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Everything posted by MuggyMan

  1. MuggyMan

    Tracking Milage

    pedometer - cheapest? fitbit maybe more accurate?
  2. MuggyMan

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    First of all, being productive is highly overrated. Second, I'm getting elk fever and haven't even been drawn yet!
  3. MuggyMan

    big enough

    It's been at least 5 minutes since I checked my cc to see if hit for elk draw; while waiting thought I would throw out a question I've been pondering on. Had a guy who has harvested more than a few bears tell me that 357 Magnum won't kill a black bear. So, is he right? Or is it just a matter of finding the right load/bullet?
  4. MuggyMan

    big enough

    So what about 11 or 12 yards?
  5. MuggyMan

    When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away

    Lol guess I should put my glasses on
  6. MuggyMan

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    That is so wrong.
  7. MuggyMan

    When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away

    ^ What kind of skull is that on the table in corner? (1:56 into video)
  8. MuggyMan

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    It's reached the point now where I checked my card this morning expecting to see no new activity....
  9. MuggyMan

    Credit Card Charge Contest for Raffle Tickets

    "Entries will be accepted for times through 3/31 and the contest will end at midnight on 3/31. If credit cards haven't started being hit by this date, there will probably be rioting in the streets and civilization as we know it will have ended." Man, there's only 7 guys still in it! The way it's going, could be riots...
  10. MuggyMan

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Can't help myself- gonna check one more time
  11. MuggyMan

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I've only checked my card 3 times so far today....
  12. MuggyMan

    shopping for used truck

    My 17 year old son totalled the SUV. Now I have the green light to buy a real truck. Anyone here have any experience buying from Truckmax? Seems I remember there was a CWT member who sold trucks in Mesa. If you read this please contact me. Looking for lifted, 4WD, gas, not diesel. Any advice appreciated. Oh, my son is OK. Hope he likes walking.
  13. MuggyMan

    Map obsessions.

    Same here. My wife even wrote in our Christmas letter "when he's not actually hunting, he's dreaming about hunting..." I even write up a summary of my thoughts from studying the maps and scouting and email them to my buddies. I'm sick... sick, sick, sick... lol
  14. MuggyMan

    Hunting stereotypes- Best thing I've seen in a while.

    I was going to show this to my wife... then reconsidered because if she saw the "White Liar Gun Buyer" she might catch on....
  15. MuggyMan

    DIY skull question

    I'm thinking of painting my javelina skull (already finished boiling and cleaning). If I'm going to paint it, do I still need to bleach it?
  16. MuggyMan

    half time show

    Half-time show sucked. I liked the alien museum avocado commercial. Liked the Super Bowl babies commercial too.
  17. MuggyMan

    Where were you this day, 1986?

    I was at work - Deer Valley Honeywell facility at that time.
  18. MuggyMan

    2016 is off to a great start!

    Dude, that's like the best day ever! Congrats!
  19. I got one, but he was too small so I threw him back.
  20. MuggyMan

    White F150

    at Fitness Works, Queen Creek and Gilbert about 1:00 PM
  21. MuggyMan

    What was your first hunting rifle?

    First shotgun was a single shot 20g that I ordered from Sears catalog for $40 - still have it - still use it on occasion. First rifle was a Marlin .22 that I bought in a pawn shop for $40 First deer rifle was a Remington Woodmaster in .308 that I inherited from my step-grandad - had to sell it to pay the rent back in the early 80s when I was fresh out of the Marine Corps, broke and in kind of a tough place. Broke my heart to do it, but didn't feel like i had much choice at the time.
  22. MuggyMan

    2015 season success

    That's a gnarly blacktail! Awesome year for you.
  23. MuggyMan

    Garage storage

    I recommend getting cabinets that do NOT sit directly on deck, but rather are on legs. That way if water heater busts or other water leak, the cabinets and contents don't get damaged.I used Slide Lok