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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    Excellent story Doug! Thanks for writing it up and posting it in the contest thread! Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    OW's LIVE African Animals

    NICE!! Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    OW's LIVE North American Critters & Scenics

    Wow! Spectacular pics Tony!! Thanks for posting them! Amanda
  4. For those that are having trouble with the high quality version, here is a smaller medium quality file. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/video_clips/...med_quality.wmv Amanda
  5. Cool! I saw one squashed in the road the other day. I thought it was alive and turned around to see it. Beautiful animals. Amanda
  6. Anybody having any trouble watching this video since it's the larger file? Or is it safe to use this size? Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Any dutch oven cooks out there?

    Wow, that's a great bunch of dutch ovens there! Sure seems like we have another reason to have a CW.com get-together! How about a dutch oven cook off or something like that? You are making me hungry foundryman! Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    OW's 2003 Africa Hunt

    Do you have any other photos, not trophy photos, but just scenery or people or other wildlife? Would love to see some of them. Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    OW's 2003 Africa Hunt

    Great pics and story to go with it. Wow, what an adventure! Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Oh ya, its a biggin!!!

    All his Avatars make me sick... ........geez all those great antlers he has and he uses ugly pics for his avatar!! I certainly can remove it if I have to! I am betting he will come up with something better soon (I hope!). Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Backpacking Tripod for sitting and shooting off

    I took a tripler out and looked through it without attaching it to binos and yes you can use it as a stand alone optic. it will only be 3x though. But it has it's own focus and so you can hold it easily since it's lightweight and focus on an object. Looks bright and clear. And yes, it should work on your 8x32 binos. Buy one and try it out. If you don't like it, you can return it for a refund as long as it remains in excellent condition. Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    For all you metal heads out there!

    Those of you that enjoy Joe's (Deadeye Productions) video, might want to help support him and his video work by purchasing his latest DVD called Dead On Elk and Coues. He really puts his time in and gets great footage of both elk and coues. He doesn't have the headbanger music in this DVD, but it's still great! Purchase the video in the CW.com store: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/videos.htm Joe has been focusing lately on getting some successful spot and stalk archery hunts on film. Hopefully he will get it and put out a new video! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    OW's NEW Trophy Room

    Beautiful! When are we going to have a CW.com get together at your house Tony? Seems like lots of folks here would love to see your trophies in person!!
  14. CouesWhitetail

    OW's 2004 New Zealand Hunt

    Awesome! Thanks for posting your adventure! Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Backpacking Tripod for sitting and shooting off

    No, Jim doesn't currently have his own website, but I am working with him to create one for him. I don't list all his products here on this site. I just chose what I thought was most appropriate for Coues hunters. Is there something in particular that you are looking for?
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Weekend pics

    Nice pics! Those rufous hummingbirds are beautiful! I have been seeing more and more of them lately. Had one flying around my backyard the other day so I just had to put up a feeder to keep him around and get some better looks at him. Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Backpacking Tripod for sitting and shooting off

    I sell a piece that Jim White makes that provides a nice place to rest your gun on your tripod. Take a look at the last item on the following link. It's called Jimmy's rest and you just screw it onto the plate on your tripod head and it makes a nice platform for your gun. It's lined with a soft material so it won't scratch your gun. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/adaptors.htm I will go test out the tripler for stand alone use and let you know, but I don't think you would want to do that. I never thought of looking through it that way though. Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    saw a sticker

    You just need the 30 inch sticker CouesFanatic!! Then people would see it more! Maybe we should get you a black one for your tailgate? Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail


    Welcome and thank you. Glad you enjoy the site! It sure has grown tremendously over the years. If you have any trouble posting photos or anything, just let me know. Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    For all you metal heads out there!

    WoW!! That's intense! Nicely done! Amanda
  21. Hi All, I spent a couple days doing owl surveys on the rez and found some neat stuff in the process of hiking around. My husband saw this chip that looked like a piece of an arrowhead. We both decided it was a "maybe" but not necessarily definitely an arrowhead piece, but it has some serrated edges and there were no other pieces of rock found in this area which was full of lots of other types of rock. However, just a few steps later my husband found a metate and we decided that perhaps that chip we found really was an arrowhead piece! This is the first metate we have ever found, so it was very exciting! Hopefully you can see it well in the pics. We didn't move it, so the pics are as it lay, which was upended on its side. The metate was in a widened area of the drainage which had lots of Gambel Oak. Perhaps they used the metate to ground acorns? Or perhaps they even grew corn on this little flat next the drainage (assuming in past times it was a wetter climate). I don't know, but it was really cool to find it. Found some elk sheds and WT sheds also. And even more fun was finding a couple WT skulls. One is small and one is very nice!! The big buck was a very exciting find! He had bladed tips of the main beams, which I don't think you can see real well in the photos. I rough scored it in the field. Do you guys want to guess what it scores or should I tell you? I found a jawbone nearby the skull and am assuming it belonged to this buck. Using Jim Heffelfinger's aging game animals booklet, it looks like this buck was 8+ years old. And lastly we saw a nice blacktail rattlesnake (close your eyes Coosefan!!!) This rattlesnake was near a dirt road and when we drove by he rattled very loudly. So we stopped and got out and taped and photographed him. He is a beautiful snake! I am posting a pic and also a video clip of the snake. We wanted to get the rattle sound on tape and so I was taping while my husband moved toward it to make it rattle. But the snake started coming after my camera tripod! Scared me! so I jumped back from the camera and missed some of his movements, but it was exciting! video clip of rattlesnake Anyway, it was a great couple of days of fieldwork. Saw lots of stuff I didn't get photos of like bear, deer and elk. What a pleasure to be out in the monsoons with lots of cloud cover during the day. Of course it wasn't so much fun when we had to set the tent up in the rain, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been! here is a nice couch's spadefoot toad (they came out to feed on flying termites that were all over the road!) we saw on the way home and a sunflower. Enjoy! Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    I love this time of year!

    Very nice pics! I missed seeing them until today! Those would be great for using in the next Coues deer celebration video! Thanks for posting! Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Any suggestions???

    Of course I have a suggestion! Buy the one that Jim White makes and that I sell in the CouesWhitetail.com store! It's great, very small and lightweight. It is also less expensive and you can leave it on all the time. The post simply slides into the receiveer when you are ready to put it on the tripod. Hopefully some other folks who use this adapter will chime in about how they like it. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/adaptors.htm Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Found a big WT skull and metate!

    It creeped me out too! I expected him to go toward my husband, but he came right to the camera and slid along the tripod leg! Everytime I play that video here my dog gets all scared and comes running in and looking around terrified. Poor girl! Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail


    here is what AZ dept of health services says about snakebite first aid. They say don't use ice, and I remember reading that somewhere else, but I don't remember the reasoning. I think it has the potential to cause more damage to the tissue somehow. And no, I don't think people generally die from snakebites. But a rattlesnake bite can cause lots of tissue damage and pain. Snake Bite: Venomous (Poisonous) or Unknown Snake ( Activate emergency medical services (911); ➔ If unable to activate emergency medical services, transport to the nearest emergency room or urgent care immediately. Carry the victim to the car or van. Direct another adult to call ahead and alert the emergency care facility that antivenin treatment may be needed; ➔ Keep the victim calm. Keep the bitten body part below the level of the heart and remove jewelry from the affected area immediately; ➔ Wash the area with cold water. DO NOT apply ice or immerse in ice water; ➔ For an arm or leg, if you are far from emergency help, apply a constricting band (NOT A TOURNIQUET) immediately above the bite (between the bite and the heart) while transporting. Move it gradually as the swelling advances, always making sure it is loose enough for a finger to easily slide between the band and the arm or leg; ➔ Use a splint or sling to keep an arm or leg immobilized; ➔ DO NOT use snake bite kits or tourniquets; ➔ DO NOT use a “cut and suck” procedure; ➔ DO NOT rub or stimulate the wound site;