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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    new record

    Thanks Steve. I would be glad to get the list from you and I will call Mike D. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    The commision listens

    Thanks for the info Steve. I was talking to Mark about doing that survey last week but I didn't think it was going to go forward. I guess the commission meeting changed some people's minds about the need for it. We have an ADA board meeting Wed where I imagine we will find out the details on the survey. Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    The commision listens

    Great news Steve! Who is creating the survey? Will it be pretty much the same as the elk one? Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    new record

    Let me ask some game wardens and find out what kind of help we can offer and what kind of info we can get from them to move on this stuff. If you guys want to ask AGFD people too or maybe some USFS people, then maybe we can get moving faster. I don't really have any idea how many of the non-working water developments would be easy to fix. Hopefully there are several. Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    The commision listens

    I will second that about thanking the bowhunting groups. That was a good survey, I wish we had done one for deer hunters. I was one of the 6000 who took the elk survey. Nice to see some clear results from it. Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    new record

    I like the idea of getting a bunch of CW.com'ers to help AGFD maintain some water developments. I know here in 24A the warden asks that if anyone finds one that isn't working to turn in the info and GPS coordinates to her. I imagine all the wardens would like that info. So at a minimum, it's a good idea to do that. We could ask some game wardens if they have some waters in WT country that need fixing and then we could make a work project out of fixing them. Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Ayyyyyy Chihuahua - pics of my 1st

    Great buck and story! Nice to see another woman hunter! Way to go! And my husband can't sit still very long either , so I know what you mean..... Mexico is a great place to hunt and to enjoy places with very few people in them and lots of wildlife. Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    "The Plate Says It All!"

    Nice stickers and great plate! Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    I did it again

    At least you got to get out and take a shot. Hope you get one next year! Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    "Dos Venados" from Mexico!

    Great hunt Jim! Thanks for sharing all the excitement you experienced! It's really great to read it all. And what beautiful bucks you got. And thanks for being sensitive to the outfitters that support this site. I really appreciate it and I am sure they do too. I don't think an apology is necessary, but I do think it would be unfair to those who support this site to start promoting outfitters that do not. Thanks for all the pics and details! Glad you had a great hunt. Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Weekend Pics....

    Those must be aerial surveys pics. Nice pics Dan. Amanda
  12. I just received an order of the new Coues and Elk hunting DVD from Dead Eye Productions. It has some excellent footage on it and is a 2 disc set. About half the 16 hunts are Coues hunts. Visit The Bookstore to read more about it and buy one if you are interested. This video was made by a local guy from Safford, who now lives in Sierra Vista. Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    my dec 24a hunt

    Hi All, Figured I would give you an update on how my hunt is going so far. I took today off from hunting since I had some appointments today and I also wanted to check my gun and make sure it's still on. I slipped the other day and bumped the scope. not real hard, but I just am not sure it's ok still. Anyway, here is a recap of the first few days. Opening morning I was in a little spot by myself and found 5 bucks within the first hour of glassing. One was a spike by himself. One was a 3 point following a group of does and the other group was of 3 bucks together. They were near the does, but not interested in them. None of the bucks was over 70 inches or so, so I let them all pass by. Here are some pics. While walking around to the backside of a canyon, I spotted a doe and a fawn, not 50 yards from me. They eventually moved off but as I got ready to leave I looked down and saw some nice pottery sherds. I thought these were great since they were black and white. Didn't see anymore bucks the rest of day 1. here is a nice habitat photo. Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday KGAINES!! Glad you got to spend at least part of it hunting Amanda
  15. Hi Guys, I was out this morning doing some deer surveys with the game warden when she spotted a spike. And then after we looked a little we saw a doe and fawn and a big buck. It's a very large 2 pt plus eyeguards. He started out about 480 yards upslope and then they all came down to get some water and the buck got to probably less than 200 yards across the canyon from me. Pretty darn cool! Got some nice pics. Tell me what you think he will score. 90 inch gross? He has some great mass on his bases. The little spike was chasing the fawn around quite a bit. The big buck was just casually staying with the doe. Wish I had seen this buck during my hunt!!! Here is a habitat pic. A deer is visible just left of center. Here are some pics of the doe and fawn. And here are some of the buck.
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Say goodbye to Dec. coues hunts.

    The ADA board met on Wed night and discussed this. We are planning another meeting in a few weeks to try and come up with alternatives. I think the commission feels a change needs to be made and of course the only way to increase permit numbers at the moment is to reduce hunter success and that is how the current proposal came about. We will be meeting with Leonard Ordway as well. Currently I believe the ADA has 350 members. I don't think people should discount their individual contributions. Although an organization may have more sway, if you get 500 individuals coming and saying the same thing, then it will have an impact. And sometimes I think the commission discounts organizations because they feel that the average hunter isn't represented by that organization. Again, I encourage anyone who feels strongly about this to go and speak their mind. I know it can be difficult to get up and speak, so if you don't feel you can do that, at least write your comments down and submit them at the meetings or email AGFD or call. Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    New G&F commisioner

    Here is Jennifer's bio. jennifer_bio.pdf
  18. CouesWhitetail

    New G&F commisioner

    The Arizona Deer Association board voted last night to oppose Jennifer's appointment. It seems to us that she just doesn't have the depth of experience that a commissioner should have. We will be sending a letter to the governor. There were several qualified people to choose from and it surprised me that the governor picked Jennifer, the one with the least experience. Art Pearce is who we voted to support instead. I don't know if the ADA's input will receive much notice, but I thought I would let you guys know. Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Need a gift for your wife or daughter?

    Just a reminder that there is a camp Feb 3-5. Only a week or two away, but I think there still is space. I will be teaching a class on wildlife in AZ and hunting in the desert. Might make a good Valentines Day gift!!! Here is a link to the registration form: Registration for BOW Deluxe These camps really are a great time and the women love them. Amanda
  20. Hi Guys, If you are looking for a good gift for your daughter, wife, girlfriend, or whatever special lady in your life, you could get her a weekend at the Becoming an Outdoorswoman workshops. There will be 3 offered in 2006, which is more than ever before and one is considered a luxury camp. The workshops offer courses in all kinds of outdoor stuff, like flyfishing, kayaking, rapelling, hunting, fishing, birdwatching, camp cooking and much more. I teach at these camps and I can tell you they are excellent and the ladies love them. I am attaching the flyer for the 2006 camps. If you have questions, use the contact on the flyer or email me.
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Say goodbye to Dec. coues hunts.

    Please everyone, make your opinions known. Don't take a "this is a done deal" attitude. It certainly will be done without a lot of pressure from the public. This Saturday the 21st is the "meet the commission" event at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort, 5401 N. Scottsdale Rd in Scottsdale. The event begins with the chairman's welcome and commission introductions at 1:30. I have been told they will have an open mike where anyone can get up and ask or address anything that afternoon. So if you can go and speak, please do. Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    New Coues Hunting DVD

    Hey, those of you who have seen the video since the final version came out, please post a review here if you have time. Post something about what you like or didn't like or your overall impression of the quality of the video. It will be good to give some feedback to the guy who made and also provide some information to those thinking of buying it. Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    my dec 24a hunt

    Wow, what a mess. I believe I acted in good faith. The guy who gave me permission to hunt back there lives a few feet from the area I walked into and he has given me permission multiple times over several years. tbev, Could you please call me or email me with the land owner's name and contact info? If I did indeed get permission from the wrong landowner then I made a huge mistake and I need to apologize to the other landowner. I gave you my phone number in the field and you can feel free to call me to discuss this if you wish, or send me an email through the forum. Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Unit 27

    Congratulations to James Ryan on his first bow kill! Sounds like you guys had a great day! Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Scent Cover-up Quesition

    You can buy laundry detergent at a sporting goods store that is designed to remove scent. Then you can get a special plastic bag for storing your clothes in which keeps scents from getting on them. They also make coverup scent wafers you can put in the bag if you want to add a cover scent to them. Amanda