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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Welcome Home Amanda

    Thanks Gamehauler! Nice to be welcomed home. I haven't downloaded the pics yet (and to tell the truth I didn't take very many), but I hope to post some tomorrow. I had a GREAT trip! But it's always nice to be home. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Ridiculous Bighorn footage

    That's great! I saw some sheep in the same area of the trail when I hiked it! Amanda
  3. Hi Guys, I am excited to announce some great prizes lined up for the Coues Buck Contest this year. (and a reminder that the deadline to enter the contest is Oct 15, so get to it!) Leupold and Ron Sega of AZ Guns Etc have teamed up to provide over $1000 of donated prizes. Ron Sega has announced he will display the rifle scope and range finder at his shop in Chandler. AND He says he will give a 12% discount on accessories at his shop to any member of this website! And he will give $25 off any gun. So please go by his shop and tell him you are from CouesWhitetail.com. The more traffic we get to his store, the more likely he is to want to continue donating to contests like this. So let him know that you guys are worth the donation! Here is a link to his AZ Guns Etc store. Ron has been in business over 20 years and is a gunsmith who can customize your guns for you. Give him a call and see what he can do for you. And remember to tell him you heard about him on CW.com. We also have many other great prizes for the contest - Vortex 10x42 binos, a custom bronze Coues deer sculpture by our own Foundryman, a large framed print from Mike Fabritz (aka Rembrant), knives, hats, tshirts and lots more. Check out the list of prizes on this page. Thanks to everyone for your donations! Don't forget to enter the contest by Oct 15! Entering is free and easy. just send Doug/Red Rabbit a note saying you want in! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Squirrel hunting fun!

    Stan, I made some elk (from Erik's elk) in a mushroom, cream, and marsala wine sauce last night. Was great! Having the leftovers for lunch right now! Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Thanks for all the bday wishes! those are great! Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Yippeee!!! It's my Bday! Leaving tonight to fly out to NH and ME to visit my husband's family and see the amazing fall colors out there. I imagine we will also be enjoying quite a bit of lobster! yum! Thanks for all the great bday wishes! Amanda
  7. Hey, has anyone gone over to Ron Sega's AZ Guns Etc shop and checked out what he has to offer? Don't forget CW.com members get a discount there. I am curious if anyone is taking him up on that offer. Amanda
  8. Great, glad you heard them interview my husband on the radio! He stood in for me since I was taking some ladies camping. He was hoping someone from here heard him and would give some feedback. He is a PR guy and just great in interviews (I think ). I have been adding more prizes to the contest page as they come in. We have had more monetary donations recently and also got a Crooked Horn outfitter scope case and COOSEFAN donated a camo outfit. It's exciting to see this contest growing so well and garnering such support from everyone. Last Doug told me we had like 175 people signed up and we only had 89 last year. Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    36B HAM Javelina

    Congrats Christian!! Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail


    That's hysterical Coosefan! Man, you are good with photoshop! Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    san carlos D-east

    Nice job Dewey and crew! Thanks for the report! Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Loading up for the rest of fall!!!!

    Casey, Maybe it's payback for standing me up??? Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Damn good Carp shed

    Great shed and good story Kevin! Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    doublers and triplers

    I would not recommend the tripler for glassing. It is designed to just help you get a better look at something once you found it in your binos. I think your eyes would be strained glassing through two triplers on your binos. You would be better off getting bigger binos for glassing if you really think you need the extra power. The tripler is designed to be a lightweight alternative to carrying a fullsize spotting scope around. But I don't think it can replace a good pair of binos for glassing. Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Bad Camera land OK

    Wow, sorry about your trouble. I am sure Doug will straighten it out. I will make sure he is aware of your post. I have seen nothing but rave reviews to his service (until seeing this post). Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    meat processing

    Millers Southwestern Processing in Queen Creek does do an excellent job and Mike Miller (owner) is a very strong supporter of the youth hunting camps the Arizona Deer Association holds. Mike generally donates all the burgers and dogs for those events, year after year. If you need processing done, take it to someone who supports hunting like Mike does. Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Back from Montana

    Very nice Jim! Glad you had a great time. Gorgeous sunset pic!! Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    meat processing

    I do my own, but you can call Charles Valencia in Globe. I hear good things about him. 928-425-4565. Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Excited to be a new member!

    Welcome to the site and nice pics from your trail cam! Now that you have a tag, don't forget to register for the Coues buck contest. The deadline is Oct 15..... http://www.coueswhitetail.com/Coues_Buck_C...ontest_2007.htm Good luck on your Dec elk hunt too! You will have to post a hunt report on it later. Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Bear hunting ethics

    Thanks for reporting it. I just had some discussion this weekend with some non-hunters about why people would hunt bears and they thought people would just shoot them and leave them to rot. I said that was illegal and that most bear hunters wouldn't do that. It's really a sad thing to hear that someone would do that. Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    IPI Bino Manager

    I was a given a bino pouch system by Alaska Guide Creations to review. It is a great bino pouch with lots of pockets. Another plus is that it doesn't use elastic straps so you eliminate bounce. However, it only holds binos up to 10x2. Won't fit the swaro 15's. Anyone wanting more info on it can pm me. It was just reviewed and recommended in the lastest Western Hunter magazine (page 86). Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Hunting san carlos

    Unit A and B are both good units for javelina. I think unit A has a slight edge in terms of the amount of javelina habitat in the unit. Both had about the same success rates and hunters reported almost identical amounts of javelina seen per day on hunter questionaires for those units back in the 90's when I was the biologist out there. Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    New Coues Addict!!

    That's great! Love that quote from the boy. Congratulations! Amanda
  24. Just a reminder that if you want to participate in the contest, please email Doug before Oct 15! Only one week left! It's ok if you already killed your buck (archery or early oct season). Get signed-up! Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail

    First deer hunt a success!!

    Excellent! Congratulations to you and your boy! Amanda