. With the guidance of the the little voice in my ear I was guided within 200 yards of the bedded deer. That is when I had to reply back to my spotters Huston We Have A Problem.We were 200 yards from the deer and we had a 25 to 30 foot drop in front of us.But he had not moved. As we sat there trying to decide what to do the deer started to move away. I pulled my grunt call out and gave it a blow. My sister and my spotters said he was coming at us. There was a lane between the trees he we walking down and it looked like he was on a leash coming to me. That was when I realized how big he was and I started to shake. I pulled up my range finder and started to range anything I could were he may come out on the other side of the revine between me and him. The closest shot was 60yards but I was not sure I could make that shot as bad as I was shake'in. He had cut the distance to about half then stopped flagged and headed back up the hill. I told my sister its over he winded us. Thats when my little voice said you are not going to believe this he just bedded back in the same spot! You are going to have to come back here and start over again with a laugh. Not a chance I was going in. Well I started move'in up the ravine to find a spot to cross. I was now about 100 yards from the deer and had not found a great place to cross. So I called them and said I was going to cross tell me if he gets up. Worked my way to the bottom with no reply back. Worked my way up no reply back. I was now about 75 yards away and I could see the tree he was bedded under. I moved up 15 yard and the little voice in my ear said STOP he is standing up and looking at you. A bowhunters worst nightmare busted standing out in the open 60 yards from a 95 to 100 in. coues and I still could not make him out in the brush until he turned his head to run. He came out into an opening I let out a grunt and he stopped. Pulled out the range finder 95 yards to far for me to shoot. Three and a half hour stock and no shoot. The fist thing my sister asked would you do it again I told her in a heart beat but not today I was beat!! This was one of my best unsuccessful hunts ever. I could not have gotten that close if it was not for the little voice in my ear and the man behind the bino's guiding me there. If anyone see's my deer don't shoot but tell him I will be back O'yes I will be back! Here are a couple pic's I took before I started my three hour tour.