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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Rimrock Outfitters

    Nice post and I wholeheartedly agree....Josh and his Dad are awesome people and a true pleasure to spend time with! Not to mention their great skills as hunters!
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Changing a tire

    I enjoy your writing style as well. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Getting extra leverage by using a pipe over the lug nut wrench or using the telescoping handle type like someone posted definitely helps with loosening the lug nuts. Whenever I get new tires or have them rotated, I make sure I go in to the back where the guy is working and ask him to set the torque on the lug nuts to be such that I will be able to loosen them. I tell them that I spend a lot of time in the back country by myself and that I don't want to have a problem loosening the nuts when I need to. They usually oblige. I also ask my husband to "break" the lug nuts and re-tighten them so that they aren't machine torqued crazy. So far I have always been able to change my own tire, but I always worry one of the nuts won't loosen for me. Never thought about putting water on it....thanks for the tip Ernesto! I know PB Blast would work on those for sure. That stuff will loosen anything! And I agree the hardest part of changing the tire can be getting the tire out of the back of my Cherokee when it's loaded full of stuff! To all the fathers of daughters out there....please make your daughter change a tire so she knows how! Especially tell her where to safely put the jack, how to block the wheels and keep the vehicle from crushing her or making it impossible to get the jack back under it should it fall off. I like the idea of the spare under the vehicle...never thought of that one. Normally I never get under the vehicle changing the tire as I can usually manipulate the jack into position without crawling under, but it's always good to think about all the things that could go wrong changing a tire.
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to all!
  4. CouesWhitetail

    The Perfect Rib Roast

    Thanks for pulling up this old thread....Chef gave us so much great info and I am glad to have re-read this.
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Monday Monster

    I am so happy for you and your hunter Josh! What a great adventure that buck has been! Congratulations for making dreams come true!
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Free hunting magazines

    I would like to give away some hunting magazines that I have accumulated. I don't know exactly what I have, but some Western Hunter, Boone and Crockett Fair Chase, some ADA magazines and likely some others I am not thinking of. If someone is interested, email me your mailing address and I can get some out to you. If I find enough, maybe I can split them up between a few people. thanks!
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Free hunting magazines

    FYI my email is in my signature below the post. That's the best way to reach me.
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Vote for Best Spirit of the Hunt photo

    Cast your vote in the poll above the post details.
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Skunked On My Hunt But Still Got Horn

    Nice find!
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Ilene spoke with TJ this morning and he is doing fairly well, but extremely sore and bruised. He can't walk very well yet, but he was able to walk enough to convince the doctors last night to let him go home. Now starts the road to healing.
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    As Ilene mentioned, the CAT scan and MRI showed nothing broken and apparently they are not worried about internal bleeding anymore. But he is still in a lot of pain and very swollen from the trauma. Thanks to everyone for your prayers...I am sure TJ and Peg appreciate it!
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    LOL!! Stop you are going to make TJ laugh too hard and he is so sore that will really hurt!
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Wild Heritage Taxidermy

    I hope you have a great birthday and a great family Christmas!
  14. CouesWhitetail


    Welcome! I hope you find some great hunting partners out here!
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Checked some cams

    nice pics!
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Healthy recipes?

    I made a pumpkin smoothie last night that was yummy! 1 can pumpkin (unsweetened) 2 cups of almond milk (or regular milk or soy milk or whatever you like, could even use water) 1 over ripe banana (I used a frozen one) some pumpkin pie spice (or nutmeg/cinnamon as you wish) 1 to 2 TBS maple syrup (or whatever sweetener you like) 1 to 2 TBS chia seeds (optional...but adds nutrition and thickens it up if you let it sit) mix it all up in a blender and drink....very tasty and very filling....great as a desert or breakfast Lots of nutrition and surprisingly low on calories given how decadent it seems
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Monday Check in

    you are correct....but luckily I saved my old clothes and now they fit! yeah!
  18. CouesWhitetail

    She's at it again

    great find!
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Edible Arizona Plants

    My husband organizes the edible and medicinal plant tours at Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Superior. The lady that teaches some of those classes also wrote a book called Edible Plants of the Superstitions that you might like. You can get the book at the Arboretum. for more info https://ag.arizona.edu/bta/edibleplants.html Edible - Medicinal Desert Plants Walk Guided By Jean Groen December 28 ** at 1:30 PM - tour repeats December 28, Also January 10 - and January 25 with Tom McDonald Explore our Curandero Trail on a guided afternoon one-hour walk with Apache Junction author Jean Groen, sharing her knowledge about the ways native plants have fed, healed and clothed Sonoran desert peoples for more than one thousand years. Jean guides the walk Saturday December 13 and also Sunday December 28; again January 10 - and then Smiling Dog Landscapes owner Tom McDonald is our special guest tourguide January 25. ** Please note: this tour explores the Curandero Trail, which has steep sections that are not suitable for visitors who use wheelchairs or walkers. Read more about jojoba, creosote and prickly pears
  20. CouesWhitetail

    In memory of Woody Holloway

    I was so sorry to learn of his passing. You are right, Young won't be the same without him. What a trophy room he had!!
  21. CouesWhitetail


    Wow!! that is very cool!!
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Alright suckers, here it is..........

    This thread is from 6 years ago.....I don't understand why people reopen old threads....weird. I will close it.
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Polaris in Globe, AZ

    I passed a Polaris with a big CWT sticker on the front window... it was on the highway on the east end of Globe the other day....I waved!
  24. CouesWhitetail

    What are They???

    I would guess tree markers also.....