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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail


    Wow, that's an amazing run of great animals you got there! Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail


    yeah.....genetics.....heheh, good one. Nice finds and pics. Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Li'l Mexico coues

    It's kinda neat that your first coues was in Mexico. It's a whole different experience hunting down there. Congratulations! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Here kitty kitty kitty!!!

    Neat sighting, thanks for sharing it. Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail


    Congrats on your javelina TJ! Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail


    done..... Congrats on your javelina!! Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail


    Ok, I got an email from the hunter saying he would like to share the photos and hunt story. So here it is: Hi Amanda, My name is Jay Jones. My friend, Clint Hill (who is an avid coueswhitetail.com fan/poster) told me there was some interest in a special Coues buck I was lucky enought to harvest this year. Here are a few pics of my 142 gross Coues (unofficial). Below is a short story about taking the buck. I feel very humbled and fortunate to have had the opportunity to harvest him with a 506 yard shot. Lots of respect for this old monarch. We estimate his age to be 6+ years old. My hunting buddies/guides were Nick Forsythe and Ted Byfield. Ted spotted the buck over two miles away and announced excitedly, huge buck way up high in the bowl. This is the same bowl my hunting partners, Greg Lucero, Nick, Clint Hill and I spotted a huge buck two years ago and were thinking this must be the same one. Ted and I drove over and climbed the back of the bowl. We crawled up a steep manzanita and shale face. Nick covered the front of the bowl in case the buck tried to slip out. Nick and I had climbed the same route up to the bowl the day before. When we reached the top yesterday it was covered with deer sign and we knew it was a worth the climb. We spotted several deer but not the one we were looking for. This time, Ted and I arrived at the bowl crest at 1pm careful not to skyline and maneuvered into position to glass the dark north facing slope of the bowl. Within 10 minutes, amazingly Ted had spotted the buck bedded next two a feeding doe under a juniper. He quickly ranged the buck at 506 yards. I extended the Harris bi-pods on my Weatherby .257 to shoot in a sitting position because the mountain grass was so high. I turned the elevation turrent to 500 yards on my Leupold VX-III Long Range Tactical 6.5x20 outfitted with a Leupold bullet drop compensating dial (highly recommended). I settled the crosshairs on the buck and tried to concentrate on a smooth trigger pull. Seemed like I was squeezing way to long and hard when I realized the safety was on. Happens to the best of us I guess! Got ready again and got a good squeeze, this time with no safety on, sending the 115 nosler ballistic tip on its way. Ted advised, you hit him...but he's up and moving. Two hours later after some very anxious moments we had my buck of a couple lifetimes. Initial gross score is in the range of 142 and will probably net just south of 135 placing the buck somewhere in the range of top 5-10 all time typical Coues bucks ever taken. It is hard to put in perspective a trophy like this buck. My ambitious goal for 30+ years of Coues deer hunting had been to get a buck exceeding the Boone & Crockett minimum of 110. I have several in the 100-110 range. Lots of good, very capable hunters never break through the 110 barrier. Obviously, I far exceeded my expectations. Again, I feel very, very lucky. I can't thank my hunting buddies Nick Forsythe, Ted Byfield, Greg Lucero and Clint Hill enough. They all played a major role in helping make this possible. I have learned much from them. We are childhood friends who come together every fall to continue our quest and passion for chasing these little gray ghosts around the Chiricahua and other mountains. Greg was the first one in the B&C club. Larry Osborne joined Greg and now I finally broke through. Nick, Clint and our buddy Tim Gomez are next to join. You can be sure we'll be there trying to help them make it happen every fall.
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Who's the oldest hunter you know?

    here are some more pics Lark asked me to post. here is what he had to say about them: First is my aunt, Georgetta Hughes, 70 year old, with one of her many bull elk. she shot this one at almost 500 yards with her ol’ ’06. This one is my ol’ man, Rex Hubbard, 79+, and me, with a nice 6x6 bull he shot a couple years ago with his .270 that he bought the year I was born. I always look forward to hunting with these folks. My dad’s whole year revolves around deer season. As soon as the season is over, he starts planning on the next one. Georgetta is one heck of a hunter and cowgirl. She got a buck this year and had her arm in a cast. He and her husband, Gwen, spend their summers punchin’ cows in the beaverhead area in u27, just for kicks. Lark. Next photo is Don Steers and his son Randy, with a nice bull Don shot in u1. Don is nearly 70.
  9. CouesWhitetail

    number 1

    well, I might move a few threads, but there are way too mnay to move them all, so you just have to start from here.... Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    number 1

    I put this forum up at the request of WhoseYourDaddy. He thought it might be a good spot to keep all the reloading and gun info. Might make it easier to find rather than in with all the rifle hunting section posts. Thanks for the suggestion WhoseYourDaddy! Enjoy! Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Sir Edmund

    Some links with Edmund bio and recollections about him. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3740536.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7182414.stm Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Well, it worked!

    Nice work! I like the petina on that elk. Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Next Years Buck

    Wow, that is a great looking buck. Like has been said he has great mass, but his tines are fairly short. But then he has a few extra tines to make up for it Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Gold Prospecting?

    I think COUESAZ is into it quite a bit, if I am remembering right. Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Watch out Mexico!

    Have a great time Casey!! Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail


    I can't believe someone here doesn't know the hunter and can't get permission to post. But please don't post without permission. I appreciate all the restraint you guys are showing. Thanks. Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    The really big one got away!

    Great buck, congratulations!! He seems big-bodied! Amanda
  18. Happy Birthday Coosefan!! I am sure you will come back and show us all kinds of big bucks from your trip to Mexico. Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail


    Are you kidding? You might be moving back? Wow, that would be quite the turnaround. Well, I think even if you don't come back that you should send us enough steak and bison burger that we can have a CW.com BBQ in your honor out here Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Coues Bronze Pour

    Awesome!! But I want to know how come when there were tons of flames you guys are sitting there like it's a campfire and when it's all calmed down you are wearing protective gear head-to-toe!! hehehe Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Good times

    Wow, you showed some real restraint there not shooting your pig! Your boy is very lucky to be able to go along and get so involved in your hunt! Very nice! Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Merry Christmas to ME

    You must be in love with them....I have never heard someone say the 15's were light!! I know they are great, and I love mine, but light?? hehehehe Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    back from the san carlos

    Yes, the way the tags are given out is pretty much a mess. You might want to look into paying a guide to get your tag for you. That way you don't have to stand in line for a day. Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    hunting mexico last week.

    Or just look for the attachments area when you make a post. Just click to start making a post, when you see the text box open where you would type your message, then look below it for the area labelled attachments. There is a Browse button and you can click on that, find your file on your computer using that file system and then click upload to attach it to your post. Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Carp of a lifetime!

    WoW!! Great buck! Amanda