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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Team Teel! First archery Coues Deer January 2014

    Congratulations! Looks like a nice wide buck! Thanks for sharing your hunt with us!
  2. CouesWhitetail

    anyone know family Lawyer

    My dad is mostly retired but handles estate law...so if 6Anuts dad can't help, let me know.
  3. Please welcome StarrFlight FOBs as a sponsor of CouesWhitetail.com! For those of you not familiar with FOBs, they are a product designed to stabilize your arrows in flight. They completely replace any need for fletching an arrow. There is a lot of science behind how and why these FOBs stabilize arrows so well. I will post some videos that demonstrate that. StarrFlight® is a product line of Desert Dynamic Research Inc. (DDR) located in Tucson Arizona. DDR is a company that is comprised primarily of archery hunters that are engineers from the aerospace industry, more specifically, missile design and test engineers – mechanical, manufacturing and electrical. Here is what owner Paul Morris said about his team, “Everyone on team DDR is an avid outdoorsman with a real love and passion for hunting and fishing. Being engineers, we are always analyzing and modifying our equipment in the pursuit of improved performance.” The FOB is a simple, yet carefully designed piece of plastic that is installed easily without glue on the end of your arrow. When you have a pass through shot on an animal or a target, the FOB pops off to mark the spot and is completely reusable. The FOB is designed to work on carbon arrows and drop away rests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9GGDmR7BDk here is a video showing the FOB going through a trophy taker drop away rest. Why would you want to change from fletching to FOBs? Well, arrow stability is much improved with FOBs compared to fletching, especially in windy conditions. Check out these videos showing how a FOB can reduce deflection caused by a crosswind. FOBs are also easily replaced in the field. For those of you tired of fletching arrows, this is a perfect solution for saving time and improving flight of your arrow. Here is another great reason to give FOBs a try……Starrflight is putting on a $5000 archery shoot off October 11 and 12th in Globe, AZ. Here is your chance to win some money and give FOBs a try. Your $65 entry fee to the tournament includes a free pack of FOBs. So you can find out for yourself how well your arrows fly with FOBs. To register for this archery shoot, visit http://www.starrflight.com/ Here are a few customer testimonials: I wanted to drop you a line on the fobs just started shooting them with my new rpm 360 from bowtech they fly like a dart the fob is the most simple fletching there is i had my archery shop set me up jon already has set up other bows for fobs he was skepticle at first but now he is getting into them just wanted to let you know how great the fob is thanks Kerry Just wanted to say.... Wow these fobs are bad @ss.... Never shot better!!!!! I'm. looking for a 100 yard pin now.. 80 are grouping so nice why not.lol. Have friends ordering some now... Never go back to fletching these things rock. Kevin I just returned from Africa where i was able to take nine animals eight different species all with your fob. The professional Hunter loved the way the Fob came off to make the blood trail. However the blood trail was only need a couple of times. The other shots were so accurate that the animals fell within sight, including a big Cape Buffalo. The longest shot was 45 yards on a beautiful Sable Ram. I hope i have several good pictures to send you showing the Fob in my quiver. Thanks for a great product Kenny Cole
  4. CouesWhitetail

    2014 archery bull "mr. lopside"

    Congratulations on all the success! What a neat bull to get as your first! Neat finding that tine buried in there!
  5. CouesWhitetail

    grizzy attacks hunter story...

    The quote and copy/paste problem is because Internet Explorer browser isn't working perfectly with the forum software. Try a different browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome (both free). Should fix the problem.
  6. CouesWhitetail

    How many of you have seen this?

    LOL!! Never seen that!
  7. CouesWhitetail


    Oh man, that's terrible! I didn't really think about how dangerous a lack of hearing could be! Yikes!
  8. As I have been losing weight to get in shape for hunting, I have spent a bunch of time learning more about nutrition. I was surprised to learn that some diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes can be not only treated but reversed by a diet high in nutrition from veggies and fruits. Turns out the best way to lose weight is the same way to prevent and treat our biggest killers. http://nutritionfacts.org/video/from-table-to-able/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-8ovk81nNM&list=TLdYr0Gfp5_FB-XTHvjGXR4LisPA2dqAXe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZuuQ_yF_YU
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Picking Prickly Pears

    Lol! He just stains it again after washing it.....
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Picking Prickly Pears

    Hey All, My hubby and I went out the other evening and picked some prickly pear fruits....they looked amazing! It's a great time of year to go gather some. We use the juice for a variety of things....smoothies, margaritas, and a very nice breakfast juice. However, these were picked so he could juice them and then make his famous BBQ sauce with it. It's my favorite! For those wondering ppear juice is high in Vitamin C and apparently helps control blood sugar. My husband likes to use a couple small branches of desert broom to brush off the spines on the fruit before picking (see pic below). Then uses tongs to grab and twist off the fruit and put it in a 5 gal bucket.
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Monster Buck

    Wow! What an amazing buck!!!!
  12. CouesWhitetail

    From Table to Able: Combating Diseases with food

    Make sure you check out the NutritionFacts.org website video link (the one not auto showing as a video player, but showing as a link) as well as the PBS one. Good, science-based info there on treating and preventing heart disease.
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Picking Prickly Pears

    My husband has used to juice to make a tie-dyed shirt...he wears this tshirt when teaching the prickly pear juicing classes at Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Superior. I love the color, unfortunately, we can't find any way to make the color set. We have tried the usual methods, but nothing seems to work. If anyone ever figures out how to keep the color in the shirt when it's washed, please let me know!
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Picking Prickly Pears

    I googled it a few years ago and was luck to find that nice nutrition table for it!
  15. CouesWhitetail

    My Elk Hunt video. "The Perfect Storm"

    Way to go Shelvin!! Congratulations on a great bull and wow, I am with TJ, I can't believe how long you held your draw on that shot! Nice work bud! And many thanks to Borderland Adventures for all their work on your hunt and what a FANTASTIC video! I loved it! Thanks for sharing the video!
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Picking Prickly Pears

    Here is a "how to" document my husband put together along with some nutrition info
  17. Bump for a great shoot! You can win a Coues Deer Sculpture and lots of $$$! If you are not currently shooting with FOBs, you get a free pack with your registration and it's not too late to try them out. Never fletch an arrow again!!!
  18. CouesWhitetail

    3 Bulls Hit the Dirt Updated with story

    Wow, that's a lot of success! Congratulations to all involved!
  19. CouesWhitetail

    My first bull

    Outstanding!! What a great bull! And to think it's your first! Congratulations and thanks for sharing him with us!
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Monday Check in

    Thanks for the info on weight impacts on knees, Mark!
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Just happy to tag out...

    Excellent!! Way to get it done! Packing an elk out by yourself is some seriously hard work!!! Congratulations on an outstanding hunt!
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Monday Check in

    Lost another pound this week. Feeling much better too, eating tons more fruit, veggies and beans and a lot less dairy, meat and cheese. Last night we went to a potluck and wow, it's hard to stay on a healthy meal plan when you go to parties! I splurged by indulging in the bacon wrapped - jalapeno- cream cheese dove breasts! How can anyone say no to those?? I did find my dedication to losing weight made it a lot easier to eat just a few of those rather than eating the amount that was offered over and over to me (the guy that shot them and cooked them knows I love these! so he kept bringing the tray to me!). I ate three of these tasty morsels! I have found that beans and HUGE salads are helping me feel full and satisfied while reducing calorie intake. I experimented with making black bean/chick pea burgers this week.....they were really good, healthy and filling!
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Ms. Hunter smokes her 1st Goat

    Outstanding! and I am so happy to hear that several CWT members helped you and Hunter be successful!!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing the story!!
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Ever seen one like this?

    Wow! I have seen some very light ones, mostly down south by the mexican border. I think i read something about how the coatis down south are a little different genetically from those further north in AZ and they are much lighter in color.
  25. CouesWhitetail

    My 7E Archery Bull Elk

    Excellent! Congratulations!