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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Spring its in the air!! Got Pics of it??? Post'em up!!

    Maybe these pics will warm-up some of you that are up north. Some flower pics from yesterday's hike into a trail cam. daisies: astragalus: poppies and lupine: Wild carrot: owl's clover
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Holy Side Rack, Batman!!

    Very nice Colton!! I can see why you were excited!! Thanks for posting Gino! Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Overnighter in Coues Country

    Excellent! Sounds like a good time. Nice find on that head. it sure can be depressing though when those "not so far on the map" hikes turn into deeper canyons than you expected! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Look only if you like brown bone........

    It's Prairie!! And I have plenty in stock!!! http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/tshirts.htm Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    White Moutain Apache

    Matthew is correct and it makes me sad.... Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail


    +1 !!! Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    i finally succeeded

    Lark, hope your shoulder comes out better than before! Keep us posted on your recovery.... Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Officials euthanize AZ jaguar

    The Research Branch is making your hunting opportunities better. The Arizona Deer Association and the AGFD research branch have been involved for the last three years doing research on the Kaibab. This research project is just finishing up, but you may recall AGFD just issued a press release suggesting that the cliffrose monitoring they were using as part of the decision making process regarding tag numbers was not reliable. Therefore, they are recommending to the commission to not use that data during this year's hunt recommendations when they set hunting permits for the Kaibab. This is research providing guidance to the game branch and the deer herd benefitting from it. There is much more research being done up there that will allow us to know more about the current state of the herd in relation to the winter range. This is all data that will allow for better management of the herd there. There are also other research projects such as the one in the three-bar wildlife area that focused on causes of fawn mortality and then there is the one that has been mentioned here studying lion and bear movements in the sky islands. All of these projects provide information so that game managers can make better informed decisions. Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail


    Welcome Dan, Got any pics to share? Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Small brown mulie set (Updated with more pics)

    Nice find! Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Video of Big Buck

    I agree with you Johnathan....it's amazing how beautiful these deer are! The more I see the other deer subspecies the more I appreciate the delicate beauty of these Coues deer. Amanda
  12. Hi All, You guys are gonna like this!!! I finally got a chance to upload some video of a big buck that I filmed while out with Steven Ward of Wards Outfitters (one of our sponsors) during the archery hunt. We were hunting an area with lots of private property, but we only had permission to hunt on one piece. There were two big bucks that were travelling the area looking for does and if they weren't on the huntable land, then we spent some time at least getting video of them (with permission of course). I filmed this big typical for several minutes, but the light was fading, so the video at the end is not so great. It was pretty dark when I reviewed it, so I used the software to lighten it up so you could see more, but it's still not high quality. But the beginning is good. Be patient, it's close to 4mins of video. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/video_clips/...ck_w_Steven.wmv Thanks Steven! Even though we didn't get a buck, I had a great time seeing those monsters with you. So, what do you guys think this buck will score? Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Look only if you like brown bone........

    360? That's the best set you have ever found? That ain't nothing!! Why don't you find some BIG elk! LOL!! Just kidding! Always great to see what you are finding out there Josh!! Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Unit 37B Water Project

    Anyone can go and help out. For directions to the site, just click on the link above. I hope to make it on Sat/Sun. FYI - dinner will be provided Sat night for everyone, so if you can RSVP with Ben, please do. If you can't, don't let that stop you from showing up. We need all the help we can get. Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Unit 37B Water Project

    This project is this weekend (Mar 13-15).....hopefully several of you will have time to come help out and have fun!! Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Weekend Finds

    Nice Dewey!! I agree, it always feels great to get out in the hills! Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Covert I

    You are welcome, Coues! Glad you are enjoying the cam. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    Lucky Find

    Great find!! Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Cartridge Collection

    Cool post GH. I don't collect them other than having ones for stuff I own, but yours is a neat collection. Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    short collection of video clips

    I didn't notice a bat on the deer clip, thought it was a moth? I guess I better rewatch it. I did have a bat on a javelina clip from that same set, but it comes in right at the end and didn't think it was worth posting. Also had one from a different spot coming out of the mine addit. I reset the trail cam in the addit this time and hope to get more of the bats. Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Take it or leave it

    AGFD recently clarified it's rules on this. Seems like yours would fit in the not fresh category since it's mostly exposed bone. R12-4-314. Pickup and Possessi on of Wildlife Parts A. For the purposes of this Section, the following definitions apply: 1. “Fresh” means the majority of a carcass or wildlife part that is not exposed dry bone and is comprised mainly of hair, hide, or flesh. 2. “Not fresh” means the majority of the carcass or wildlife part is exposed dry bone due to natural processes such as scavenging, decomposition, or weathering. B. If not in conflict with federal law, and notwithstanding any provision in Section R12?4?305 to the contrary, no license, permit, tag or stamp are required to pick up and possess naturally shed antlers and horns or parts of a wildlife carcass that are not fresh. C. If not contrary to federal law or regulation, an individual may only pick up and possess a fresh wildlife carcass or its parts under this Section if the individual notifies the Department and: 1. The wildlife carcass or its parts show no evidence of death or wounding from any device used to take wildlife; 2. The Department’s first report or knowledge of the carcass or its parts is voluntarily provided by the individual wanting to possess the carcass or its parts; 3. A Department law enforcement officer is able to observe the entire carcass and its parts at the site where the animal died in the same condition and location as when the animal was originally found by the individual wanting to possess the carcass or its parts; and 4. A Department law enforcement officer, using the officer’s education, training, and experience, finds no indication that the animal may have been taken unlawfully. The Department may require the finder to take the officer to the site where the animal carcass or parts were found if an adequate description or location cannot be provided to the officer. 5. The Department has no duty to confirm legality in the event of non-availability of a Department officer. D. If a Department law enforcement officer determines that the individual wanting to possess the carcass or its parts is authorized to do so under subsection ©, the officer shall issue a permit authorizing possession of the carcass or its parts. The permit shall contain: 1. A general description of the carcass or its parts; 2. The date of inspection; 3. Species of the wildlife carcass; 4. If applicable, horn or antler length and width, and points per side; and 5. A statement that the permit must remain with the carcass or its parts. E. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act regulates the pick-up and possession of migratory birds and their parts. The provisions of this Article and regulations promulgated under the Act apply to a person in possession of birds, feathers, other parts, eggs, and nests. F. Wildlife parts picked up and possessed from areas under control of jurisdictions that prohibit such activity are illegal to possess in this state.
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Another fox to add to the pile!

    I like when you guys include all those details like how fast he came in, number of stands, where he came from, etc. Neat info. What kind of caller where you using? What sounds? Amanda
  23. Hi Guys, So who is interested in going to the annual fundraising banquet for the AZ Deer Association on June 27 in Scottsdale. There will be great items for auction and due to the economy, it might be the best year to get a steal on lots of hunts and great gear. We will have an all gun raffle again this year since this was a HUGE hit last year. Will probably have 40 guns to raffle off. And of course we will have a live auction with some great hunts all over the world (Africa, Spain, US and more). Jason Lewis (aka foundryman) is donating another bronze to the ADA and that will be in the live auction. All kinds of neat stuff will be in the silent auction. So, who wants to go? I would love get two tables of 10 put together. Tickets will be $65 and include dinner and $200 of raffle tickets to split among a corporate table of 10. These are hard economic times and if you can swing it, please help support the ADA. Most all of the conservation groups are struggling with their banquets this year, so it's more important than ever to help out by attending if you can. The CouesWhitetail.com table always has a great time, so if you have never been, this is a great way to go with some fun people!! Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    The Arizona Deer Association Banquet - June 27

    Ok, so far we have 11 people that seem committed: Outdoor Writer - 2 Chef - 4 Ajohunter - 1 Cramerhunts - 2 Jeremy350 - 2 Anyone who wants to go should send me a check for the total ($65 per ticket). PM me for an address if we haven't already corresponded about it. Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday DesertBull!!

    Hope you have a great day!! Amanda