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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut

    5th Annual Cactus Classic

    To shoot the AM flight on Saturday you need to pre-register online, by mail or on Friday the 26th at the range from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm If you come to register in the AM on Saturday you will need shoot in the afternoon flight. One more change please pass this on to anyone you know that may want to shoot this year. It is very hard to get started on time in the AM so we hope this will help. Thanks Again
  2. BowNut


    What he said. Move the rest to meet your field points with the broadhead. I would forget the paper its just a starting point anyway. If you want to try to get it to shoot through paper try dropping or raising you poundage a turn and see if that changes anything.
  3. BowNut

    Some Rams

    There has been a few in there for years we would camp there years ago and could usually glass them up a few times over a weekend up there.
  4. BowNut


    I would say low to mid 90's nice buck love the mass!
  5. BowNut

    Stolen Bow

    Hey I think we know who changed Christian's profile to female a few months ago!!
  6. BowNut

    Stolen Bow

    That sucks! I will keep a lookout for it. Were was it stolen from. I would call all the archery shops in the area asap in case it shows up there.
  7. BowNut

    Border Units Reviewed.

    My guess would be AZCOUES33!!!!!!
  8. BowNut

    Way East Mesa

    Could have been me I get on the 202 there almost daily.
  9. BowNut

    Anyone hunting 36a

    He did say he would be carrying it!LOL We have not seen much activity yet. Good luck down south.
  10. BowNut

    Find the ghosts

    Here maybe. Great pics. I love the snow
  11. BowNut

    javelina calls

    +1 agree 100% you have to be less than 100 yards for the call to work. +2 Should not blind call. It can work but we only use the J-13 when we bust the pigs up that when it works the best. I have called pigs back 3 or 4 times and still missed.
  12. BowNut

    Where Oh Where?

    I will chase some deer to your unit if you chase some hog to mine by Jan.
  13. BowNut

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    Items like Heat Sensors to detect down game was one that I thought of... got that as a Christmas gift one year. + 1 on the "Game Trackers" I got one I will sell cheap! Brand new in the box!!!
  14. BowNut

    cam choice

    Kinda high priced I think. I would look at the cameras Amanda sells here.
  15. BowNut

    cam choice

    Yes there is but the camera must have cell service and I assume a monthly cell bill to get pics off the camera. They should have them in Cabelas and Bass Pro I would think.
  16. BowNut

    Need some help

    The 60 and Greenfield for SW.
  17. BowNut

    Kids bow Genesis Pro

    Just in time for Christmas Mathews Genesis Pro RH Black I think 15"-30" draw 15-25# Has the draw stop for a solid wall. $130 shipped and I will also drop in a older Whisker Biscuit
  18. BowNut

    What do you pack for lunch

    2 or 3 hard boiled eggs with salt,pepper and some Arizona Gunslinger for breakfast. Smoked oysters and or Kipper snacks with crackers for lunch. Ya you should smell it about dinner time! :lol:Just ask azcoues33! Plus some bars or trail mix to snack on here and there. Lunchables also work well for lunch to. coues7 You can reuse one of those small single serving Pringles cans to Keep your crackers from getting smashed.
  19. BowNut

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    Primos fake deer turds?? Are you kidding me? How are those supposed to help? You put lure on them? Amanda He he... yeah, here is the link on cabelas: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...rset=ISO-8859-1 Ten bucks for a box of crap! :lol: Makes $10 for a Lumenock look like money well spent. :D
  20. BowNut

    My first slam

    Thought maybe it was the Lucky Hat till the last picture. Congrats
  21. BowNut

    Tanks in 7W

    Was up there for the September archery hunt. There was water but still very few elk. I have not been in there since the hunt but its dry all over the state. Good Luck
  22. BowNut

    Broke the curse...Got my Javelina

    Congrats on the hog! Hey have I been to that spot before?
  23. BowNut

    Havalon Knives - Check these out!

    These knives are great! Anyone who gets one will love them.
  24. BowNut


    this one's bound to get ugly. Ya just got done watching UFC 106 and I see this thread going the distance and getting bloody.
  25. BowNut

    Arrow question

    Your best bet at this point is decide what you are most confident shooting at this point. Sounds to me you seem to like your older arrow setup better. I would stick with it until you can get with a shop or someone to help you out. Or spend some time reading up on bow tuning or just keep asking here I'm sure everyone here will do what they can to help. But you need to be confident in you equipment that's the most important.