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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Mountain Goat!!!

    That's awesome! Gorgeous goat!! Thanks for sharing your hunt!
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Pinned subjects/forums

    Yes, people were complaining about how many pinned topics there were and in the process of unpinning some I some how accidentally unpinned them all. see if this is the thread you wanted: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/35869-pack-animals/
  3. CouesWhitetail

    My 2018 Archery Bull

    Excellent! Congratulations!
  4. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    Is there something specific you are having difficulty with?
  5. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    Could it just be that only one page of content exists since your last visit? On my computer, if I click on load more activity and nothing comes up, it's because all activity was displayed on the first page. It depends on how frequently you visit. If you visit once every few days it will have pages of activity, if you are coming multiple times a day, it may only be that a page worth of new content has been posted since your last visit.
  6. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    If you want to change it permanently, you have to create your own stream. In the upper left of the forum when you are logged in, look for the Activity drop down menu, click on that and then click on My Activity Streams. Then look for Create New Stream button and click on that and change the settings to how you like them. Then make sure you save it to a name you like. Then when you want to view that stream when you come back to the forum, click Activity, then My Activity Streams, then click on the name of the stream you created. It's cumbersome, I know, but that's the way to create a custom stream. I set the default stream to be using settings similar to how the old forum was (ie, displaying unread content since last visit).
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Unknown scat

    Javelina scat
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Fossil Hunting

    That's awesome! I would love to find something like that.
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Guys heres is my bull..

    Very nice Ernesto!! Congratulations!
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Pickin' Ppears!

    Any of you collect prickly pears to juice? My husband and I went out last night and gathered several. He juices them and then uses the juice in an amazing BBQ sauce and also to make a Prickly Pear IPA (both of which I had yesterday from prior batches). We also use the juice in smoothies or in margaritas. We use metal tongs to pick them and desert broom branches to brush off the spines before putting them in a bucket. Perfect temps last evening and gorgeous almost full moon came up just before sunset. Made for a wonderful evening. tonight my husband will be brewing beer under the full moon
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Monster coues finshed and home

    Wow!! that's a great buck!!
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Pickin' Ppears!

    It changes a little every time, but the basic idea is to boil down the juice until it's kind of thick (but watch it because it can burn if boiled down too far). He says be careful and just simmer the juice to thicken it up. If you boil it, the color sometimes changes and you really want to keep that cool color. So just simmer, not hard boil. And then he mixes in some cheap bbq sauce (Safeway had some Jack Daniels bbq sauce on sale for 50% off so I stocked up for him) from the store and then adds a bunch of different spices. He won't tell me exactly what he uses! but its a wide variety of dried peppers and it gives it a great depth of flavor. this last batch I think he also added some apple butter that someone had given us and that added another layer of flavor! I could just eat it straight and be happy! He says he uses garlic, a little habenero, some Peri Peri (an african pepper), and whatever other spices he feels like throwing in. I keep telling him that he should bottle it and sell it! Everyone I know that has tried it has totally loved it.
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Heck Yea 2018 *New Huntress Update*

    Congratulations!! She's beautiful!
  14. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    sounds like you made a mistake using the quote and posting? you can PM me a link to the posts you see a problem with and I can take a look. But there is nothing wrong with the current quote system that I can see. It worked fine for you with this last post. When using the quote function, just make sure to type your comments below the quote box, otherwise you will be editing the quote and your comments will get mixed into that box.
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Fossil Hunting

    I have yet to find a trilobite! Great story!
  16. Many of you know Mark Boulanger and for those that don't here is a little info about him. Mark (aka, "Bo") has been a firefighter for the last 28 years, both in his community and serving on wildland fire crews. He is an avid hunter, fisherman and donates his time to programs like Wounded Warrier and Make-a-wish foundation. Unfortunately, for the last year and a half, Bo's condition had been misdiagnosed and treated as if it were Valley fever or pnuemonia. But a recent biopsy shows Stage 4 lung cancer, which is a terrible disease to fight. Brandon McDermott set up a Gofundme page for Bo and asked me to post the link here. If you would like to help Bo and his family as they battle this disease, here is the link: https://www.gofundme.com/markbo
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Help a fellow hunter - Mark Boulanger fighting stage 4 lung cancer

    May he rest in peace. I wish I had the chance to have hunted with him. Prayers for his family as they go through this terrible time.
  18. CouesWhitetail

    On a serious note

    If it's too thick to glass, then, like you mentioned you will likely have to try the archery techniques of setting up a blind somewhere the deer come to regularly like a trail going to water or sitting water itself.
  19. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    No idea what you are talking about unless you mean when you quote people and their comments show up as quotes in your post?
  20. CouesWhitetail

    This new forum layout

    what specifically do you find difficult? are you using your phone mostly or computer? What internet browser are you using?
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Fossil Hunting

    I am totally into fossils too! There are many marine fossils in the limestone cliffs along the drive between Globe and Winkelman. The ones I see are still completely in the limestone, not very many that are loose like the ones you found. I attached some pics of ones I have found. also, here is a website that lists many sites http://www.t-rat.com/Pages/WhereToFindFossils.html
  22. CouesWhitetail


    oh man....I was just in mesa yesterday, but don't think you had posted these yet. We need some new cabinets to replace some we tore out to put in the new stove. I am sure someone else will appreciate them.
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Snap Range

    It's called Range Snap and no I don't have anymore to sell. The guy who made them seems to have stopped making them years ago. I keep holding out hope he will make more.
  24. CouesWhitetail

    FYI re: Prescott Valley Deer Herd

    Thanks for posting this....I meant to do it and saw you did it already