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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Long Sleeve Shirts are in!!

    Thanks for the feedback. glad you like it! What club? Hopefully having you guys wear these around will generate even more interest in CW.com. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Sportsman's warehouse in Mesa Sept 27

    I think it's all day. The first 50 people to show up get a free gift from SW. Anyone know what time the store opens on Saturdays? Also, I should have some of the scoutguard cameras there for you guys to look at. They are neat! So if you are on the fence about getting one, come on by and check them out. Also, if you think you want to buy something, I won't be able to do credit cards there, so bring a check or good old fashioned cash! Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail


    I CAN"T WAIT!!!!! IT'S KILLING ME!!!! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Long Range Shooting

    Nice group!! Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Hunting near bedding area?

    I should have clarified a little. Each 'hole' I am talking about is only a foot or so across. There were some fresh tracks around. Nothing major. But since we kicked up a couple groups, there are at least some hanging around there. I just dont know how often they are in the area and how likely I am to find them even near there again. Amanda, that helps to know they will not be there on a daily basis. If they are eating and bedding there one day, how far could they go the next? It really depends on what they are feeding on at the time, where the water is in relation to the food and other factors. The home range of a coues deer is 1-2 miles, but that doesn't mean they will move that far from day to day. Just that in a given year they might frequent several areas within that home range. I have watched deer over the course of several days and seen them only move a few hundred yards, or they could move a 1/2 mile. The more food and water available, the less they will move. So this time of year, with all the good rains we have had, I suspect those deer you are watching would not travel very far. But try glassing and see if you can get a pattern on them. Or hike the area and keep note of where you see the most sign and where you jump deer. here is the link to the coues habitat page in the Coues biology section on this website. Maybe something in there will help you out. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/coues_biolog...eer_habitat.htm Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    35B information

    Welcome!! I too like seeing more women on the site! I don't know 35B, but I am sure Jimbo will get you hooked up. Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Hunting near bedding area?

    There are a few good pools in the wash. From the first to the last, about 500 yards or so. I know they are using it, but is it worth the chance that they go to a different pool further down? The water trickles down a long way. Well, if you can see tracks around each of the water sources, see which is most used and sit there. Or do like you suggested and get a pattern figured out by glassing them. They won't necessarily use the same bedding or feeding areas everyday, but they might be tied to a certain watering hole. Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Coues or Carp?

    Looks muley to me..... Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Sarah Palin's Speech

    She is a ball of fire, that's for sure!! I was impressed! Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    sarah palin article

    That speech was pretty awesome! Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Let the saving BEGIN!!!

    Lots of excellent suggestions on ways to save in this thread (except for Coosefan!!). Love that riding the bike to work idea. Stick it to the Saudis, get in shape and save money!!! Other common ways that money can be saved is to eat out less often, drink less soda (substitute free water), don't buy coffee (make it at home and bring it with you). Also save gas by checking your tire pressure. More air in the tires = less gass used. Sometimes adding in gas treatment stuff can improve mileage a fair amount too. Some not so common suggestions are finding cheaper (yet still good) auto and home insurance (I use Progressive for auto), switch your savings account to an online bank that earns higher interest rates (BofA is terrible for interest, try INGdirect instead or look for another). You can keep your checking account with your regular bank, but then have a savings account with high interest somewhere else. And you can usually set it up so there is an automatic amount drawn from checking to savings each month. Makes it easier and fairly painless that way. Websites for lots more money saving tips: http://www.fool.com/personal-finance/savin...pfsithla0000001 http://clarkhoward.com/
  12. CouesWhitetail

    15's or spotting scope

  13. CouesWhitetail

    revisited an old area

    Awesome! It's great to have an encounter like that in a favorite hunting spot. Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Guess How many posts in July

    So, just for fun I thought I would give away a CW.com tshirt to the two people who guess closest to the number of posts made during last month (July). I can tell you it was twice as many as in June and near an all time record. So, let the guessing begin. Winners get to choose size and shirt they want. Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Arizona trees and shrubs??

    I don't know what did that. Interesting pic. Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Ethics of stealing your own trail cam?

    That could have gotten ugly! Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    2008 season starts off with a BANG!!

    Sweet! thanks Kevin!! You always impress me! Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    spot and stalk

    Very Good Tyson! Desertdeer....just keep at it. Every time you will get better at it and eventually you will get one! You probably already saw the post of the monster buck Jody Beck got with her bow, spot and stalk at 45 yards. It can be done! Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    2008 season starts off with a BANG!!

    WOW, great hunts and great pics! Thanks for posting so many of those extra pics. We are all jealous of you Scottyboy!! WOW! Is that bird an African Bee Eater? Amanda
  20. LOL!!! A "presidents" tag....Good one!! Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Arizona trees and shrubs??

    Most of the year the coral bean plant just looks like bare sticks. But it sure makes up for it by it's flowers and colorful beans. Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    First scouting trip

    Nice buck. Hope you get him! Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Good Scouting/hunting weekend

    Looks like an excellent bull to me, but I think there are better qualified score guessers on here than me. That first pic is really neat. Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Change of pace

    Nice buck and very nice photo. Amanda