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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. They might never have been found if the fire hadn't started. Wow, that photo in one of the articles of the wreckage and that cliff are shocking.
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Hydrographics tank

    Awesome! Excellent use of stickers
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Any antler buyers?

    Call Josh or Alan http://azantleraddiction.com/we-buy-antlers-contact-us/
  4. Have you been thinking about becoming a mentor to someone who wants to learn how to hunt? If so, you might really enjoy and benefit from attending the Becoming a Hunting Mentor Trivia and Pint Night at a local brewery. For more info see attached flyer or contact : Ryan Conat rconat@nwtf.net Cell: (920) 250-2647 2018 Hunting Mentor Trivia Flyer_V3.pdf
  5. flyer says local brewery in Central Phx and when you register they give you specific location.
  6. CouesWhitetail

    My 1st Goat

    Well, let's hope you love it! We loved it, but then we love lamb too
  7. CouesWhitetail

    My 1st Goat

    Congratulations! Antelope is great eating!!
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Where you born in Arizona?

    fyi, here is the restored original thread http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/81637-where-you-born-in-arizona-original-thread/
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Friends Archery Bull elk down

    Love those dark antlered bulls! Congratulations to you and your friend!
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Tree Stand accident

    Hope the person is OK.
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Where you born in Arizona?

    Turns out the original poster of the thread removed it. I have restored it and deleted some of the posts that were derailing the thread. fyi, if anyone sees content that is a problem in any thread, you can report it to me or other moderators and we can take care of it. You don't have to delete your own threads just because of a couple bad posts. To report a post, look in the upper right corner of the post for the "report post" text link, click on it and report what the issue is.
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Where you born in Arizona?

    I don't know what happened to it. I will check with Stan. Last time I read the thread it was fine and very interesting. I didn't know it became a problem.
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Where you born in Arizona?

    My husband and I used to catch carp, smoke them on the grill, then debone and make fish sandwiches that were awesome! It's actually really good eating. In Europe carp is considered a delicacy and a sportfish like trout.
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Have you seen or know this guy?

    Wow, that's crazy! Article says unprovoked attack! I am so sorry for your cousin.
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Whats up with the PMs?

    You have also exceeded the quota for messages that can be saved in your mailbox. You have over 100. Delete some and your PMs will go through again.
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Whats up with the PMs?

    It's because you had over 100 messages already in your inbox. The limit was set to 100 messages that can be kept in your inbox. Delete some of your stored messages and it will work.
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Catahoula leopard Dogs

    We have a catahoula and she is amazing! Super high energy though. So plan to give them TONS of exercise! She is super smart and nice to everyone and gets along with all dogs too. I suppose it depends on how you socialize them and train them. Our Catahoula Maggie has a great nose and has found many skulls, skins, antlers, etc when she is out with us. Not long ago she ran up to me with a human femur! We reported it to the Sheriffs. They are still investigating. I don't recommend a catahoula if you don't have time to exercise them and the ability to train them.
  18. CouesWhitetail

    Whats up with the PMs?

    What happens when you try to send? What error message do you get? I have no trouble sending and receiving PMs. Which forum theme are you using? UPDATE: seem message below....it's because you have reached the limit of 100 messages in your mailbox. Delete some and it will work again.
  19. Hey All, Have you ever wanted to help a young hunter get his/her first deer? AZ Mule Deer Organization is looking for help with their youth camp in Units 33 and 37B October 4-7, 2018. They could really use some help! A couple of their usual "go-to" guys have run into serious trouble like their house burning down and/or being very sick, so they are short handed. Even if you can only help one morning or one evening, it's worth it and it's so fun! I believe camp is getting set up on the 4th, and the hunt starts Friday the 5th. Time is short, so let them know asap if you can help. For more information about the camp, please contact : Dave King djking3@cox.net or 623 -826-6821. for a map to camp area see: https://register-ed.com/events/view/123616 for some info on this fairly new conservation group, see their website http://www.azmuledeer.org/
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Camera & stand thieves facing charges

    Wow! Glad they were caught. One was the city attorney! wow
  21. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    You can't change the unread content default settings, you have to create your own stream and change the settings there. In order to create a new stream, click on the Activity drop down menu in upper left of forum. Then select My Activity Streams and then go down to the bottom of that and select Create New Stream. Then name the new stream whatever you want and change the settings to how you prefer it. Then save it and it will save it in your list of streams under My Activity Streams. Unfortunately, to access it when you come back you click on Activity, My Activity Streams and select the one you want in your list of streams. I totally agree with you that if someone wants to read what they already read they can browse the forums, but people seems to want it this other way. I don't really understand why people want previously read content to show in the unread content stream. But I did change the default unread content stream to be since your last visit. That is how I think the old software had it. so this should be pretty darn similar and meet your desires and those of others.
  22. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    no, last visit means last time you visited, not last time you logged in
  23. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    I changed the default unread content to be since last visit. test that out over the next couple days and see if it's better for you.
  24. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    Yes, that's the trade off. I can't understand why people would want a list of topics they already read when they click on unread content. But that seemed to be what many people wanted. so I made the change. I could maybe set it to a different time frame....perhaps since last visit? Maybe that would meet both needs? I don't really know how to make it work for everyone. Each member can create a custom stream with whatever settings you like if you look under "Activity" in upper left of forum, then "my activity streams", then you can create a custom stream and select it when you come to the forum. But perhaps just setting the timeframe for unread content to be since last visit in the default Unread Content button will meet everyone's desires. I will mess with that.
  25. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    what do you mean?