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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Find the Deer game

    No luck yet on the hats. Might take a while. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Posting pics in the forum

    hehehe, yes I do as a matter of fact......especially when I look at this thread!
  3. CouesWhitetail

    More D

    Happy Birthday !
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Units 36A/C Youth Hunt!!!

    Here are some pictures from the camp. This picture is of Cameron Holberg from Marana. This was his first deer, and he was grinning from ear to ear! Justing Renson of Tucson. Check-out the symetry on this solid coues deer. He made a 500 yard shot with his .270 to take this deer! Levi Heffelfinger. This is his first deer! He shot this buck with his .243 after glassing him up from long distance and then stalking in close. Check-out those spikes! It looks like a bull elk. His father (who is a biologist with the G&F and a deer fanatic!) and grandfather were there with him to share the joy!
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Unit 35A and My first Coues...

    HillBilly_Al, Great story! Do you mind if I post it in the Hunt Story section? Along with the photo? Email me the photo and I can post it for you. Congrats and it's cool that the guy who missed got to see the rest of the story here. I think it really helps to see what happens. It's always hard to learn from misses if you don't know exactly what happened. Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Posting pics in the forum

    Ok, I got tech support to help with the problem. Looks like it's working now. Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail


    Happy Bday Let me know if you want company on your unit 23 hunt. Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Plane Crash

    I am so sorry you lost your friends. You did a great job making them real for us in your description. My prayers to their families and friends... Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    sleeping buck

    Great stories!! Makes me feel kind of inadequate...I mean I have seen deer sleeping like they were dead, but I never walked up to a 120 inch buck or a 180 inch ram. Well, actually that isn't quite true, I did walk up on a 180 inch desert ram once. I came over a boulder pile on a long point and suprised both him and me. Luckily he jumped up and ran away from me rather than at me. He was on the end of a point of rock at a steep canyon and had no where to run but about 10 yards from me. Got to watch him up close for 30 mins or more until I had to get back to the truck. Good memories...I forgot about that one until I started typing! Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Ever heard of a Mtn Killing a Mtn Lion?

    Awesome photo Josh! Not sure I would call a hounddog that had chased that lion an innocent bystander...but I sure hope the dog was ok. That's some serious excitement in that photo. Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Posting pics in the forum

    Well, it looks like it put the images in as a thumbnail. I will try and figure out what's up with that. Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Posting pics in the forum

    I wanted to test uploading a photo. I am trying to figure out this new feature so I can explain it.... If you want to upload a photo that you wouldn't normally put in the main photogallery of this site, you can upload it here. When you start a post, look near the bottom of the screen for the section relating to File Attachments. Attachments must be less than 100kb to get posted. Dimensions of the photo aren't important, just total file size. Find your file on your hard drive using the browse button. Click add this attachment. After you do that, look down under where you did that and you should see your file listed. Then click to the right where it says add file into post. It will add the photos into where you have your cursor in the screen. So you can decide where you want the photo to go by placing your cursor there before you hit the add to post button. After doing that, look at the bottom of the screen for the Preview Post button and click on that and see if your photos show up. Here are a couple great photos that Scott Adams sent me awhile back. Eventually I hope to have a photogallery section for photos like this that aren't Coues deer, but are things people took photos of on a hunt. Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Coues whitetail contest

    Thanks for the heads-up. I assume that is a dressed weight? Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Huntin' Stories

    Manamal, Hey, send me some pics from your deer hunts....especially of the lady and her buck. Sounds like you had a great time. Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    posting a new picture

    It's possible. I upgraded the forum software so I am still trying to figure out the new features. Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Where is everyone?

    Thanks for your patience guys. I had to pay tech support for the forum software to move it to the new server and for some reason they took forever to complete it. Usually they provide prompt service. Not sure what was up. But anyway, it's up and running. I am really sorry it was down for so long. Thanks for hanging in there! Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Just developed October pictures...

    Here are his pics (first one of Joe's buck, second of Kevin's):
  18. CouesWhitetail


    here is a photo of his buck (and yes, it does have antlers!):
  19. CouesWhitetail

    e mail problem

    I spoke with Mike. I think things are working ok. Let me know if you have any trouble Mike. Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    10 year old First Coues

    Awesome! Love the look on the kid's face! Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Bears and Trail Cams

    I have used trail cameras alot to get bear photos when I was working for the San Carlos. We had some problem bears up around Senecca and need some info on how many were in the area. So I set up the cameras in thick areas that seemed like they had a trail or corridor, like along the bottom of a drainage. Of course you want to look for sign and put the camera where you are finding fresh sign. When I put out the cameras I always used no-scent spray to wipe down all the cables and camera and everything. I started doing that after I had a few bears from Bear Canyon tear up the cables. Never hurt the cameras, but the cables were a pain to replace. (most trail cam units don't have cables, this was a specialized unit). Anyway, I also took powdered donuts and crumbled them up on the ground where I wanted the bear to stay for a photo. This worked great. Bears love donuts! But I am not sure it would be legal on state land. anyone know for sure? Is it bear baiting if you aren't hunting?? So those are my tips on getting bear photos. If you want to eliminate getting skunks and raccoon photos, just raise the camera so the infrared beam is only tripped by a bear sized animal. Amanda
  22. Hi Guys, Due to the large volume of traffic the last two months, I am going to have to move the site to a server with a higher capacity. I am hoping to do this with as little down time as possible. However, there is likely to be some time when the website is down. Perhaps sometime in the next day or two. Please be patient, I will get it back up as soon as possible. Once it is back up, you will be able to access the site the same as always. Thanks for your support!! Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    San Carlos tag

    Lark, I think you are on the mark for why it's more of a restricted area. At least that was always what I was told when I was working there. Although the version I heard was that the land was given to the tribe, then taken away, then given back. Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    My 2004 Utah Muley

    Awesome buck! Thanks for all the info and photos to go with it. You know with a photo editing software like Photoshop Elements you can lightened that right up. In fact, I can do it for you if you want. Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail

    An Albino Deer (pic)

    Here are some bear pics CHD asked me to post for him. Nice photos!