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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail


    I added the event to the calendar. Thanks for posting the info and pdf. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Bit by the Trail Cam Bug "Bigtime"

    Sure looks like a carp to me. Glad you are having fun with your cams Steve!! Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Sunset Crater

    Nice!! I always love the flowers! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    recent pics

    Nice to see those fawns surviving well! Nice coati too! Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    What's Up With The Signs

    Sounds like perhaps Steven is talking about access through private property to public land whereas Sunsetfarms is talking about people actually getting permission to hunt on his own property. I gotta say that Sunsetfarms point of view seems utterly reasonable to me Steven. Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    First Muley - Jacked For Sure!!!

    Thanks for sharing your hunt with us, that's awesome!! Good luck on the rest of your hunts this fall. Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Archery Elk Tag Found for 6A Archery

    Nice job trackin down the owner. Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    good day

    Nice job getting your 12 yr old all pumped up about bowhunting!! Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    trail camera

    Last I heard the company says they are supposed to get a big shipment of cams in on the 11th. If you want to place an order, feel free and I will put it in line to go out when the cams come out. Or just wait and I will make a post in the forum and on the trail cam sales page to let people know they are available again. Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    first buck

    Yowzer!! That's a great buck, congratulations! Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    First bobcat with a bow!

    Wow, nice trophy. Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    trail camera

    If you can afford it, then yes, they are worth it. They are just tons of fun and a great excuse to get out in the woods more often. They can give you a lot of info about the animals that are in the area you want to hunt, but I also really enjoy the pics I get of non-target animals too (birds, bobcats, spotted skunks, ringtail cats, javelina, etc). I check cams about every two weeks and generally I am putting cams out just for fun and not in areas that I plan to hunt. I put them in spots that make good dog walks so I can take the dogs out with me. Since I have to walk the dogs anyway, it might as well be on the way to check a trail cam. Battery life with the Coverts is really good. You can get a couple months out of them and perhaps more with lithium batteries. Depends on if you are doing pics or video though. Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    ***HOLY 2X2***

    Can't wait to see a smiling pic of your dad with that deer! Good luck! Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Monster Muley 236" 9x11 Down!!

    Dennis, As I mentioned earlier in this thread, anyone can view photos in this forum without becoming a member. Just log out and come back and click on a thread to see. The only time you have to become a member is to post or upload photos. If you are not seeing photos in a thread it could be that the person removed them. Sometimes that is why you might see a red X. But otherwise, unless there is something on your computer blocking the images, you can view any photo posted here without becoming a member. Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail


    Congatulations Tyler!! You guys look good together!! Amanda
  16. I put this cam out trying to get another look at the big 7x6 elk I got a pic of previously. Didn't see him (or did I??? see my post with the earlier pic of him below and let me know if you think it's the same bull), but the card filled in three days, so might have missed him. did get lots of other stuff including the cutest little WT fawns.
  17. CouesWhitetail

    '09 archery antelope hunt

    Sorry you didn't get him Jed, but I know you hunted hard and made some great memories!! Good luck on your elk hunt you lucky dog!! Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    Monster Muley 236" 9x11 Down!!

    Thanks for bringing him out of the woodwork Jade. Congratulations Elkhunter!! We hope to see some pics of you and your new bride enjoying hunting and fishing in the great state of AZ soon! Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail


    I wish AGFD allowed people to salvage roadkill (as I understand it they only allow the person who hit the deer to keep it, not someone who comes upon it later). It seems such a waste. Your rib roll recipe sounds great! Love the description of "swirled layers of greatness" Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Archery Antelope

    GREAT buck Dick!! I am so happy for you! That antelope does have some amazing character and I can imagine how hard it was staying in that blind in the heat. Don't think I could have done it. I hate hunting in the heat. But I love antelope meat and that sure is a fine trophy!! Congratulations! Hey, I don't remember getting any beach pics?? hehehehe Amanda
  21. CouesWhitetail

    **UPDATE!! * i need some prayers please *

    Wow, I feel for you. And I will pray for you. Constant pain is not something easily dealt with and it surely will wear on any relationship. I can't imagine giving up what you love, but perhaps you can just find a way to do it that isn't so hard on your body. Hunt smarter somehow. Smaller mountains, ground blinds, something that can get you out but not be so hard on your joints. Let your friends help you more by carrying some of your gear or packing out more of the animal. There is no shame in leaning on friends. Just remember, most everyone loves to help someone and you are just giving them the opportunity to help. It's hard to accept that help sometimes, but think about all the times you gave someone help and how it made you feel; it's a good feeling isn't it? Hang in there! Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail


    Very cool memorial in the hills. Must be tough losing a father so young. I look forward to the memorial to him on this site. Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Last Weekend

    Hope you meet your goal!!! Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    2009 archery success

    Outstanding!! Congratulations and good luck with the elk!! Amanda
  25. Nice memories for sure! Thanks for posting the pics. Amanda