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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Pertinent Trivia Question #II

    Thanks Tony, that was fun and educational! Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Awesome art

    Amazing! Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    I Dare You

    I have always had a "make a donation" button on the lefthand margin of the main CW.com page. Just look under the menu in the lefthand margin of http://www.coueswhitetail.com/ It's through paypal and it's safe and easy to make a donation online. If you don't want to do it online, then feel free to PM me for an address to send a check to. Thanks for the support! I sure appreciate it! The new forum hosting company that I switched to awhile back to get rid of our instability problems doesn't give me as much disk space as the other hosting company. So I will have to buy more, but at least the forum doesn't go down anymore! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Pertinent Trivia Question #II

    Sounds more like Teddy Roosevelt to me. Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Trail Cam Molester!!

    You need to pack a 50 lb bag of dogfood out there for that poor bear. Geez he looks terrible. The problem posting pics is probably because we have far exceeded the disk space for pics for the forum. Working on buying more space. Amanda
  6. We have a meteor shower coming up. Might be a great time to go camp with the kids and see if you can show them some meteors! Meteor shower to light mid-August sky Few sights are as thrilling as the fiery spectacle of a meteor - also known as a "shooting" or "falling" star. Unfortunately, the appearance of a meteor can't really be predicted, but each year during mid-August, stargazers flock to the mountains or deserts to view one of the year's most reliable displays: the Perseid meteor shower. This year will be no exception. In fact, this year's shower is expected to be particularly good because bright moonlight will be nowhere to be found, and the meteors will blaze across a beautiful, dark sky. The Perseid shower occurs when Earth slams into the dusty debris expelled by comet Swift-Tuttle. As this cometary litter plows into our upper atmosphere, it is incinerated and produces the phenomena we know as meteors. Most are specks of dust no larger than a grain of sand that are extinguished 50 miles or more above Earth, so there's no need to wear a helmet. We expect this year's shower to peak during the night of Sunday, Aug. 12, or the morning of Monday, Aug. 13, when stargazers under a dark, rural sky should be able to count as many as 60 to 100 meteors every hour - all appearing to radiate from the general direction of the constellation Perseus in the Northeast. To watch the shower, all you need is a site far from city lights, a lawn chair or sleeping bag and perhaps a blanket or hot chocolate to keep warm. The best tools for observing the shower are eyes, but binoculars might come in handy for checking out long trails left behind by any exploding fireballs. Our best view typically comes after midnight and before dawn, but when you look, don't stare at the shower's radiant in Perseus. Look around the entire sky because meteors can - and will - appear everywhere. Photographing the event is also possible, even with a digital camera. Simply aim your camera about 45 degrees up and about 45 degrees away from Perseus, set your ISO to a relatively high number (e.g., 400 or 800), open the lens all the way, focus on infinity and take time exposures of 30 seconds to several minutes long. If you're lucky, your film will show parallel star trails caused by Earth's rotation and possibly one or two meteor streaks crossing these trails.
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Perseid Meteor shower Aug 12-13

    Just a reminder, this is tonight. Best viewing after midnight. If you can't do it tonight, you can still see good stuff the next couple days. here is another link with more info: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6940962.stm Take the kids camping and get them up early to watch it! Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Isaac's first coues shed!!

    Awesome! I can't believe he is 2 already!!! Bet that photo shows up in a Coues Deer Celebration video! Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail


    check out this link: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/248 says you can connect USB-USB and here is another one to check out: http://compnetworking.about.com/od/homenet...necttwocomp.htm NOTE: the 2nd article says you can damage your computer by using regular USB cables!! So read it over first. Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail


    I don't know why a USB wouldn't work, but I haven't heard of anyone doing it. Why not try it out and then let us know? I think it's likely it could recognize it as an external hard drive. You can't really hurt anything by trying it out. Those flash drives are real easy and can handle an ernomous amount of files. Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail


    Are you talking a few Gigabytes of files or less? You can buy 2GB flash drive for something like $20 (a 4GB drive will cost more) and plug it into any USB port and transfer the files to it, then plug it into the new computer and copy the files to the new comp. here is a link to a definition and pic of a flash drive in case you are unfamiliar with them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_flash_drive They are very handy and portable. Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail


    That's pretty funny! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    redington clean up

    Just got a call from Josh Taiz of the USFS about this cleanup. He said the 9th is fine, but if you want to get more bang for your buck so to speak that you might want to postpone it until Sept 29. The 29th is National public lands day, and there will be lots of USFS and probably AGFD and hundreds of volunteers looking for a project. He said last year they had 450 people show up for a sabino canyon project and they are looking to assign projects to the volunteers that show up this year. He said this project might be a great one for National Public Lands day. So, Josh would like to speak with the person organizing this project so he can give you more info. His number is 520-403-8277. Give him a call and see if it's worth moving this to the 29th. You might just get a lot more trash picked up. Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Montana Antelope

    Congrats Jim! When is the season? Amanda
  15. Wow, wouldn't you love to see that thing at your treestand! By the way, Wards Outfitters is a new sponsor of CouesWhitetail.com and they specialize in archery hunts! Their advertising isn't completely setup yet, but it will be and you guys will probably see alot more deer from Steven, owner of Wards Outfitters. Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Digi-scope coues buck

    Excellent pics! Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Over the counter deer tags

    Here is a letter from Dick King, Vice-Chairman of the Arizona Bowhunters Association. He shows alot of the harvest data for the archery hunt from the Hunt Arizona book. Sorry it's not open text in this message, but the forum won't maintain the table formatting so I had to scan it and convert it to a PDF. Anyone feeling strongly about this issue should definitely attend the commission meeting on Sat in Flagstaff. dick_king_letter.pdf
  18. Sorry I didn't get this posted earlier. Some of you may not be aware of the Sales Tax Initiative being proposed by the Arizona Heritage Alliance. From Pete Cimellaro: To All: Below is the notice I previously sent out to many of you about the upcoming AZGFD Funding meeting. The Heritage Alliance is providing lunch for the participants; however they need to get a handle on the number of attendees. If you are planning on attending this important meeting please let them know. Send Confirmation To: mail@azheritage.org A public meeting is being held to discuss a method of securing additional funds ( Possible 2008 Sales Tax Initiative ) for the Arizona Game & Fish Department and Arizona State Parks Department. It will be held at the Phoenix Zoo Tuesday, August 7th, starting at 10:00 AM. The meeting will take place in the Stone Pavilion meeting facility, inside and just to the right of the main zoo entrance. The Arizona Heritage Alliance is hosting this meeting in an effort to bring interested constituents together to discuss securing a method to annually provide tens of millions of dollars for these two agencies. All interested groups or individuals are encouraged to attend and offer your input.
  19. Hey guys, Here is the Coues Deer Celebration 4 video. This is a collection of about 105 photos and video clips that were submitted to CouesWhitetail.com. It covers mostly the 06-07 season, but some of the largest bucks came out earlier this year in the Coues Deer Celebration 3. I tried not to duplicate those bucks in this newer version, but there probably are a couple that show in both videos. Anyway, I decided to output this video as high quality rather than the usual medium quality. This of course makes the file much larger (64 MB), but I think it's worth it and I think you will enjoy it more. Seems like most people have fast internet connections so I am hoping this loads reasonably fast for most everyone. Let me know. It took less than 30 seconds to buffer and start playing for me. It should start playing before completely downloading. So if it doesn't check the settings in your media player. Thanks to Joe Thatcher of Deadeye Productions for letting me use some of his video in this. I think it really adds to it. Now for the video..... http://www.coueswhitetail.com/video_clips/...igh_quality.wmv Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    My 5 year olds first Fish and by himself!!

    That's great! Love the excitement! Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Found this while out scouting

    My guess on the scratches are that they are from whatever burrow it was coming out of. They spend much of their time in burrows and when they come out they can have soil or rock dust and scratches on them. Also, in the first photo, on the back left corner of the tortoise's shell, it looks like there is a v notch in the rim of the shell. This could be a mark put there by a biologist for some research project. Looks like there is no notch on the turtle in the second photo (at least on the side facing the camera). Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    GR8TFULDOUG Rocks!

    Thanks for letting us know! Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Auction Hunt

    Neat idea Tony. Why not do both and double the money raised for wildlife? Amanda
  24. Thanks everyone! I am so glad you enjoy it. I try to do something a little different (and hopefully better) with each Coues Celebration video I make. trophymaster - I use Pinnacle Studio for a software editing program. I also just got a trial version of Adobe Premier Pro, and I had hoped to make this new video with that program since it's supposed to be a much more versatile editor, but it's hard to learn and I just went back to Pinnacle. Gamehauler - glad you like the ending shot! I thought you might! Coosefan - I think you contributed the most photos to that video! Thanks for such great photos. I hope everyone takes the time this year to take more than just the usual trophy photos. Take some pics of your camp, your hunting partners, live deer, the sunsets, your vehicles, etc. I also really think the unusual trophy shots add to the video too, so get creative! Seems like the consensus is that people don't have trouble with that high quality, larger file? Those of you that might be having trouble, let me know. Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail


    Beautiful cat! Amanda