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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut

    Texas Hog Hunt

    Going on my first hog hunt at the end of the month! The wait is killing me. Trying to fill some free time before I get my Elk tag this year!LOL Any of you guys got pics of any hogs you have taken and some stories to go with them. I love to hunt Javi's so I think this will be a blast. The guys I'm going with go every year and told me I would be addicted after one trip.My wife is hoping I hate it! They guys from Double Bull Blinds hunt this ranch from time to time. This is the ranch we will be hunting http://www.wildhorseprairie.com/photo.htm
  2. BowNut

    Results are out

    Again this year Congrats to EVERYONE ELSE as I wait another year. Those Hogs in Texas better look out this weekend I got a freezer to fill and no elk tag!!!!!!!!
  3. BowNut

    How much longer.... THE POLL!

    This Wednesday after 3:00pm.
  4. BowNut

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    Your just missing a can of Cope and you'd be the Real ATF!!!! Hey how did you know I was a Cope guy!!! I bet if I dig out the trash can from under the bench there are a couple empty Cope cans in there.
  5. BowNut

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    No I don't drink the Bacardi that is on the bench while I reload!!!!! That bottle is about 2 years old I forgot it was in there until I saw it in the pic.
  6. BowNut

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    I built my bench I have storage under it but there is to much crap in front of it to show you. I've got to take all my hunting stuff out to do any reloading. The other picture is my storage for powders, bullets and stuff it is above my bench. I think I picked it up at Home Depot. I put a lock on it were the powder goes to keep the kids out. They are old enough to know better now.
  7. BowNut

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    Ever heard of CASE LUBE!
  8. Sorry I did not reply sooner I was getting talked down off the bridge I was going to jump off when I heard about it!! It's all good now he can hunt more and spend time with the family!! Who wouldn't want that? Everyone knew it was coming but I think he just needed one more year. And YES if they would not of won the Super Bowl this year I would say he just needs one more year!! Now back to the topic before I get anymore depressed. Lance I hope you know I'm just joking about the rule thing. I don't want to look like a crybaby. I just like giving younghunter crap. If I can make it I have a deer target we can kill. And if I can't make it I will try to get it to younghunter if he does not mind taking it.
  9. Lets make it even better and say no expandables!!! Rules Rules! you guys make anymore we will be shooting a stick with a string tied to it. Come on guys it's 2008!
  10. BowNut

    Long range rifles?

    http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/index.php Here is a good forum on long range shooting. The article on building a long range rifle on a budget is a good one.
  11. NO SCOPES ALLOWED!!! Who let you make the rules! What's next NO HOYT BOWS! You chicken??I don't have a lens in there so it's not any different then your new sight.
  12. I hope younghunter brings some extra nocks!! I may have to break a few of his at 100.
  13. BowNut

    Archery Shoots

    My Bad! That is the fee to enter Usery Park. They changed it from $5.00 a shooter to $6.00 a car this year so they asked us to put it on our schedules and flyers. That does not include the shoot fees I will add that to the post. Thanks
  14. BowNut

    Archery Shoots

    Here is are "08" shoot schedule The first leg warm-up is this Sunday. Anyone have any question just send me a PM or e-mail me at umacarchery@netscape.com Usery Mountain Archers 2008 Shoot Schedule February 10th…………....……… First Leg-Warm up February 16th & 17th...… 3rd Annual Cactus Classic March 16th………….….….…….Grand Canyon Games April 13th ……..……….......….……..2nd Leg Warm-Up May, June, July………....…....….………...Night League August 10th............……..…..Deer & Javelina Warm-up October 5th…………………………………...Trophy Shoot November 16th…………….……….Ham & Turkey Shoot Dec. 6th and 7th..2nd Annual Marked 3d Trail Shoot Shoot Fees Adult 18 & older $10 14-17 years old $8 Cubs 9-11 $5 9 years and younger Free These prices do not include the Cactus Classic go to www.arizonabowhunters.org for those prices. All Shoot Are Located At Usery Mountain Archery Range Located 6miles North Of U.S. 60 On Ellsworth Rd. There Is A $6.00 Per Car load Fee To Enter The Park
  15. BowNut

    He Regresado de Mexico!

    Thats Awesome Man! I hope to make it down there some day. Sounds like you had a great time. Maybe I can get you to come and translate for me.
  16. BowNut

    Well, it worked!

    Very Cool Looks Awesome!!
  17. I was reading this and knew what you were about to say and still almost spit my Coke all over my desk and computer monitor !!!!!! Thats funny right there I don't care who you are!
  18. BowNut

    Got a ????

    Ok Help me with a discussion we had today.Lets say a creek is the boundary of a hunt unit. The creek bed is 300 yards (Just throwing out a number) from one side to the other. The animal you are hunting is in the creek bed what unit is he in??For example 22 and 23 at Tonto Creek. Is the creek bed edges the line and the creek bed it's self not in a particular unit? Or is the water it self the line? And if it's the water what if it is dry?
  19. BowNut

    24A Javelina (Collared Peccary)

    Been shooting my vanes like that before Blazer even came along. If I remember correctly the guy who owns CarbonTec arrows told us about staggering our vanes on our target arrows that some of the Olympic shooters were doing it. Said you could shoot shorter lighter vanes and that they will control like longer vanes at longer distances. So Robert the owner of Broken Arrow Archery and a few other guys started playing. Not sure why or how but it seems to work for us. I stagger all of them now. Plus it makes everyone ask WHY!!!
  20. BowNut

    24A Javelina (Collared Peccary)

    Thats awsome! Great way to start the New Year. Bet I know were you got those offset funny looking vanes!!!LOL!!
  21. BowNut

    Dads new project

    Not sure if this was a super light but it was the youth rifle. All that has ever been shot from it was my own reloads never had any groups like you are talking about. My dad is going to use it for varmint hunting. Got him some 55gr Nosler Ballistic Tips and some 62gr. Barnes Varmint Grenades we will have to see how they shoot. Let you know once he gets a load worked out.
  22. This is my dads new toy. Actually this was my sons rifle that my dad traded him for his Ruger M77 270. My son will be doing more hunt in the future so my dad upgraded him for an even swap. Not sure my son thinks it is so even now!!LOL!! The first is a before picture then the rest are the work in progress. I will post more pictures as he completes it.The rifle is a 243 win H&R single shot I think it will be a sweet rifle when it is complete. The wood is Fiddle Back Maple I can't wait to see it with a finish on it.
  23. BowNut

    Dads new project

    Couple new pics. These pics do not do much for the wood My dads camera is very old. I will see if I can get some from out at the range.Now the fun starts finding the best load for it! Can not wait to see how it shoots.
  24. Doug Great story sounds like it was a great hunt and a lot of fun.Some awesome pictures I love to hunt that unit but it sounds like it was a tuff one this year.