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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. Haven't drawn the name yet, so I don't know!! When I do the drawing, I will shoot out an email to everyone that entered it, so you all know. Amanda
  2. Funny Clay!!! Think you can call in a coyote wearing a pink shirt? Takes a real man to do that!! Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    SB1200 HR2189

    If I didn't say it already, I support the bill. It allows those of us who support the AGFD the most (both financially and by volunteer hours) to have the most influence on who gets on the commission. Amanda
  4. We worked on some designs for ladies shirts too Your daughters will make you buy them for them!! Ask them their opinion on these: black camo with pink lettering: http://www.customink.com/lab/?cid=16292369-575806 pink nightmare (as my husband calls it ) http://www.customink.com/lab/?cid=16290355-575806 pink with gray lettering: http://www.customink.com/lab/?cid=16301383-575806
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Nephew's First Big Game!

    Congratulations!! Nice write-up and I love the last pic!! Made me smile! We had javelina backstrap and javelina tacos this week....great stuff!! Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Oryx hunt (off range)

    Awesome!! Congratulations to your son! Thanks for sharing his story with us. Nice shooting and I wish I lived out by you guys so I could share some of that Oryx meat with you!! It is great stuff! Love this part of your story!!! Classic! "SO needless to say I was very excited(little sad since I wasnt there) and was late finishing my am patients since I had to run around the office yelling "My son killed an oryx! My son killed an oryx! ... Wanna see a picture!(which they saw regardless if they said yes or no)" Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    E-Call Recommendation

    I am happy to announce that Mark Healy of Wildlife Callers just signed up as a sponsor of CouesWhitetail.com. He will be registering soon with a forum account and can answer questions from you guys about the call he sells. In the meantime, check out his website: http://www.wildlifecallers.com/
  8. CouesWhitetail


    Looks good. Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Added the two deer on the ends....

    But do you have one on your computer at your shop? Clay does.... Clay is not a well person and me thinks the computer pic is photo shopped. It does look photoshopped doesn't it? I need to drop by his shop and see.... Amanda
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Slow around here

    Hey Tyson, Nice finds!! Just curious what makes you think it was a lion kill? Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Interesting chase

    hehehe! Wow, I can picture that "he looked at me like I was some kind of idiot" LOL. You think he could have just said thanks I got it covered. Oh well, at least you offered. Hope the chase ends well. Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Desert Bull

    Hope you get to be outside scouting/hunting/etc today!! Happy Birthday! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    ISE Dock Dogs

    At the ISE show this past weekend, there was a pool of water where you could bring your dog to jump into and play. They also had competitions for the dogs. I videotaped some of it. It was lots of fun to watch and I thought you all might enjoy it. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/video_clips/ISE_dock_dogs.wmv Enjoy! Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Added the two deer on the ends....

    Oh and he has one on his gun safe too.....
  15. CouesWhitetail

    SB1200 HR2189

    John (BonuspointJohn) is current president of the AZ Deer Association and serves on a number of boards for the other conservations groups. He is asking for input from sportsmen/women here so that he can take that information to the state legislature on MONDAY. So if you want your vote represented there, please vote by Sunday! Thanks. Amanda here is some more info on the bill from AZ Sportsmen for Wildlife. SPORTSMEN'S ACTION NETWORK Newsletter March 1, 2010 ______________________________________________________ OUR MISSION: To make Arizona sportsmen an effective force in determining political, legislative, educational and administrative issues that promote wildlife, wildlife habitat, and continuation of our hunting and fishing traditions. Protect Our Hunting Heritage by Supporting SB1200 and HB2189! Dear Arizona Sportsmen and Sportswomen, Your assistance is needed to help Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife secure the passage of HB 2189 sponsored by Rep. Jerry Weiers and SB 1200 sponsored by Sen. John Nelson. The passage of these identical bills will provide sportsmen with a stronger voice in the future selection of Game and Fish Commissioners by establishing a Game and Fish Commission Appointment Selection Board. The Board will be comprised of five members including three sportsmen representatives, one representative from the ranching/cattle industry and one public member or a member of a non-game organization, ensuring that sportsmen representation will be proportional to the contribution they make to fund the Game and Fish Department. The Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife are opposing the bill, so it will likely be a very close vote in the House and the Senate. Please call your legislator today and ask them to support the bill. The importance of this bill cannot be understated. Remember, it only takes three of the five Game and Fish Commission members to totally change the direction of the Department on issues of importance to sportsmen, and to our hunting and fishing heritage. Call or email your legislator today. We urge you to contact the Senators and Representatives listed at the bottom of this email. A copy of the House bill with amendments that will be attached on the floor is also shown below. Thank you for your assistance. If you have questions please call Suzanne or Casey at 602-712-1121. Respectfully, Art Pearce Chairman, AZSFW Legislative Committee
  16. CouesWhitetail


    Looks good. I like the elk antler too. Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Picked Up A Truckload Of Browns!

  18. CouesWhitetail

    Added the two deer on the ends....

    But do you have one on your computer at your shop? Clay does....
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Added the two deer on the ends....

    I can get them in Black. Do you need it to be bigger than 30 inches for your toyhauler? Maybe measure an area and let me know, then just order one and include a note that you want it in black. If you can't include the note, just shoot me an email to remind me when you order it. And just an fyi for all, I can get them in most any color. White is the standard, but black, blue, red, etc are doable. Can't do camo....sorry. Thanks. Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Added the two deer on the ends....

    Looks GREAT to me!! perfectly straight. Nicely done! Thanks for the pic. Amanda
  21. Thank you for coming and posting that! People were just debating that recently on here, as you probably are aware. Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    easy scoutin, tough huntin! 2010 rifle pig

    Congratulations!!! Not sure why I didn't see this post until today, but thanks for posting the story and all those pics! Fun to get to go along with you! Amanda
  23. CouesWhitetail

    trail cam?

    Personally, instead of the bear box, I go with the Tree60 camera mount, which is small and lightweight but gives you the ability to mount the camera in unusual places where people won't look for a trail cam. With a standard camera everyone tends to strap them to the best tree about 4 feet up. With the Tree60 camera mount you can put the camera higher or lower and put it on smaller stuff like logs/branches because it has a ball head built in so you can angle the camera. I am a big believer in working hard to hide the camera rather than putting it somewhere obvious with a lock on it. Amanda here is an example of being able to put it on roots in a creek bank
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Have a Great day Mrs125Coues!

    I hope Mark is doing something nice for your bday!! Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Think you had a bad day?

    Yes, it's a screech owl. Cool pics. Amanda