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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut


    Just go there it may be his plan B or C spot. Can't know or worry about what everyone else out there is doing. Just go and if he shows up work it out then. I'm sure you posted thinking he may be on here you never know he just might. I do agree with bobbyo though its littering I would take the flags down i hate to see that stuff hanging in the trees.
  2. BowNut

    Hearts and Livers-save 'em for me?

    I see now! If ya shoot a Mathews you got to come on line and ask everyone else for there gut piles cuz ya can't get one yourself!!!! :lol:
  3. BowNut

    Hearts and Livers-save 'em for me?

    Fresh liver and heart! Next best thing to backstraps and tenderloin in my opinion! No poking fun from me just lookin for an invite LOL!! GO PACK!
  4. BowNut

    2010 Hoyts

    Rumor is they retail for about $1600. Would like to shoot one but I will pass on buying one if that's the case.
  5. BowNut

    2003 hoyt vortex?

    The Vortec was made in 2001 and 2002. Not sure of specs as far as speed but you can go to the Hoyt site click on customer service and then tune charts and the year and it will give you cams and draw lengths. Not sure if I would consider it an up grade but shoot it and see if you like it. If it shoots better for you then maybe it is.
  6. BowNut

    More Rifle than I paid for!!!

    Thanks for passing this on. I did a search looks like there are a ton of great reviews on this rifle.
  7. BowNut

    Success photos from the past few hunts

    Just Awesome! Them are some great bulls. Congrats to everyone involved.
  8. BowNut

    WTB - Minox 15x58

    I got some from Doug they are great optics hope you can find a pair. I had a friend lend me his before Doug was selling them and he paid about $200 more then what Doug is selling them for now. Great optics Good Luck on your search.
  9. So thick Tone did not know if the bull was coming or going. Congrats Man great shot! I hope to have a tag some day.
  10. We have a shoot this Sunday. Harry will be running it I will be at work. Come on out ans bring that trouble maker Beau.
  11. BowNut

    forum down

    Same here got it for most of the morning.
  12. BowNut

    Worst elk hunt I ever had

    +1 Give it some time. My son and I had some Yahoo's shoot at a spike wt that had run up on us at about 5-10 yards while glassing.(With a rifle) I was pissed and ready to quit saying the same as you. I was done here! I also still blame it on to many tags in that unit. But by the time it comes to put in to hunt the next year time has passed and all your buddies are talking about what they are putting in for its hard not to give it on last try. I never forget about it but I have had a ton of great hunts and I'm going to do my best not to let G&F or a couple Yahoo's take that away from me.
  13. BowNut

    7 West Bull Elk hunt

    On up hill or down hill shots you will take off yardage or aim low. You want to judge the target as it was strait out in front of you. On an step incline you may have 40 yards of ground between you and the target but if you were able to pick the target up so it was directly horizontal in front of you it may have only been 30 yards and that's what you want to shoot it for the horizontal distance. I have seen targets at 3d shoots that there is 50 yards of ground between you and the target but if you were to imagine that target directly in front of you and not down hill it would only be a 20 yard shot.
  14. BowNut

    Elk late rut

    Almost forgot I also heard that G&F brought the helicopter in and busted up some herds in some areas around 7,8,and 9 before the hunt. But not sure how true that was.
  15. BowNut

    Elk late rut

    We talked to a few locals in 7w that said there were herds of 50 to100 elk in the unit 3 weeks before the hunt. Then the holiday weekend came and there were herds of 4 wheelers, Rangers all over and the elk really thinned out or just went deep. Mix that and not much food and the heat it makes for a tough hunt.
  16. Awesome! Glad Tony was able to pull it all together for at least one good shot in a year. We ALL know he can't shoot for crap. He needs to spend more time shooting and less time running in and out of that big hole up north!! Tell him Huge Congrats from me!! I don't see him much anymore since he got tired of me whipping his butt on the 3D course. Tell him he can come back now I moved to open class! :lol:
  17. BowNut

    left handed right eye

    My oldest kid is right handed and left eyed and my youngest is left handed and right eyed. Both of them learned to shoot the same as there dominant eye with no problems. This may also help I use one of these. Not sure if it will help with the eye dominance thing but it should. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...l=double+vision
  18. BowNut

    left handed right eye

    My buddy I grew up with skated goofy footed LOL! I have not heard that in years.
  19. BowNut

    left handed right eye

    I would have him shoot with whatever eye he is dominant. In this case I would have him shoot right handed.If he is shooting a rifle right handed it should not be to hard for him. But you need to start him soon!!!!! He has got a lot of arrows to fling by Jan. in my opinion. And if you are not 100% sure he is ready by then I would have him wait. Just my 2 cents.
  20. BowNut

    Christian a female???

    What friends?? You better hope I never get your password!! :lol:
  21. They must be herded up this time of year maybe prerut LOL! I know a guy who saw a huge group of them during the archery deer hunt he said he lost count at about 50 and thought there may be around 80 of them. Never seen that many at one time.
  22. BowNut

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    117 6/8 Cool buck!
  23. BowNut

    unique color coues

    I see a trend here!
  24. BowNut

    No buck, but a lion instead

    Hey Mark Congrats on the lion. I saw a lion today only mine was not close enough for a bow shot. I need my 270win. for a shot at this one. PM Sent