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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Payson Outfitters

    Awesome!! Good to hear! Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Got lucky!!!

    Awesome!! Thanks for sharing your story and pics Chris!! Nice shirt!! Maybe you need to get a CouesWhitetail.com shirt if that one ever wears out Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    2010 Sonoran Coues....

    Wow! Excellent write-up and photos! Can't wait to see Alberto's buck! Welcome! Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    What triggered camera?

    Usually blank pics are from plants blowing in the wind or fast moving critters (birds, squirrels, bats, etc). You can use a program like photoshop elements or perhaps even MS Paint to change the light. You can then brighten dark areas to see if there is an animal or not. Doesn't always make it a great pic, but you can usually tell what it was. I agree these cams are fun and addicting! Just went and checked some of my own cams today. Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Does Size Matter?

    Thanks Jim!! Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Another great Mexico year

    Awesome!! Thanks for your write-up. Great bucks, and love the stuck in the mud pic. I also was thinking of Coues Sniper's quest for a 100" 2 point while hunting in Mexico. I think I found a perfect ranch for your quest Coues Sniper, we saw a ton of 2 points and some pushing 100. But they didn't have the character of Bases!! Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    Suasage Mix

    cuz I am stupid...... I didn't think of it until just now. I better go add them. Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Suasage Mix

    here is a Sage/Brandy breakfast sausage I make: 4 lbs meat (again usually 50-50 pork butt to game meat) 1 TBS sugar 1 TBS salt 1 TBS paprika 2 TBS red pepper 2 TBS sage (sometimes I use more) 2 TBS thyme (sometimes I don't have and it's fine if you skip it) 1/2 tsp allspice (definitely adds complexity to the flavors) 2/3 cup brandy (or water)
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Suasage Mix

    here is what I do for an Italian Sweet Fennel sausage. Husband LOVES it, as do I! 4lbs meat - I do 50% or less pork butt mixed with 50% game meat 1/2 cup dry wine (optional, can use water if you like) 4 cloves garlic - minced (can use more if you like) 2 TBS fennel seeds (I use 4 TBS!!, but do it to your liking) 1 TBS fresh ground pepper 4 tsp salt 1 tsp dried oregano (I usually use alot more) 1/8 tsp ground allspice (this adds a neat flavor)
  10. CouesWhitetail

    A DREAM START TO 2010....

    Great bucks and looks like an oustanding bunch of bucks on the wall too!! Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Congratulations Jeff

    Congratulations Jeff!! How about a pic of you accepting the award?? Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    I really really like Mexico...

    Awesome!! love the story and great bucks!! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Does Size Matter?

    I asked Jim Heffelfinger and he said he has measured hundreds of hooves of both WT and MD, but hasn't analyzed the data. He may be able to get us a graph of the data to show. Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Selfbow huntN (anyone on here).

    Post pics! Sounds cool! Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Gage's 124 7/8 gross AZ Coues

    Wow, great buck!! Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    My First Coues Deer

    Outstanding!! Love the sticker pic and all the smiles!! Congratulations on your fine buck! Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail


    Awesome!! I love these "year in review" posts. Lots of great memories!! Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    150" WMAT Coues

    Real rack goes with real cape. Replicas can use other capes. Why do it any other way? and of course, I recommend you give one of the replicas to CouesWhitetail.com Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Does Size Matter?

    I like this idea! I will come up with some hoof measurement standard before the seasons for next year's contest. Thanks Eric. Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    20c GW lost his brother

    Wow, sorry to hear it. Hope he and his family can cope with the loss. Amanda
  21. From AZ Sportsmen for Wildlife: AZSFW Fights to Save AZGFD Funding I know many of you are aware of the current fight we are in to save funding for the Arizona Game & Fish Department. This year Arizona's deficit is far worse than it was last year and the situation is becoming more desperate with the Governor and Legislature taking funds from any and all available sources. All state agencies, including the AZGFD are going to take a hit, and to think otherwise is foolish. What we must do is work to keep the loss of funding to an absolute minimum and keep the loss of certain funds from becoming permanent. I have seen more email notices and alerts in the past week than I have ever seen for any similar issue. Kudos goes to those of you who are responding to this latest threat to AZGFD funding. Some of your messages have had the desired effect; the effort to sweep all Heritage Fund monies for the foreseeable future is no longer on the table. One of the six bills introduced yesterday as part of the Governor's Special Session Call to the Legislature (SB 1004 state lottery; authorization) contains provisions to preserve game and fish and parks as beneficiaries of lottery funds. This proves our united voice is invaluable to the Department as they seek to keep the agency intact. In difficult times the stress of the issues sometimes opens the door for even more threats. I would like to mention a persistent rumor that has been circulating; an effort to consolidate some state agencies into a Department of Natural Resources. Combining the AZGFD with the State Land Department and the State Parks Department is completely unacceptable and must be aggressively opposed. This consolidation would only weaken the AZGFD and not solve the problems of State Land and Parks Departments. Those of you who were around when former Governor Symington and his staff attempted a similar move, remember how quickly diverse constituents came together to immediately stop the effort. That uneasy coalition was extremely effective working together on a very narrowly defined threat. Today, if it were necessary, I'm not sure those same folks could come together to save the AZGFD. It appears some might have a motive to combine the agencies! The argument being touted as a reason to establish a DNR is that funds could be saved by eliminating multiple administrations. From my perspective as sportsmen this would be a disaster. Why would anyone want to dismantle the only state agency that pays its own way and burden it with two agencies that have almost no funding and who struggle to fulfill their missions? One motive I can think of is a great concern; such as diminishing the partnership between the AZGFD and it's main funding source, Arizona sportsmen and women. Another concern is that it could allow AZGFD funds to be siphoned off to aid the State Land and Parks Departments. Given a little more time, I believe we could provide a list long enough to stop any right-minded person from pursuing such a merger. We will be vigilant in our effort to monitor any effort to change the structure and mission of the AZGFD. Hopefully bringing this issue out of the shadows will go a long way toward stopping any such effort. However, if this same discussion persists, look for more updates in the future! In the meantime what do we need to do? Tremendous pressure is being brought to bear on everyone in state government. Other constituent groups are fighting as we are to save very important funding for children's health, education, transportation, etc. Some very difficult choices will have to be made and we need to maintain a working relationship with all of those who will make those decisions. Please refer to the article below to see how you can support SB 1004. For specific information on current threats to AZGFD funding, go to azgfd.gov Pete Cimellaro Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Call Your Legislators Today and Ask Them to Support SB 1004 As mentioned in the previous article, the concept of reauthorizing the lottery beyond its current termination date of July 1, 2012 and re-directing net proceeds to the state's general fund has taken a turn for the better. After hearing from affected stakeholders, that concept seemingly has been rejected in favor of continuing existing apportionment of lottery funds to current beneficiaries including the Arizona Game & Fish Department and State Parks. SB 1004, in reauthorizing the lottery, will preserve the ability for the Game and Fish Department and State Parks to each remain eligible for up to $10 Million in lottery proceeds annually. This bill is now rapidly moving through the legislative process having passed out of Senate Natural Resource earlier today with a 7-0 vote. It is important that you contact your legislators today, both Senate and House members, and ask them to support reauthorization of the lottery with the current list of beneficiaries, which includes the Game & Fish Department. Email or Call today and ask for support of SB 1004. Remember, Be Courteous and Respectful. Even though we may disagree with prior funding sweeps it is important that we show appreciation for the pressure the Legislature is under to find solutions to eradicate the state's budget deficit. http://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster.asp?Body=S to find your legislator, http://az.gov/app/govinfo/
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Goulds Fan Mount

    It does look great. I like the spurs in it. Congratulations! Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Payson Outfitters

    Awesome!! Thank you Eric!! hope some members take you up on that offer! Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    2010 January archery successes!

    My archery Javelina, Jan 1 2010. Didn't get out for deer this Jan. and I got to help Muley62's son get a javelina a few days later:
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Why Hunt?

    I attended the Hunting Heritage Workgroup meeting this last Sat in Tucson. They played this video and I thought it was really worth sharing with you all. Sometimes I think we all find it difficult to verbalize why we hunt and yet still can say we love the deer we are pursuing. Watch the video and let me know what you think. The video was created by the CA Waterfowl Association. Link to the Video: I think AGFD will likely be making a similar one that is AZ specific. Enjoy!!