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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    @$#^%&*@ Camera thieves

    Python locks are a good option for locking your cam to a tree. You can get them in the CW store now. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/trail_cameras.htm Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Awesome day!

    Hey Casey, you gonna keep the skull from that badger? If not, save it for me so I can use in in educational presenations. Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Merry Christmas

    Very nice Doug! Merry Christmas everyone! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Awesome day!

    Cool badger!! Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail


    You guys crack me up. I like how there are over 20 replies and 1000 views of this thread that essentially has no content in it yet!! hehehe and the only participation by Grong has been to say he is sleeping!! LOL!! Wow, you guys are indeed a bunch of addicts! Come on Grong!!! They are going to pass out from excitement if you don't post up soon!! Amanda
  6. Hi All, AZPackhorse has made a very generous offer. As many of you know, he has built himself a security box for the scoutguard trail camera he has. And now he is offering a FREE security box to the next person who orders a scoutguard trail camera (either the camo version or regular green) from me. Woo-hoo, what a deal! Thanks Brian!! Brian will be camo painting the lockbox shown below. So it will have a nice paint job on it before it gets sent out. You can order a cam on this page: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/trail_cameras.htm here are the pics of his homemade security box:
  7. CouesWhitetail

    The Hunters became...

    Based on comparison of your pic to the AGFD aging guide, my guess is your lion was 10+ years old. Impressive! Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    AZ White Tail Bucks

    Very nice! Thanks for digging up the pic. Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail


    WOW!!!! So, give us the scoop please! Amanda
  10. Also, for those that have made donations, let me know if you would like me to send you a sticker. Some people want the large ones with the CouesWhitetail.com lettering and some like the smaller colored ones, but if you didn't put a note in with your donation, I will assume you don't want one. So if you do want one, send me an email and let me know. amanda@coueswhitetail.com http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/stickers.htm Thanks to all who have made donations!!! You guys have already covered the price of the additional 750GB internal harddrive I bought since I have run out of space and so I imagine the extra money will go toward getting a custom skin made for the forum for after Christmas or maybe toward the Coues Buck contest. Amanda
  11. I will see your $25.00 and up it $5.00 I will also provide a $50.00 gift certificate towards parts or 10% off on labor for the Coues contest. For you that don't know. I own a small RV Parts and Service Center in Payson. I have not been to a movie in 30 years but I bet it would cost close to that much for a couple and a couple of kids. Pretty cheap entertainment if you ask me. Thanks Mike, that's a very nice donation!! Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Great Scoutguard Trail Camera Deal

    Cool, thanks for posting the pics!! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Hunting Girl

    Hope you have a great birthday Hunting Girl!!! AManda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    You know you're addicted to coues when.....

    Wow, you got it bad!! Amanda
  15. Wow, that's very generous!! Let me know which way you go on that offer sometime before the end of Jan so we can add it to the contest prize list. I love that pedestal you did, it's gorgeous! Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Any Packers fans here?????

    No, I didn't....did someone hit you over the head with it?
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Any Packers fans here?????

    I don't know if we saw that house or not, but my husband just reminded me that someone near the stadium (looks like about where it shows that house in the video) had a billboard up thanking the packers for all the great times or something like that. Might have been that family that put it up. I had fun enjoying fried cheese curds and a drink at Curly's pub at the stadium. It was just so much fun being there!! So much football history is there. Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    Word screening

    I wonder if the new Christmas skin has changed some of the word filter settings? The new skin is about the only really recent change I have made. I can go look. Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Word screening

    I haven't added anything new in terms of profanity filters recently. You must just not swear very often, even in PMs. I don't even know if the forum allows us to have one filter for PMs and one for the main forum. But while we are on the subject, I sure would appreciate it if people not only didn't use profanity, but also didn't use the symbol substitutions (demonstrated so well by CouesNSheep in prior post, which by the way, I find amusing, but some just do not) as alternative ways to use profanity. I get complaints about it and the symbol substitution seems to be getting more common around here. It's kind of absurd to ban profanity but allow the symbol substitution stuff, so that's why I am asking to please just avoid profanity all together. Keep in mind we have families with kids that like to get on here. I sure appreciate everyone's cooperation and help with this. Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    Gino, I wasn't excluding you.....It's worse than that, I had you in, but had you at 3540! I will go switch it to 3450! Sorry. Everyone is free to double check the list and see if your number is on the board. Let me know if you see some kind of error. Amanda
  21. quote from one of the articles doug posted: "Antonini also found McClendon not guilty on his charge because the state did not provide sufficient evidence showing he directly gained financially from the hunt."
  22. CouesWhitetail

    OHV Tag Information

    Wow, you are fast!!! I just came to post it. Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Pretty pictures

    Wow, you guys never cease to amaze me!! We have some serious photographic talent around here!! Someday I would love to start making some sort of CW.com calendar using pics you guys take. I don't know how many people would be interested though.... Maybe a day planner is more useful than a wall calendar? How many of you guys would buy a CW day planner? Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    To help make it easier to keep track of guesses already claimed...here is the list so far: 522 589 662 675 777 789 819 834 852 952 955 981 988 1001 1009 1179 1180 1310 1336 1342 1401 1409 1414 1456 1458 1550 1605 1606 1680 1725 1728 1732 1781 1842 1854 1875 1904 1944 1950 1963 1973 1988 2008 2012 2077 2147 2205 2250 2349 2352 2400 2402 2456 2500 2636 2672 2733 2754 2835 2852 2900 3025 3027 3125 3250 3540 3650 3777 3846 4440 4498 4732 4750 4775 4860 4937 5040 5101 5341 5479 5888 5998 6104 8150 8270 8401 9001 14320