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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    November success

    Great looking buck there! Congratulations! Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Buddy's buck

    Brian, Have him email me the pics and story on that buck for the photogallery, that's a nice buck! Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    31 - stumped

    I know some people who used to hunt solo a ton and they seemed to get burned out. Perhaps it's the solo aspect. When you get discouraged on a hunt (like you did when the deer were bedding by 7 am) it's easier to stick with it if you have friends to help keep the movitation strong. I know hot weather zaps my motivation real fast. So maybe that was part of it too. Perhaps there is someone here who has the same tag that you could hook up with to hunt together? Might be some added motivation to meet a new hunter and also help them get a buck. That storm last night probably changed things for the deer, so you might go back out and see more activity. Amanda
  4. Hey Guys, You can't win if you don't try, so go sign up and see what kinds of cool stuff some of you from CW.com can win! I think you have to sign up each month to get counted in every drawing. Doug has been an excellent sponsor of CW.com and here is a chance to go visit his website and sign up for a prize. CameraLand website Thanks Doug! Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Sarah's First Buck!

    Awesome!! Way to go Sarah!! Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail


    A group called Hunters Who Care has been organizing cleanups for years. You might contact the main coordinater, Lance and see what help he can offer if you want to do a cleanup. Lance Altherr (Hunters Who Care) azhunterswhocare@hotmail.com Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Happy B-day!!

    Have a great one! Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Jim........Antlerdog.

    Sounds like the beginning of a CW.com party!! Happy Birthday Jim! Amanda Snapshot, 4:03 AM!!!!! Good Lord! I was asleep at that time dreaming of the buck I could possibly kill on my B-day! I was hunting a canyon That my dad was hunting the day I was born. That day he shot a buck that won a rifle in a big deer contest in Tucson with a field dressed weight of 112 pounds! The deer was a big 3 ptr with long tines. The antlers dissapeared, but were thought to have been B&C class! I do have the rifle that was won from that day. Every few years I get to hunt on my B-day. I like hunting the same spot where my dad shot that buck the day I was born! Thank You SO MUCH Jim Reynolds (Antlerdog) What an awesome story!! No wonder you turned into such a Coues fanatic!!! Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Jim........Antlerdog.

    Sounds like the beginning of a CW.com party!! Happy Birthday Jim! Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Helped my dad bag a good one

    Outstanding. Make sure you email me his name and hunt info along with the pic for the photogallery! Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    My Unit 27 Oct Hunt

    LOL! Yes, it's shocking isn't it?? Well, Scott will actually debate whether we had radio contact or not. My NEW motorola radios (which I got to be an upgrade to my old ones) were so terrible that both of us were about to throw them off the cliff. Made for some very frustrating communication! Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Video Of 2007 Hunt

    Nice work on the video!! Congratulations on the buck! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    My Boy's NM Buck (UPDATED on pg4)

    Gorgeous! Ask him to write up the hunt story to post on the website! Did he enter the buck contest? Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    2008 kaibab deer

    Nice! Any story to go with them? Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    My Utah DIY Public Land Buck

    Wow, excellent hunt!! Thanks so much for sharing the story and taking such nice photos! Always great to hear about a backpack hunt. Bugling elk makes for a nice place to camp! Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Got a Bear!

    Congrats! Is that an elk antler in the background (right side)? Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    display name and login name

    Hi Guys, I am thinking of turning off the feature that allows you to have both a login name and a separate display name. The reason for this is it should save me admin time because all too often people forget that they entered a different name for each of those and they only remember one (their display name). And then they email me saying they can't log in to the forum. So I would like to eliminate that time I have to spend dealing with those requests. I think if everyone only has one name that there will be fewer people with login problems because they only have one name to remember. Anyone know any big reason that I shouldn't do this? I think when I turn off the display names you will just have your login name showing. Amanda
  18. Hi All, I was asked to help spread the word on this. I know on my elk hunt some guys found a missing plane that had been missing for like 20 years or something, so it's likely hunters will be the one who finally find this plane. This one has been missing for two years. The information is on this flier:
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Favorite Coues Deer Unit

    March definitely....it's way too HOT In June!!! Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Coues Quest 2008 - October Hunt

    Way to go!!! Glad you got a nice buck and enjoyed your time out there despite the heat. Nice horned lizard pic! Don't think I have ever seen one that color before. Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Chris "Chappy" Gravatt finds a nice one

    Excellent!! Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Using Scent Podcast

    No problem Jason. I look forward to listening to it. Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Daughter's first deer!!!

    I love the 2nd picture too!! Congratulations to you both for your excellent preparation and execution on this hunt! Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Careful out there

    Protected? What do you mean by that? Basically like an immunization? Essentially, yes it's like an immunization. My vet recommends those pre-exposure shots...says it's a great way to help the dog not have as much trouble with a snakebite later and reduces treatment costs after a bite (if any is necessary). here is a link to some info: http://www.agiltracs.org/snakebite_article.pdf Amanda