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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut

    Bowhunter Happening

    Looks like Thunderstorms all weekend bring your rain gear.
  2. BowNut

    My spot keeps getting better!

    Whats in the water? You got some crazy bulls growing there.
  3. BowNut

    Bowhunter Happening

    I saw that Amanda We will see you there.You hitting any courses with your bow while your there?
  4. BowNut

    Bowhunter Happening

    Don't listen to this guy he does not know what he is talking about!
  5. BowNut


    Yep Thats him. Also was at Bowtech before Elite I believe.
  6. BowNut


    Well did you make it down there? I shot the SR-71 the other day in there and really liked it. If I did not like my Hoyts so much I think that would be the bow I would shoot. PSE being a 1 and Hoyt being a 10 I would definatly give it a 9!!! Sorry PSE guys it was a joke. Sorry it wasn't that funny
  7. BowNut

    Bowhunter Happening

    Hey Dan I'm doing ok. Just working way to much. Will be 16 days strait at work before we head up there Thursday. It will be a well deserved 5 days off. Hope to shoot Friday also maybe we will see you there.
  8. BowNut

    Camera Lock Box

    Here is one that may keep the bears away also. Not sure were I got the picture maybe here some place?
  9. Here this should be our next get-together! Who is in? I'm ready!
  10. This was my other pick I was going to go with.
  11. You got to have balls to eat balls. Don't worry yours will drop some day Zwackey!
  12. BowNut

    For the......

    I heard the same a buddy of mine showed me some pictures of him with a ton of dead ones I thought he took a trip to Mexico. But he got them all out around Queen Creek. Said they ate good!!
  13. BowNut

    Inverter 3 balde "TRI-VERTER"

    Me and Elitefreak have elk tags they going to be out buy then? Or if you need a couple field testers Good luck with the new heads keep us updated.
  14. BowNut

    My New Baby!

    Why not Christy
  15. BowNut

    Digiscope pics

    I got 11 for sure maybe 12 not sure if the body to the left of the tree matches the head to the right of the tree. I would say 12
  16. BowNut

    newly found water soursce

    Wow! Looks like you found a great spot. Some decent bucks hope it works out for you and they have some good growth this year.
  17. BowNut

    girls bow

    Absolutely correct!!! I have been in that situation....just let the wife go in and try holding them and looking them over...take all the advise you can, but let her make the final decision. Kathi Just so you know it was not you and Mark I was talking about in my post!!
  18. BowNut

    Carmen Mountain Whitetail

    Was watching Hank Parker 3D the other day and Hank was hunting with the Michael Waddell in Mexico for whitetail. They called them Carmon Mountain Whitetail. I had never heard of these before and Hank said they were a cross breed of Coues and a South Tx. whitetail what ever they are. They said Micheal shot the new record #1 Carmen Mountain Whitetail and Hanks was #3 I think they said. Just looked like South Tx. deer to me.
  19. BowNut

    girls bow

    Both of those are good bows. But I would let her pick what she likes. Talking from experience if she is not involved in choosing it and does not like it she will not shoot it. We have guys bring there wifes in the shop all the time and almost always what the husband wants to buy her is not the one she likes for what ever reason.
  20. BowNut

    Which is the best

    The Bowtech Soldier and Hoyt Kobalt are a couple great bows. They have a lot range for ajustment so they can grow with them so your not needing to buy a new bow every couple of years.
  21. BowNut

    Hoyt on Pawn Star!!!!

    After four unsuccessful marriages and eight children, Duane married his fifth wife Beth Smith on May 20th, 2006 at the Hilton Waikoloa Village in Hawaii. Together they have two children together Bonnie Jo Chapman and Garry Chapman. Smith has two children from previous relationships, Dominic and Cecily Barmore. Or to much time on the computer!
  22. BowNut

    New Bow Hoyt Carbon Matrix.....

    I have shot it and would not spend the money on it if the money was given to me. Its a great bow but what do you get for that much money? It's not that fast really. And it's not much lighter ether. And IMO The Maxxis or Alfaburner shot and felt as good or better then it does. But thats for you the decide. Shoot them all its what you like not what we like. But stick with a Hoyt! LOL!
  23. BowNut

    Hoyt on Pawn Star!!!!

    I was told by a little bird that it was a great marketing plan by Hoyt. Seemed to work from what I have seen. Thats all they talked about on AT for month or more.
  24. BowNut

    Paper tuning

    I have not shot paper for years. I eye ball it then head to the range for walk back tuning. Then if its my hunting bow its walk back tuning then as coues krazy said I move to broadhead tuning. When I set a bow up at the shop I shoot it through paper because thats what most guys want to see. But always tell them thats just a starting point.
  25. BowNut

    string makers

    I like 8125 strings and 452X cables. I tried all 452X but they slowed down the bow and makes more noise then 8125 strings. 452X so there is less creep and cam timing problems.And 8125 string less noise and a little more speed. And I always shoot Winners Choice.