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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut

    Hoyt Alphamax 35

    Now that's funny right there! I don't care who ya are!!!
  2. BowNut

    Hoyt Alphamax 35

    No he is looking at one of those Little Boy bows! Elite!!!!
  3. BowNut

    2 Mathews bows for sale

    Gino Don't forget to try the Alfaburner. I got one a couple weeks ago and I'm love'in it. Good luck with the bow sales.
  4. BowNut

    2 Mathews bows for sale

  5. Usery Mountain Archers Wednesday Night Summer 3D Archery League Where? At Usery Mountain Park Archery Range 5 miles North of US 60 on Ellsworth Road When? Starting May 12th Every Wednesday Night At 7:00 pm Details! Blind Draw Format. Teams Of Two Will Be Drawn At The End Of Each Night. 50% Payback Each Night Divided Between The Top Three Teams COST? $10 For Non-Club Members $8 For Members (There is also a $6 per car fee and a $2 per archer supply fee to enter the park ) Everyone MUST show parking pass or annual pass at time of registration before they will be alowed to shoot! For More Information Contact: USERY MOUNTAIN ARCHERS AT umacarchery@netscape.com
  6. BowNut

    EyeShield for your Binoculars

    I have used these for a couple months now. Very Very happy with them. Hate to look through my binos without them. Yes they are Very simple to put on.
  7. BowNut

    You "Be The Decoy" Antelope

    You got that right!!!!! Thats like a G&F guy wearing a bear suit in tree to catch bear poachers!
  8. BowNut

    Best Avatars

    I can tell you the one i don't like!!! GO PACK!!!
  9. BowNut


    Sorry about your loss Lark. I quit chewing last July after about 20yrs. The best part is it seemed to get the ball rolling in our family. Since I quit my wife has quit smoking! My sister has quit smoking and my brother in-law has started on quiting chewing as we speak! I know I'm done for good I just hope everyone else can keep it up and I think they can.
  10. BowNut

    gold tips arrows

    Way to under spined as others have said. But there are lots of arrows out there that are spined for your 70# bow that are a lot lighter then your gold tips. If you want to stay with gold tip try the Ultralight 400's I thnk they weight close to what you are looking for. But I would go for the KE before speed. Or you could just Hoyt them and get an Alfaburner and have both!!! 287 fps with a 397 gr arrow AT 60# 73# of KE!
  11. BowNut

    quest primal bow 2010

    I saw this bow the other day it's a nice looking bow and shoots great. If Hairdog can drives tacks like he was with it anyone can. Great bow you got to check it out.
  12. BowNut

    Some WMAT finds

    999 post you got one more! sorry did not want to hijack the thread.
  13. BowNut


    Did he leave any for the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. BowNut

    Ancient Art

    Very Cool Pics! I found these pig hunting this year. I wish it would have been pictures of pigs cuz we couldn't seem to find any this year??
  15. BowNut

    **Draw Results**

    I lost all my bonus points this year it almost brought a tear to my eye I was growing very fond of them it was like loosing a close relative. NotUnit 6 ARCHERY BULL TAG!!!!!!!!!!!!! First bull tag ever! Ya Baby!! My sister drew an archery cow tag and my brother in-law drew an archery bull tag same unit as me and we all put in separate! Congrats to everyone!
  16. BowNut


    Ribeye for me! With good'ol salt and pepper and maybe some garlic. Then some Blue Cheese crumbles over the top. Hard to find a NY or T-bone (same steak) with enough fat/marbling for me. On a Meat Cutters income its tuff to spend the money on Prime or Kobe Beef. Plus I would need to shop other then were I work so I will stick with a Choice Ribeye any day.
  17. BowNut


    A Shark Among Guppies
  18. BowNut


    Ya what they said. Spot hogg will take care of you. Go through the shop you bought it at or contact them direct.
  19. CVA Muzzleloader for sale 50 cal. in-line takes #11 caps It comes with everything pictured CVA 50 cal. Muzzleloader with scope rings Tool box Warranty/users guide About 1/2 to 3/4 pound of Pyrodex RS 1-box of Pyrodex Pellets 50gr(never tried them in this gun) 14-260gr Knight JHP sabot/bullets 5-240gr Hornady JHP/XTP sabot/bullets Cleaning cloth Bore Butter 2-speed loaders Cap tool Bullet starter and powder measure This is a great starter gun. It's not one of those 150+ gr 300yard guns. Just thought I would find it a new home I have not used it in a couple years and do not see myself using it anytime soon. Asking $150 OBO for everything Just need a nipple and a scope and its ready to shoot Also still have the Iron/plastic sights I will get pictures up later
  20. BowNut

    found a coues shed!

    I'm having trouble also. Never have before this is what it says when I try to upload a pic. Upload failed. Please ask the administrator to check the settings and permissions
  21. BowNut

    Hoyt Trykon

    One of you guys need to change your Avatar I get you mixed up all the time!!
  22. BowNut

    Calculating Draw odds

    I just look at it this way I have 8 point and my chances are always SLIM AND NONE!! Good question wish I could answer it for you hope someone can help.The MM link says I have a 32% chance with 8 point and 100% with 9 for my 1st choice looks like I will have a tag for sure next year??? Sure hope so!
  23. BowNut

    Hoyt Alphamax 35

    What's the difference besides the cable roller guards? 7 fps? Thanks for everyone's replies. The Alpha Max 35 should be shipped soon...once I get it dialed in I'll post a comparison review of it and my '09 Darton Pro 2500. As said beyond parallel limbs. I think its just a smoother shooting and drawing bow.
  24. BowNut

    Hoyt Alphamax 35

    If you buy an Alfamax35 just don't go shoot the Maxxis35 I hate to see guys kicking them selves in the butt!LOL