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Everything posted by Rene

  1. Another one for the lion in the ranch we hunt.Sorry again the date in the photo should be Jan 14 2007
  2. This buck was killed in a ranch in Sonora, Mexico for the ranch`s owner many years ago
  3. My father`s buck, it was taken the last day of the season with a Savage 99 in 300 Savage at 70 yds. The date in the photo is wrong it should be Feb 04 2007
  4. This one was found in Sonora Mexico, surely killed by a mountain lion, very good buck just like the lions like to eat. Sorry the photo files are too big, need some help.
  5. All they are from Sonora Mexico
  6. These are my three coues and my father`s mule deer. My first coues was taken in Dec 2000, the second one in Jan 2004 and the third one in Jan 2006. My father`s mule deer was taken back in 1985. I hope you enjoy the photos. Mule deer Mule deer Second coues And the third one
  7. Thank you for your welcome and comments. I said "surely" because i didn't found it, the rancher who found it said it was killed by a lion, so i assume it's true. Side photos
  8. Let`s see the photos Oops one by one Another one One more One more Ok thank you for your advice but i had to try myself; nice buck isn't it?