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Everything posted by davidmyrick

  1. davidmyrick

    Give Your Input to G&F

    The AZ Game & Fish Dept. is seeking public input about future hunting guidelines now through the end of May. Now is your chance to give your ideas/input, make suggestions, etc. You can send your suggestions by e-mail or regular mail to: azgamebranch@azgfd.gov or Hunt Guidelines, Arizona Game and Fish Department, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086. Please see more detailed info below. PRESERVE ARIZONA'S HUNTING HERITAGE Your input will help shape and preserve Arizona's hunting heritage PHOENIX - The Arizona Game and Fish Department is accepting public input for revising the state's hunt guidelines now through the end of May. Comments may be submitted either electronically via email or mail them directly to the department headquarters in Phoenix. The hunt guidelines set the framework (biological and social) that the department uses to develop specific hunt recommendations and set permit levels, season dates and season structures. Every two years, on odd-numbered years, the department reviews and revises the existing hunt guidelines and recommends changes that address the direction given by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. The guidance for the 2009 package, which will be the framework for setting the 2010-11 and 2011-12 hunting season structures, is for standardization, simplification, and increasing hunter participation. "This is your opportunity to get involved. The department needs your thoughts and ideas on how to meet the demand for hunting opportunities," said Brian Wakeling, chief of game management. "What can we do different with our hunt structures to make it better for hunters, while still managing within biological sideboards? And what are your thoughts and ideas on how we can get more hunters engaged and in the field?" The current hunt guidelines to be revised can be reviewed and downloaded at www.azgfd.gov/pdfs/h_f/huntingrecommendations/2009/HuntGuidelines.pdf. Please submit ideas and comments through May 31 to azgamebranch@azgfd.gov or to Hunt Guidelines, Arizona Game and Fish Department, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086. After all the comments are received, reviewed, and processed, the department will host nine public meetings across the state, from June 10-25, to present the proposed revisions, answer questions, and to collect any additional public input. A final draft will then be prepared and posted at the department's Web site prior to being presented to the commission for approval at its Sept. 11-12 meeting in Phoenix. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission and Department want to accommodate the many varied desires of our hunting and nonhunting public. Wildlife is managed in the public trust for all Arizonans; this is how the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is perpetuated. To learn more about the hunt guideline process, and listing of public meeting dates and locations, visit www.azgfd.gov/huntguidelines.
  2. FREE ELK HUNTING SEMINAR & B-B-QUE. Guest speaker: Corky Richardson Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 B-B-Que starts at 6:00pm Seminar starts at 7:00pm There will be an official scorer from the Bowhunting in Arizona record book there as well if you have any animals you would like scored. Calvary Community Church 12612 N. Black Canyon Hwy. (I-17) Fellowship Hall (West side of campus) Phoenix, AZ (South of Thunderbird on the south bound access road) Great Door Prizes and Raffles Sponsored by: The AZ Bowhunter's Association & Desert Christian Archers For more info: desertchristianarchers@cox.net David Myrick - 602-909-3600 Dick King - 602-989-5484 kitchenconcepts@mindspring.com
  3. Thought some of you fellow whitetail addicts would be interested in knowing that the ABA just added a fully guided Iowa whitetail hunt to the huge list of items that will be given away at the banquet this Saturday, March 4th. The Iowa whitetail hunt is in Albia, Iowa.......home of the current world's record, taken a couple of years ago. Last year one of the outfitters clients killed a buck that grossed over 205"!! You better get your tickets for the banquet now because it is very close to sold out. You could probably bid on the auction items over the phone if you can't be at the banquet. Contact Dick King for banquet tickets/information: 602-989-5484
  4. There is a Game and Fish Commission meeting this Saturday, February 11th in Yuma. This is the meeting that the Department will officially give the Commissioners their proposal for the upcoming 2006 archery elk hunting structure, including their recommended changes of taking away some of the September archery bull elk tags to create August and November hunts. They will also discuss the recommended changes to take away some of the December firearm Coues deer tags to create October/November hunts. All hunters should attend this important meeting and voice their opinion about these proposals. The meeting will start at 8:00am and will be located at the Shilo Inn - 1550 S Castle Dome Ave, Yuma, AZ 85365.